Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Snow=precipitation at mountain top(dry, storm, wet seasons). Unavailable at hot season (currently).

Weekly super7 gives you Super Wheelspin.
I only played the game for 30 minutes last night so I can't really offer a valid review, but I was running the game on the "low" graphics setting and was a bit alarmed at the jagged edges, decals and the environment. The side of the volcano looked awful, the headlights of the Ford Bronco looked more like octagons than circles, and the decals on my character's t-shirt where very fuzzy. I'll try to run it on a higher setting but if it doesn't work then whatever. At least I can play it on a PS5 controller. (I bought the game on Steam)
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Still unable to find any Seasonal Playground Games lobbies, is anyone else having trouble with this? When I select to join it, it gives a timer for the event starting but never gets past the ’Finding a Seasonal Playground Games session’.
Yeah, I also use the Hoonigan RS200 but with DJS’ stunt tune. It completely trivializes PR stunts and it’s excellent for skill point grinding.
Aha, that's where I was going wrong. I was using his rally tune and getting nowhere. Forgot he had two tunes up :lol:

Anyway I blew all my cash on Hotel Castillo so it's time for me to call it a day. Oddly enough the game forgot I'd redeemed my free Welcome Pack house Lugar Tranquilo so when I "bought" it for free again it registered seven houses purchased and gave me the Mogul accolade and an LP570 Superleggera, even though I haven't bought the Buena Esperanza house yet.
Is there no way to create your own event restrictions like you were on FH4, or is it just because I'm in the intro? I'm on the first circuit race and I'd like to make it more than 3 laps but I see no options whatsoever.
Does anyone know how to mute yourself in game? I'll be in a xbox party chat on pc but my voice will go through the party and game.
Does anyone know how to mute yourself in game? I'll be in a xbox party chat on pc but my voice will go through the party and game.
Settings -> Audio -> Turn off the microphone
I haven't played in English, so the item names may be different, but there is a microphone settings item at the bottom of the audio tab.
Managed to get Hall of Fame tonight. Still have tons to do, but doesn't feel that much of an achievement considering I haven't done any of the monster sized races yet.

That being said, I have no doubt that the first major patch is going to close the loophole of being able to refund Car Mastery points via removing cars from your garage. Because yeah, an afternoon/evening of doing the hot grinding strat of using a Formula D car, snaking down the abandoned airfield runway, banking skill points and then buying a metric ton of Willys Jeeps and grabbing the super Wheelspins lead me to getting this wonderful message this morning when I logged in:

Managed to get Hall of Fame tonight. Still have tons to do, but doesn't feel that much of an achievement considering I haven't done any of the monster sized races yet.

That being said, I have no doubt that the first major patch is going to close the loophole of being able to refund Car Mastery points via removing cars from your garage. Because yeah, an afternoon/evening of doing the hot grinding strat of using a Formula D car, snaking down the abandoned airfield runway, banking skill points and then buying a metric ton of Willys Jeeps and grabbing the super Wheelspins lead me to getting this wonderful message this morning when I logged in:

I hadn’t heard of this, what’s the loophole?
I hadn’t heard of this, what’s the loophole?
Basically, every time you sell a car in the Auction House, you are supposed to get a refund of the Car Mastery points you spent on it after it has sold. The thing is, the massive amount of Car Mastery points I received in a refund all came from the Willys Jeeps I bought for the grind strat, and they all came from simply removing the cars from my garage. I dunno about you, but that doesn't seem right. I'll probably do it some more tomorrow and then stop, because I am well set for money if I ever decide to cash the Car Mastery points in.
They will end up doing something with the Willys too, it’s basically a non-stop wheelspin and money making machine the way it is. I used about 100 mastery points on the Jeeps, and ended up gaining about 10 driver levels, 5-6 million credits and a bunch of cars. I wasn’t aware they refunded the mastery points though, that makes it even crazier.
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They will end up doing something with the Willys too, it’s basically a non-stop wheelspin and money making machine the way it is. I used about 100 mastery points on the Jeeps, and ended up gaining about 10 driver levels, 5-6 million credits and a bunch of cars. I wasn’t aware they refunded the mastery points though, that makes it even crazier.
I have my doubts on whether they'll patch the Willys itself, considering there was, IIRC, a similar thing with a Porsche in FH4, but yeah, it is an absolute piss-easy way of getting money, and with the potential of removing them from your garage and getting refunds, it's basically going to set me for the rest of the game's life if I do it hard again before it gets patched in any way. I'll have to test to see if the refunds are just a one time thing, or if they can be replicated, because a friend of mine in a Discord server I'm in was doing this grinding strat hard before I did, and he literally logged onto Forza after I posted that screenshot, and he didn't get a refund from doing more or less the same thing I did.

I do have to admit, the grind is made better by the fact that drifting is actually fun now and has some visceral reactions with the new tire and smoke effects. Hell, I've probably had the most amount of fun drifting in this game since I did playing the original GRID.
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I have my doubts on whether they'll patch the Willys itself, considering there was, IIRC, a similar thing with a Porsche in FH4, but yeah, it is an absolute piss-easy way of getting money, and with the potential of removing them from your garage and getting refunds, it's basically going to set me for the rest of the game's life if I do it hard again before it gets patched in any way. I'll have to test to see if the refunds are just a one time thing, or if they can be replicated, because a friend of mine in a Discord server I'm in was doing this grinding strat hard before I did, and he literally logged onto Forza after I posted that screenshot, and he didn't get a refund from doing more or less the same thing I did.

I do have to admit, the grind is made better by the fact that drifting is actually fun now and has some visceral reactions with the new tire and smoke effects. Hell, I've probably had the most amount of fun drifting in this game since I did playing the original GRID.
I haven’t gotten any refunds yet, but I haven’t restarted my game yet. I already have finished all the races, only have a couple more stories to finish, and a few more PR stunts, so it’s not like it’s going to ruin the game for me.

I actually found out about it around two hours ago from an article by PC Gamer lol:

Apparently a lot of people are gifting the Willy’s to other players when they are done with them.
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I know that there was a video posted during the early access weekend that basically outlined the basics of this strat, but used the GR Supra instead of the Willys, ostensibly because the Auction House is basically flooded with cheap starters, but most people shifted to buying the GR Supra from the Autoshow, and now the Willys because it's 20 grand cheaper.
Apparently a lot of people are gifting the Willy’s to other players when they are done with them.
I have to admit, the car gifting system is really good for that sort of paying it forward. If I'm getting good cars that I already got from wheelspins, then I'll just gift drop them for new players and tell them to have a good car off the bat. Yeah, it's not doing any favors on making Horizon absolutely easy to get cars from the jump, but hey, it's better then trying to wring out credits in the Auction House when basically no car except maybe the Jesko, the Vulcan AMR Pro (though that's probably going to change considering it's a Accolade reward for hitting level 125, I believe) and the Sesto FE has any sort of value, and deleting the car from your garage doesn't give you anything.

I still want private auctions, though if they add the ability to Gift Drop vehicles to friends as well at some point, that'd be a good substitute.
Still unable to find any Seasonal Playground Games lobbies, is anyone else having trouble with this? When I select to join it, it gives a timer for the event starting but never gets past the ’Finding a Seasonal Playground Games session’.
I got in on one last night. It took a long wait though. The servers seem to be a bit slow.

Barn alerts show up on your Map as purple circles. I had like 2 or 3 of them, but was preoccupied with other tasks. Now they don't show up on my map any more. What? They go away if you don't go find them right away ?
Barn alerts show up on your Map as purple circles. I had like 2 or 3 of them, but was preoccupied with other tasks. Now they don't show up on my map any more. What? They go away if you don't go find them right away ?
I don’t know what’s up with the Barn Finds, it shows I still have 7 more to get, but I haven’t had any new ones pop up in the last 3 days. I also was supposed to get a barn find with one of the houses, and never did.
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any idea why the Delorean is popping up in auction house before series 1 playlist even started? Manage to get one for 63k last night though.
simple. people going offline and changing their clocks to get it early (dont do this u can get a ban. happened to me)

gl getting it early through auction house they sell extremely quick

I don’t know what’s up with the Barn Finds, it shows I still have 7 more to get, but I haven’t had any new ones pop up in the last 3 days. I also was supposed to get a barn find with one of the houses, and never did.
same issue. got all but one. (thats the escort...)
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I don’t know what’s up with the Barn Finds, it shows I still have 7 more to get, but I haven’t had any new ones pop up in the last 3 days. I also was supposed to get a barn find with one of the houses, and never did.
same issue. got all but one. (thats the escort...)
I've got all my Barn Finds. Just waiting for the
Ferrari 250 GTO
to be finished. I've been doing almost no racing. I have been doing the stories like Vocho, the photography one, and Lucha de Carreteras. That kept generating prompts to upgrade the festivals and now they're all maxed out. The barn finds were coming in one after the other while doing the stories. Maybe that's what triggers it?
I've got all my Barn Finds. Just waiting for the
Ferrari 250 GTO
to be finished. I've been doing almost no racing. I have been doing the stories like Vocho, the photography one, and Lucha de Carreteras. That kept generating prompts to upgrade the festivals and now they're all maxed out. The barn finds were coming in one after the other while doing the stories. Maybe that's what triggers it?
seems like it. friend of mine told me the same thing. got them by doing stories.
simple. people going offline and changing their clocks to get it early (dont do this u can get a ban. happened to me)

gl getting it early through auction house they sell extremely quick
That, or Playground are watching the auctions and banning the accounts while they're still on the market.
I created an event, check it out. It's at the Colossus, "Japan esta en Mexico", Japan cars, S1. Traffic is ON, and the weather is Clear. There was an option for Rules, aparently you can set up consequences if certain 'things' happen. I couldn't figure it out so I just left it alone. Overall a really nice run, point to point. 30 something miles, lots of turns, competition was good, and the traffic was a fair amount. This is a big improvement. I hated the traffic in FH4, which always seemed like "heat seeking missiles" out to ruin your good time. Here, you can see the cars and avoid them while navigating the other racers and minding the gates. A much more pleasurable racing experience. And you're much less apt to throw your controller at your TV in frustration. I am liking the racing much more in FH5!