Forza Horizon Rally Expansion Pack

Well I could pursue the same argument: how do you that they are not withholding content?
In dubio pro reo.

However this will lead us no where. As a safe rule I only buy DLC 3 months after the game has released. I have noticed more and more publishers having day one, month one dlc and to me its nothing but a cash grab.
A developer could very well stop working on the game once it goes gold, withhold some of the content and release it half a year later. Doesn't change a thing, does it?

DLC is optional so there is no point being upset about the quality of it.
If you are used to high quality DLC that offers good value for its price, it's a set back. Nobody likes setbacks, right? Getting new cars every month was great and well worth the money. It's a shame that we're not getting the same value and quality anymore, which will make it harder to justify such a purchase.

Are you saying you would blame PD of withholding content from the launch of the game? I find that statement ludicrous. PD have been regularly patching and updating GT5 for free and through the process have added many new features.
My take on it was that he would be blaming PD for releasing the same cars as DLC with just minor tweaks. Which they've done numerous times.

Not to mention GT5's DLC came 1 year after its launch.
Given how 'fast' PD seems to work, I'd consider that to be quite possible, actually :P

Why would a company withhold its content for 1 year when its active player base will only be getting smaller.
First off, selling new stuff early doesn't maximize sales. You usually want to refresh a product once the sales start to decline severly, which, in GT5's case, likely wasn't as early as it would be for Forza. Manufacturers facelifting their cars somewhere in the middle of the production run is a good example for this.

There are also different strategies that could be followed here: Try to sell as much DLC early on to get some cash in real fast, or try to release the DLC bit by bit in order to keep the game alive. The DLC made you play GT5 for several additional months, for example. Releasing the DLC earlier isn't unlikely to reduce the effectiveness of such measures.

What strategy to follow, though, depends on the game and the audience. PD seemingly tries to bind its players to their product, keep the product fresh and updated to stay competitive - which they have to, given that the development cycles for GT are quite a bit longer than for the competition. T10/PG are trying to keep their games alive for about a year, or two at most, until the next installment of the franchise is ready. Splitting the content up about the course of multiple years would, therefore, not make much sense.

One thing to keep in mind is that there are no "good guy companies". They're all after your money, nothing else. They just go about getting it in different ways. T10/PG by trying to make you buy as much of their stuff as possible, PD by trying to not make you by other companies' stuff.

I also appreciate PD allowing players to enjoy new DLC tracks for free online for an entire week. Many companies will see that move as a negative as players may no longer want to buy the track after playing on it for so long.
T10 gave one car out of every pack to every player free of charge. Personally, I think that should be appreciated just as much.
T10 gave one car out of every pack to every player free of charge. Personally, I think that should be appreciated just as much.

Indeed. It's annoying to hear the constant outcry of "PD gives us free cars" and have this fact swept conveniently under the rug. T10 gave us a new free car every month, and there wasn't a 75% chance of it being another GT-R variant.
I said I'd blame GT5 for something similar, stop stealing my ideas! :lol:

Although, at the same time... I still find this to be better than anything GT5 has done.

Not true!!!

Perfect example: SPA DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aside from that, FM4 has the leg up on DLC in my book. Single use paint chips have to be the worst of the lot though... But this FH DLC that's already from FM4 is not helping....
Hmm, good news: Mitch has confirmed over on the official website that this car pack will be included in LCE copies of the game.

Handy (though much like FM4, it means LCE folks make off with a bit less of a good deal when purchasing the Season Pass compared to the regular game).
Ah, that clears up any confusion then. And we get one more car than it originally said!
Are you saying you would blame PD of withholding content from the launch of the game? I find that statement ludicrous. PD have been regularly patching and updating GT5 for free and through the process have added many new features.

Not to mention GT5's DLC came 1 year after its launch. Why would a company withhold its content for 1 year when its active player base will only be getting smaller. Surely they would want to release near the launch to get a greater income.

I also appreciate PD allowing players to enjoy new DLC tracks for free online for an entire week. Many companies will see that move as a negative as players may no longer want to buy the track after playing on it for so long.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that PD launched a broken game with GT5 and spent the year patching and fixing the issues throughout. Then they finally released DLC which was a mixture of pretty cool to pretty much crap. Single use paint chips??? lmao!!! TCs are race mods of cars already in the game just dubbed 'Touring Cars', as in fictional race variants of street cars in every way that a RM was to a Golf 4, Chevy Camaro and the like.. I won't get into the rest because I bought most of the DLC for that game. PD didn't have Motegi to play for free online, only Kart Space and Spa. And yes it was nice to do that. I just wish that FM4 got a single track DLC.

But that's all for the vs threads really. This thread is about Forza Horizon Rally Expansion Pack... So try to remain on topic. I know it must be hard for you to keep GT5 or some type of Forza hatred out of your posts :P

Hmm, good news: Mitch has confirmed over on the official website that this car pack will be included in LCE copies of the game.

Handy (though much like FM4, it means LCE folks make off with a bit less of a good deal when purchasing the Season Pass compared to the regular game).

OK I think I'm getting lost a bit now... So these 6 cars are freebies to LCE owners? I preordered a standard version. What free game content do LCE owners get? These 6 cars and??
Not really sure what all the fuss is about. Rally pack will quite literally expand the game.

Think about it, if they are promising bigger air, larger ruts and more surfaces, that would indicate either more of the map being opened up or an area being added to the map. Unless the expansion physically modifies the existing map, it would be pointless, no?

Aside from all this we get more cars to spray about in Forza Horizon and I welcome that. The Apollo Enraged might be an evolution of the Gumpert, but Jesus, 780hp and 1175kg really lift it into hypercar territory. That and the '57 Chevy, tuning the balls off of it and hooning about supercar hunting on the open road is going to be amazing.

Regardless of what arguments DLC for Horizon causes it's still going to expand the game and will be a totally different experience from FM4. I think some of you need to sit back and get some perspective, this isn't FM5 so there isn't any real reason to think the pattern of release or content of the DLC will be necessarily similar to the FM franchise.

I'll just repeat that again. This isn't FM5
Not really sure what all the fuss is about. Rally pack will quite literally expand the game.

Think about it, if they are promising bigger air, larger ruts and more surfaces, that would indicate either more of the map being opened up or an area being added to the map. Unless the expansion physically modifies the existing map, it would be pointless, no?

Aside from all this we get more cars to spray about in Forza Horizon and I welcome that. The Apollo Enraged might be an evolution of the Gumpert, but Jesus, 780hp and 1175kg really lift it into hypercar territory. That and the '57 Chevy, tuning the balls off of it and hooning about supercar hunting on the open road is going to be amazing.

Regardless of what arguments DLC for Horizon causes it's still going to expand the game and will be a totally different experience from FM4. I think some of you need to sit back and get some perspective, this isn't FM5 so there isn't any real reason to think the pattern of release or content of the DLC will be necessarily similar to the FM franchise.

I'll just repeat that again. This isn't FM5

In the end, though, how much someone gets out of DLC is subjective. It all comes down to personal opinion on what is worth buying and what isn't. You may feel that these cars will add enough to the game that they're worth paying money for, but not everyone will feel the same way.

Forza Horizon may be a different experience, but if I can already drive most of these cars in FM4 without paying a penny, it's hard for me to justify buying them again. This may not be Forza Motorsport, but it's still Forza. Just my personal opinion.
So an area is to be added or opened via DLC?
I'm mixed about that. I remember buying Nurb GP on F3 and online was dead on that track.
Whilst its nice to have new areas does the single player benifit?
The Nurb GP was useless unless you were online. Arcade mode only allowed 2 laps and online was dead.

They run a risk of fragmenting the online community by offering sections of track as DLC. Especially as early as this.
OK I think I'm getting lost a bit now... So these 6 cars are freebies to LCE owners? I preordered a standard version. What free game content do LCE owners get? These 6 cars and??

LCE owners will get the VIP pack (Huayra, Agera, R8 GT, etc etc), and apparently a specially-liveried version of this Day 1 Pack. This pack, from my understanding, is a bonus to everybody who picks up the first production run of Horizon.

...I think. Don't quote me on that.

(EDIT) - Nitpicking, I know, but does it bother anyone else that the 8C Spider is listed as a 2012?
Not sure how I feel about this, par the Rally pack. That sounds great, but also very little released about it.

The Day 1 Pack has some great cars in it, & I'll admit now I'm buying the Aventador J. But, I completely understand folk's criticism of it as they really are cars T10/PG already had modeled or just another variation. I'm guessing the option of buying cars separately has returned (or has that been denied officially?), in which case, I may just pick up the Lamborghini & the Ferrari. But, the catch is of course that every pack in FM4 had that 1 car you had to buy the whole pack to get & it was usually the fastest/most popular car in which case, would probably be the Aventador-J with my luck. But, still a good pack, so I'd probably spring for it.

This all again, assuming the "buy cars separately" option has even returned. If not, then yeah, I'll be getting the whole pack then.

The 1 thing I don't like is the Season Pass Exclusive cars & at the same time, it's for a selfish reason. :P If $60 includes all 6-month DLC, plus the Rally Pack, & 6 exclusive cars, I may just spring for it. The problem is, I don't really want to judging by a couple of the packs in FM4 I passed on completely & the valid point many of you have; the cars in Pack 1 are "repeats" so to speak. One could argue you're buying the same cars twice with varied performance/cosmetic differences.

So, I'm kind of on the wall. Rally Pack sounds cool, I will be getting the Aventador-J by any means, & because I'm one of those loonies who likes to get all the content possible, I really want the 6 exclusive Season Pass cars. At the same time, that first one, while a Lamborghini, is still just a car from FM4 & one I can live without. Thus, I'll wait & see if the remaining 5 are really worthwhile and that hopefully won't happen after the possible outcome of me buying a couple DLC packs (which would thus render the Season Pass sort of useless). Then again, they love releasing VIP/LCE/etc cars to everyone else a couple months later, so the 6 bonus cars will probably become available at some point.

Enough circles & ranting. :)
Getting the Rally Pack... Quasi Return Of Rallisport. We have to see what specific content is coming in that expansion... also, see if we can use the cars in our garage in it, among other the same time, keep our expectations on check. It's a 1600 pt pack so we should not expect a full title's worth of features....even thought we'd like that.

About the DLC, I already preordered the LE, so I'll be really seldom of buying the Pass. Last time we ended up in limbo about the muscle car pack and the "reward" we got for the pack was miserable. So, we didnt save anything because they owed us a pack
( I can make 150,000 credits on 2 rivals, ffs T10), since the muscle pack was the free pack for buying the Season Pass. I think I will still get all packs like always. I' ll support the game like I always have, for I have so much fun and burn through so much time with your games T10, but get your head together, very few people feel the same.
Hmm, good news: Mitch has confirmed over on the official website that this car pack will be included in LCE copies of the game.

Handy (though much like FM4, it means LCE folks make off with a bit less of a good deal when purchasing the Season Pass compared to the regular game).
Didn't really think about that...

This means that the pack is basically free for a lot of people. Wouldn't be suprised if it isn't indicative of the DLC to come. I hope so, at least.
The Bel Air will be much more at home in this environment, too.

For anyone speculating about a new area, I'm pretty sure the Rally Expansion Pack will fill the southeast side of the map. On the map we've been shown, there's a chunk missing there.
Isn't the only duplicate car the Bel Air? Imo that's not that bad and the other cars are all :drool:
Both the Bel Air and the Boss 302 were in FM4.

And while it's hard to say so for the Aventador J, all the other cars are variants of cars in the game already.
I feel like if the expansion isn't Pike's Peak T10/Playground will get a lot of flak.
Oh, they'll get lots of flak anyways.

"PG, Y U NO give us unpaved Pikes Peak?"
"PG, Y U NO give us paved Pikes Peak?"
"PG, Y U NO give us partially paved Pikes Peak?"
"These bends are off and the road is too wide, WTH, PG?"
"Why didn't they get the license? This is just a fcitional recreation!"

And so on.
Heres to hoping the rally expansion pack brings along some tight and twisty stages.
I agree. They mentioned more jumps too so it will be interresting what they bring with this expansion. More roads and an expanded map is always a good thing. 👍
I had this in my head when I saw that 'more jumps' bit:


I'm not the biggest fan of either Ken Block or Gymkhana, but I'd say that it would go very well with the general vibe of FH.
I would spend $20 JUST FOR Pikes Peak!!!
That might be exactly what's going to happen :lol:
But I won't in a million years pay for the same Boss Mustang Twice. That is wrong.
If you're getting the LCE, you won't need to... And you won't need to if you get the season pass, either.

That's the only upside for that DLC pack, to me. Well, that, and the Aventador J.
There's over a hundred cars you're paying for again, simply by buying Horizon...

I am OK with that because the most popular cars are already in FM4 and you need some cars to come with the game to it to work, so thats inevitable a good car list will include a lot from FM4.

I consider the base price worthy simply for the new environment and game mechanics, but the same boss mustang with lights enabled is not worth what they are asking for imo.
They added the GT500 instead of the Boss. I'm thankful both are in there in whatever way, because they're both different yet highly desirable cars in their own right.

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