Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
BBS wheels aren't really the kind of wheels I like. I usually will just put a good old 5-spoke aluminum wheel on there. I'm not much of a wheel person.

P.S.- What about Centerline Indies? Do they have those?

EDIT: Nope, but I like the performance steelies just the same. :D

Would you be able to get another copy??
When I get my copy through, I will tell you who to go to, on which forum. But remember the person who I am getting this from may not always be able to get early copies of FM2 LE or FM2.
man, i still got to wait 23 day's:(, think i might have to ban myself from all forza related sites/thread's:(

have fun guy's...
Gee... what a surpise. :rolleyes: I can't wait to see what you post after you get the game as well.
You know when I get the game on Friday or Saturday I won't be on GTPlanet much on the first couple of days of me getting it.
I won't catch any of that ego stuff. Anyway I hope the people who are not getting the game early can wait.

That's what he's referring to. The fact, you keep bring up that'll you be getting the game early. It's like you're trying to shove it in our faces even though you may not have that intention.

We're glad you're getting the game early. But we don't need to be constantly told you are.
So.... I bought Forza 1 today. Its a damn fun game. I only bought it because PGR3 sucks eggs when you want a real challenge. Forza is really alot of fun.

One question though.... How do you make the Focus RWD? :confused:
You can see the driver's arms turning the wheel within the car I assume? Is there crossover ( shuffle steering) or does it match the angles of your wheel which is what , like a mere 240 degrees or something? Also , can you get a nice amount of smoke when spinning the tires or doing a donut. For that matter, is it possible to do a standing burnout?
i'm pretty sure it's like forza 1 with the 240degree steering. There's a bit of smoke in the demo(nothing like tdu's though:() and you can do standstill's in the demo in stock car's so....yea.
yep:( especially when quite a few people who are getting the game already have g25's and heap's(mabe lol) would get a g25 if it was supported:( seem's like a lose, lose, lose situation. The customer loses, microsoft loses sail's from people who can't play without a wheel and have a g25 so don't wanna have to buy a crappy microsoft wheel, and logitech loses, out on selling more g25's to the 360 guy's:( mabe if logitech released a disc for $100 with all the driver's for the dfp, g25 to work on 360.....;)
NZ$100, it's abit cheaper then a new 360 game. I would pay for it if it meant i could use my g25 on 360, that's half the price of the crappy wireless wheel($200, wich i'm buying next week lol haha).
Damn... There used to be a privately owned games store down here, but they happened to shut down a week or two before I looked for the Forza... Everywhere else I looked are huge retailers that wouldn't even think about releasing the game early (Tesco, GAME, Woolworths, etc).
Yeah, I remember there used to be one of those around here too. I've pre-ordered the Canadian version seeing as most, if not all MGS games before have been region free and I've seen some rumours that it is indeed region free. Will let everyone know if it is :)