Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
i was playing the Demo yesterday (again) and noticed something i hadnt before...

When you hit someone or go off the track, you get penalty points (that's cool). But if someone deliberately bump into you, you still get penalty points?? How's that work?
I know, that does kinda suck. But it usually happens when you cut someone off and then brake hard it the turn. I have been trying to prefect passing cleaner to avoid getting those.
actually it keeps happenning 'cause the AI doesn't seem me when i pass and outbreak'em (I'm to their side and not in front of them). They literally turn into me.
Oh yeah..that is annoying when that happens. And when racing in hood view its hard to see whos next to you so its almost unavoidable.
Hmmm still seems that the top times are all controller, pretty weird for a "sim" - I don't remember when I used to do trials in GT3 and 4 it being dominated (the top 10 at least) by controllers and they were both still not true sims....
I don't know, but with a wheel your limited to how fast you can whip it around while with a controller u can go from lock to lock in like a milli-second:lol:
I still prefer a wheel for any sim though.👍
Exactley, because there's less distance to travel with the controls using the pad, which actually means your less precise. There should never be any situation where you need to go from full lock to full lock like that while driving anyway. I know using a pad you can do, but you don't have to, infact it's faster to do it smoothly and not rub off so much speed from the lateral movment of the cars which can cause a loss of grip despite the car not actually going into a large oversteer or understeer slide.
Yeah what Dave said. I think the lack of wheel use so far is directly due to the fact that not a lot of players have it (not a lot of games where the wheel is worth it) and its not exactly the best wheel to have either.

I'll maybe get it later, if Forza2 holds me for a while.
BTW does anybody know if ForzaMotorsport 2 is going to be Region Locked or Free?? Coz apparently FM2 is going to officially release in India tomorrow. But as I got my 360 when I was in the US last year, mine is an NTSC-U/C console but here in India you get the PAL console. So if the game comes out here tomorrow and it's region locked, I am going to be a BIG Green PARROT! It means the joke will be on me! :(

Although if it's going to be region locked, I am going to spend my time looking for the ColinMcRae - DiRT Demo on the XBL MarketPlace, supposedly it's going to hit the XBL-MP tomorrow.. Atleast I have something to cheer for! :)
Yeah what Dave said. I think the lack of wheel use so far is directly due to the fact that not a lot of players have it (not a lot of games where the wheel is worth it) and its not exactly the best wheel to have either.

I'll maybe get it later, if Forza2 holds me for a while.

I dunno dude, quite a few of us have wheels and I know some were pretty damn fast in Forza. To illustrate what I mean, here is one of the fastest times set with the Ford GT using a controller:

It's hard to explain, but to me, at least with the time I've had with the wheel I find it would be very hard to replicate the lines in this video, same as how it was pretty hard in Forza 1 with the Fanatec - whereas at the same time I find it would be and is possible to copy the fastest lines in Gran Turismo and TOCA with my DFP, and it just comes down to skill as to differences in time.
actually it keeps happenning 'cause the AI doesn't seem me when i pass and outbreak'em (I'm to their side and not in front of them). They literally turn into me.

If you are not in front of them when you attempt to dive past them late breaking, they have the right to take the racing line, or do you feel they should say hey what the heck ill just leave the door open for you to pass, and take the slower line, and make it easier for you? oh im such a good ai!

You need to time your overtakes properly, if you are not going to make the pass in time, it is your job to pull out of the move. Be aware of whats going on around you!
In my experiences with FM2 demo, the ai will yield when you have position, and make adjustments, but you cant expect to barge your way past, from unrealistic positions, im sure if you were leading the way, and the ai made half assed attempts to pass you as you position yourself for the next turn, and you ended up getting punted, im sure youd not be to happy, would u.

Be intelligent in your passes, learn where your opponents are weak, then be ready to exploit those weakness when an opportunity presents itself.
Yeah, I've noticed with the AI that when you are fair and overtake with power after slingshooting or justs overtake properly in an overtaking spot, they will never nudge you. If you are being aggressive, they wont' let you just go by. You have to earn you spot in any case. I'd made this video when the Demo came out, it was to show how slow the AI was in the Demo to a friend who still doesnt have a 360, but eventually it all came down to how well the AI behaved through out the race! (slow, but fair, as I was fair with my overtakes)

P.S. - Sorry for the cheezy editing and the soundtrack, i happened to have fun making this video, lol..

Uhhh.... 100 NZ $ = $73 USD

But since no -one sells them exactly by exchange rates, I'd say for about $60 .
Well, still, customers aren't going to want to do something like that. I'd prefer MS just stop being greedy a**es, and let Logitech build them a wheel.
i was playing the Demo yesterday (again) and noticed something i hadnt before...

When you hit someone or go off the track, you get penalty points (that's cool). But if someone deliberately bump into you, you still get penalty points?? How's that work?

Yes, you still get penalty points, unforunately.

Thankfully for me, I can pick up Forza 2 Tuesday, and play it Wednesday as well. Thursday, though, I'll have to head to the campus for a small exam, but after that, the rest of the summer.
I think you guys misunderstood me. When i pass a car, i am Ahead of them when they turn into me...
passing a car in a straight line is not a problem... i'm talking about passing a car in the inside just before a curve (outbreaking)... I'm usualy at least half ahead of them and they turn into me, sending me (and themselves most of the time) in the ditch. Its like that police technique to swindle a car during a chase.

If i'm at least half ahead, its not my job to pull out of a perfectly good position, its for the other car to "accept" the defeat and let me pass...
I've noticed the same thing RedOak has, but I'd explain it like this.

Turn 10 worked on the A.I. modeling quite a bit since work started on Forza 1. In FM1 it was way too aggressive, so they toned it down, and I swear it's like they were reading my posts here. They created a number of bot drivers, drivatars, and gave them differing degrees of skill, aggression and other personality aspects. A few are even modelled after real world race drivers, to a point. I say that because while the bots in Forza 1 were like children, evidently they've only become teenagers in Forza 2 according to head guy Dan Greenawalt.

So it seems that not only do these drivatars have unique personalities and tactics, they also have "moods" to keep them from driving every race the same. Sometimes they leap off the line, sometimes they're a little tired or distracted, and lag back. Likewise, these moods seem to be affected by the way you drive around them. Sometimes they may not like you trying to edge past them and bump you around a bit, especially if they have the lead. They may take a disliking to you if you roar past them close. They all seem to surrender and cruise if you get a 4 or 5 second lead, like they did in Forza 1. Usually, they let you get by them if you have your nose past theirs, but this isn't always the case. Another thing to keep in mind is that these drivatars are set at moderate difficulty. It'll be interesting to see what they're like on hard.

Things may be different in the release game, but it should be much like the demo.
i take it you got yours;):D

if so congratulations:tup:
Not yet, but it is arriving on Friday, since it is getting dispatched later on. Anyway if anyone wants to know the person to look out for dispatches all the stuff he sells by recorded first class delivery, which is next day of course.
Cheers dude, plus a little OT but since your tag is TVR&Ferrari fan, I expect you're going to the Ferrari racing day weekend in June??
Damn Forza Motorsport 2 Has officially released in India for $47 (I know, but considering till now for all games here we paid $64 which included a Duty$47 is a bargain, and that too for a game that I don't mind paying $70).. LOL damn, I hate myself for having an NTSC-U/C console... Although I am still getting it, just so I can letch at the box!! And hoping it's region free.. LOL.. BTW, can anyone confirm that if a game is region free, can we still play it on an NTSC console if it says PAL on the cover? A friend says all MS games are region free and he's played a PAL version GEARS of WAR on his NTSC console... True??
don't know man but every game with the "60hz" sticker/logo thing on the front is region free(lost planet, TDU etc)? so if it has that it should(keyword should) work...just hire it out lol,
Yes, almost all Microsoft Games Studio games in the past have been region free (can play NTSC on PAL etc) so there is a chance that Forza 2 is. I'm hoping it is as I have ordered the Canadian version to use on my PAL 360, and should know the result next week.
Well I just got mine and the PAL version DOES NOT work on an NTSC-U/C console. It says the region code in invalid or something.... BUMMER!
damn, that really sucks. Why region code this game and leave all the others, especially with this stupid release date system

Sheruken - I sent you a PM.
I'm not even going to get to play this when I get it now that my (fourth) 360 is crippled. Dammit. So much for making sure I preordered it.
What's UP with all this JINX!!! MS YOU SUUUUCKKK!! :P ;) (just kidding, I have to take off my frustration somewhere, right?)
Since the Unicorn cars are up in the Auction House now, all this Friday I will be saving up to make the Exige Espionage my first Auction House buy.