Forza Motorsport 7: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
New track ?
That's the Seattle skyline, but Pacific Raceway doesn't look like that. :lol: I've never seen T10 add a fictional track to a game after it came out... It's usually real world locations.
It's definitely Seattle. They even say so in the trailer. Not sure if the track is Pacific Raceways (formerly SIR, formerly Pacific Raceways). Not enough detail to know for sure. But I wouldn't be surprised since T10 is based close by. In fact when I first discovered Forza Motorsport and learned there was a track named Maple Valley, I thought it was SIR since it is right outside Maple Valley WA.

There's HOPE!!! Ok, so I checked this morning on the off-chance that I'd see the reward credits, but no such luck yet. I've been patient so far, so I'll check again tomorrow.

Here's a thought though - usually you're only allowed to have2 weeks' worth of bonuses in the notification box (or so it's seemed to this point). IF that's the case and it's fixed this week - will we lose our reward from two weeks ago?
There's HOPE!!! Ok, so I checked this morning on the off-chance that I'd see the reward credits, but no such luck yet. I've been patient so far, so I'll check again tomorrow.

Here's a thought though - usually you're only allowed to have2 weeks' worth of bonuses in the notification box (or so it's seemed to this point). IF that's the case and it's fixed this week - will we lose our reward from two weeks ago?

There isn’t a limit. I’ve gone back to older Forza’s and have had months worth of rewards waiting for me (In the case of FM5 it was almost a years worth).
When I installed FH2 I had about 4-5 months worth of rewards waiting for me from claiming them in FM6/FH3/FM7... kinda takes the fun out of the game to start with 3,5 million CR :lol:
When I installed FH2 I had about 4-5 months worth of rewards waiting for me from claiming them in FM6/FH3/FM7... kinda takes the fun out of the game to start with 3,5 million CR :lol:
Oh really, I have none of the Forza Horizon's. I wonder how much I would get if I got FH2 or FH3. Wow!
I really need the credits for new cars :nervous: I'm down to only 10,000 cr on FM7 as I haven't played much of the career having been on PS4 GTS mostly (only to Breakout so far) and most of my cars are from gifts or winning the career or buying discounted ones. I did buy the F&F8 car pack for £8 as I love those cars and didn't get the ultimate edition in the end. Hopefully we will have a couple of gifts this week once they route out the little bug that's been causing it all.

On the Plus side I logged in to FH1 & FH2 & FH3 and had 20 or so messages and too much money! I think I have 2-3Million cr in FH1/2/3 So i have been messing about on those too as I had a few days break I have been taking some 4K captures which look great and glad I made the upgrade to the One X.
I really need the credits for new cars :nervous: I'm down to only 10,000 cr on FM7 as I haven't played much of the career having been on PS4 GTS mostly (only to Breakout so far) and most of my cars are from gifts or winning the career or buying discounted ones.
Just do a long race in free play mode with your best mod cards and on a track you're the most familiar with. You will garner a significant amount of credits from doing this.
No rewards bonus yet, so I'll check again tomorrow.

Now that there's supposedly a fix, I wonder what the chances are that I'll finally get Tier 11 rewards instead of the old Tier 10 that I still get 2+ months after moving to Tier 11.

Dang @Phoenix - I need to get cracking!

When I have a timed race in free-play, is there a setting where if the timer runs out, you need to finish the last lap you are on (like how they have it in GT)?

When I have a timed race in free-play, is there a setting where if the timer runs out, you need to finish the last lap you are on (like how they have it in GT)?
I've done plenty of timed races and there is no such option. They always end as soon as the timer hits 0.
I wish they had that feature, because realistically the race doesn't actually stop after the timer is done. The cars have to finish the lap they are on first.
I haven’t done any timed races since learning that. Making things worse is it goes off where each car started for the distance instead of the start/finish line. It pretty much makes starting at the front a handicap.

Free Play really has failed to live up to its potential between this and the lack of Blueprint. At least they essentially removed the lap limit.
That is why I don't do timed races in Forza. Hopefully T10 can patch in Time+lap completion at some point or include it in FM8.
Related to making Free Play races, it's a serious problem, taking in mind what options are they offering - and it is not possible to make active even two of them!

Cp from "post your free races" :

No matter how I'm trying to set up a race, parameters are keep reseting while doing it!

For example, I put Forza GT in group 1, but as soon I try to remove upgrades to off or setting the year, the division resets!
Same for trying from upgrades/year first - no matter what I'm changing next, it resets all other in bracket!

Got some multiclass ideas but only lost time on trying to set it up.
Combination exist, so it's not that.