Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Good to see alot of people playing and enjoying Forza motorsport. Myself included, hopefully more news and a road map will be great. Also wouldn’t mind some older tracks back through Forza’s history. Good on turn 10 for sticking with the game and thank you community at GT planet for all the great posts too 🥳 🚗 ❤️
FM23 has really started to find itself over the last few months or so as a game and it's really cool to see.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Stability and Performance [All Platforms]
Fixes a crash that could occur when the game downloads new Forzathon data [1904887]

Gameplay [All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where challenge progress behaves incorrectly [1940401]
Fixed an issue where the player can drive backwards through pit lane in the Maple Valley track [1884676]
Fixed an issue where player receives "Too Many Saves" when attempting to import UGC from FH5 to Motorsport [1667962]
Updated AI Difficulty for lower difficulty levels. [1943780]
Fixed an issue where cars appear invisible on track upon starting the race of any Featured Rivals event [1945905]

Cars [All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where the 2021 Porsche 911 GT3 engine sound is muffled while inside the cockpit [1935987]
Fixed an issue with the 1999 BMW #15 BMW Motorsport V12 LMR engine audio [1949302]

They updated Update 16 with the bug fixes. The AI difficulty makes sense now
I guess make them more consistent. So each level from 1-8 the AI feel a little bit more challenging then the last level. I could be wrong, they should have been more specific though.
I think the AI has reverted back to what it was when the game was released. I'm doing the career races on level 5 which before the last update was challenging to win races but now I'm back to my practice times being 3-4 secs better that the whole field, winning by 10-15 secs and the AI is brake checking in odd places like they used to. Not sure what has happened.
I guess make them more consistent. So each level from 1-8 the AI feel a little bit more challenging then the last level. I could be wrong, they should have been more specific though.
To me it felt like it was inconsistent across PI levels. I run at level 5 but level 5 in P was not the same as it was in B for example. Level 5 in P felt more like 6 or even 6.5. But I ran the BMW LMDh in a race over the weekend at 5 and it was more like it is in the lower levels. I need to run some other P cars to see if it's more normal across the entire class.
These AI inconsistencies is so weird
I was finding the variance in AI from event to event frustrating so this is my current method for the monthly events. I set it to max 8 for practice and tune my car, gives me a laptime goal to know my car is likely competitive. Then I will turn down the difficulty while selecting my grid spot, usually if it says my finish will be 2-4 that is a good level of challenge, usually in the AI 5-7 range depending on what AI lap times it spits back at me. Sometimes my only option start in the middle to battle towards the front but other times its more fun to start towards the front with higher AI and have to defend the position while trying to gain the last few spots. Not perfect but it keeps me from dominating races while also making sure I can be competitive at the front.
I was finding the variance in AI from event to event frustrating so this is my current method for the monthly events. I set it to max 8 for practice and tune my car, gives me a laptime goal to know my car is likely competitive. Then I will turn down the difficulty while selecting my grid spot, usually if it says my finish will be 2-4 that is a good level of challenge, usually in the AI 5-7 range depending on what AI lap times it spits back at me. Sometimes my only option start in the middle to battle towards the front but other times its more fun to start towards the front with higher AI and have to defend the position while trying to gain the last few spots. Not perfect but it keeps me from dominating races while also making sure I can be competitive at the front.
Thats actually not a bad idea.My biggest gripe is with the inconsistence of the AI,i dont mind if they are consistently good or bad but to have a race when sometimes they are either or is pretty frustrating.Without doing the comparison bit,GT7 AI might not be the best but at least they will race you for a while,and then drop back a not too many punts up the rear to ruin your race. 👍
The M Motorsport series was a breeze in the M8. I do think they have watered down the AI strength just a bit. Also has there been a series before this one where you couldn't upgrade your car?
The M Motorsport series was a breeze in the M8. I do think they have watered down the AI strength just a bit. Also has there been a series before this one where you couldn't upgrade your car?
I think there was one before where it was a bug that would just skip the screen where you upgrade the car. You had to back out, upgrade it, then return to the championship.
I think there was one before where it was a bug that would just skip the screen where you upgrade the car. You had to back out, upgrade it, then return to the championship.
Heads up everyone!
That bug applies in the Open Tour Reward Car race this month. It's bloody annoying because you don't know its going to happen until you press A and it suddenly loads up the race instead, meaning that the workaround takes ages to do.
Heads up everyone!
That bug applies in the Open Tour Reward Car race this month. It's bloody annoying because you don't know its going to happen until you press A and it suddenly loads up the race instead, meaning that the workaround takes ages to do.
Yeah, for some reason there seems to be this bug(?) in some of the series. Or is it intentional? I don't know. Seems strange to not letting us build our cars when the name of the career mode is builders cup.

Like the people above have mentioned you can still upgrade your car if you back out to your garage, but it's annoying for sure 🙄
A question for those of you who've been playing FM23 since it came out - how different is it now compared to when it launched? I tried to get into it when it first came out but ended up deleting it after a couple of weeks because the car modding system sucked so bad and the physics felt a little wonky to me. Have those areas had any noticeable updates?
A question for those of you who've been playing FM23 since it came out - how different is it now compared to when it launched? I tried to get into it when it first came out but ended up deleting it after a couple of weeks because the car modding system sucked so bad and the physics felt a little wonky to me. Have those areas had any noticeable updates?

I mean you own it (unless you were on GP), why not just reinstall and give it a try. You can check out all the release notes from to pretty easily
A question for those of you who've been playing FM23 since it came out - how different is it now compared to when it launched? I tried to get into it when it first came out but ended up deleting it after a couple of weeks because the car modding system sucked so bad and the physics felt a little wonky to me. Have those areas had any noticeable updates?
The car modding systems in which you had to level to get to purchase parts? gone. While you still use points for parts (why?) you can use your in-game money to cover for parts if you come short.

As for the physics, hmm I would say they haven't changed much since launch, as most of the improvements have been on the graphics/sound/content areas. I do play with simulation steering (on gamepad) though and the game feels quite good.
Oh wow, that's a bug? I assumed races where it was skipping the upgrade/tuning screen were homologated since it was usually happening to race cars for me.
That's kind of what I thought too. But it goes back to what I said a few days ago about upgrading race cars. I didn't look into upgrading the M8 yet but other race cars like some GT3 and older F1 cars you have to add race brakes. Shouldn't a race car already come with race brakes? I can half understand changing the air restrictor but what else should a race car need? I think the Audi R8 GT3 started out somewhere around R830 I think but fully upgraded it's about R883. Was R830 it's true GT3 spec? What are you upgrading it to? Super Duper Ultra GT3 or does Turn 10 just view it as being an upper level R class car in general and the divisions disappear except for free play?
We still don't seem to have any comment on whether or not the next patch will include a track. If they don't say anything until they post the news article 10 minutes before the patch releases, I don't think the response is going to be great and the negativity/disappointment will likely overshadow the rest of the stuff in the update.

There had to be some point where it slowed down a bit but with several tracks from FM7 still not ported over I was hoping it wouldn't be this soon.

Updated AI difficulty for lower difficulty levels? To what? What did they do?
They still don't really seem to understand how to make good patch notes as many changes have been very vague.

I guess I'm a little spoiled as some other games I've played over the years have made very detailed patch notes that elaborate on exactly what was changed, and even explain the thought process behind the change and what they are hoping it will accomplish, how they settled on that specific change, and whether or not it will be monitored and potentially altered again in the future.

I didn't look into upgrading the M8 yet but other race cars like some GT3 and older F1 cars you have to add race brakes. Shouldn't a race car already come with race brakes?
Forza seems to consider carbon ceramic brakes as "race brakes" and just steel brakes as "sport brakes." Many race cars do not run carbon ceramic brakes, so in Forza they will have a race brakes upgrade, and lots of super cars that have carbon ceramics don't have any available brake upgrades. Kinda silly but it is what it is at this point.

In previous games you had to run race brakes to get brake tuning, but thankfully this time around they made it available for sport brakes as well. It's a small thing, but a big positive as it opens up brake tuning for stock race cars, and means you have some choice in how you spend your PI points without losing the tuning options.

The next thing I'd like to see them do but will probably never happen is add some tuning to sport springs/dampers. Don't give them the full range of tuning like the race springs/dampers, but maybe something like 5 "clicks" per option (for example spring stiffness can be softest, soft, medium, stiff, stiffest). It would allow some simpler tuning options that would be great for league racing or for their "spec" tunes they make for public lobbies.
They still don't really seem to understand how to make good patch notes as many changes have been very vague.

I guess I'm a little spoiled as some other games I've played over the years have made very detailed patch notes that elaborate on exactly what was changed, and even explain the thought process behind the change and what they are hoping it will accomplish, how they settled on that specific change, and whether or not it will be monitored and potentially altered again in the future.
Writing “good patch notes” is very difficult and time consuming. I still do it for WRC 🙂
Seeing Call of Duty get a "comprehensive" community update yesterday with a bunch of notes based on player feedback but getting radio silence from T10 to start 2025 leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I know the month isn't over yet but we are already just about halfway through this update and there's no mention of a track next month, no roadmap, no hot fixes, still unfinished business from last year and nothing to really give us a clue as to any plan or idea they have to start this year off. Slowly losing some faith in this game but trying to remain as patient as can be.
Seeing Call of Duty get a "comprehensive" community update yesterday with a bunch of notes based on player feedback but getting radio silence from T10 to start 2025 leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I know the month isn't over yet but we are already just about halfway through this update and there's no mention of a track next month, no roadmap, no hot fixes, still unfinished business from last year and nothing to really give us a clue as to any plan or idea they have to start this year off. Slowly losing some faith in this game but trying to remain as patient as can be.
I think we would know if there was a track coming in February, so assume there isn't one. Would be good to get an updated roadmap prior to the next update though, including the position on outstanding items from the last roadmap (Creative Hub, changes to Single Player Builders Cup etc)
I guess I'm a little spoiled as some other games I've played over the years have made very detailed patch notes
You're not spoiled until you get into the world of AMS2 Patch Notes. When presenting the 1.6 update. It took about all morning to get through this. This is how it should be done. Vagueness to just say words when the thing you say isn't even fixed is NOT cool. Like the Turn 10 claim that they "fixed AI braking in spots they shouldn't" (or however they worded it.)

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