I am looking at 1,200 hours spent with FM23, and I understand some areas where the game feels like it's missing something, but I still enjoy playing it. For me I make my own fun using free play, especially when the monthly activity falls short of hitting the right note. I just take what I liked in the career races and re-construct it, but with the parameters I was looking for... (I remake the same events but make the races longer.

). Sure, it's some lonely kid with no friends' stuff, but that's due mostly to me having a schedule that has me at work, where most local (by way of internet ping) players are at home. And the "jump in" aspect of public multiplayer is something I just cannot get into. I would like to know that the people on the other end of the internet, are showing some sportsmanship and not trying to make an "example" out of the guy in the grey Mustang. (Replace the word 'example' with more colorful language. It'll make better sense.)
If somethings were simply made as options, like being able to set how many laps you want to run... That would be a major boost for the "Career" side of things. Then the 3 or 4 races that Turn 10 expects to occupy our time for a week, will actually do so, without the need make up for it in free play. But for now, FM23 is my DIY racing experience. I do have access to bonified better titles, but for some reason, FM23 is easier to fall into. Even with it's issues.