
yeah i used to have the same respect for Nintendo..
This gen i just gave in and bought all 3 consoles. I think it did allow me to judge games more objectively. Its not coz a game gets released on another console that it doesnt deserve to be played.
My advice would be to wait till the first reviews hit, and prices drop possibly further.
I don't like the looks of that pic. I think it's because of the car. It looks to "cell shaded" to me. It doesn't look real at all. But, I will buy it. I have to. My oldest boy has a Xbox, and he doesn't like the PS2.
That 'Forza' Laguna Seca certainly beats the GT version for realism! - i never thought GT's Laguna was that acurate, especially the latter half of the start/finish straight.

Looking at some other Forza screens leads me to belive that it has Bathhurst as one of its tracks, GT will be missing out big time if it doesn't include this ledgendary circuit as well.
Forza does look rather good. And dare I say it better than GT4. If it's only got 150 cars, so what. If the game is very popular on the XBox and they do another one, then that might have 350 cars.

No one can say that GT4 will be any better or worse than Forza as neither have been released. So please stop saying that folks. Besides they aren't on the same system, so ones sales won't effect the others, lik ehtey would if they were on the same system.


I'm hoping Forza will be good and that it will support the Logitech DFP, or even will come with a decent wheel of its own.

But based on previous experience, I have to say I'm very skeptical. Still, even if it were only PGR2 but with real tracks, it would be the best racing game on the Xbox, so in that sense they have it pretty easy and I welcome the game already.

As long as I can't really 'drive' my cars in the game though, it will never steal my heart like GT has (in cooperation with Logitech).

I wouldn't even have liked racing games nearly as much as I do if it hadn't been for the invention of wheel controllers. I bought my first wheel for F1GP 2 on the PC years and years ago and have been sold on them since. With the arrival of Force Feedback and GT3's excellent support on that, the bar has been raised a fair bit more.
Cosmic wrote;
The graphics looks good in Forza but it never beat GT4's graphics or gameplay.

Please stop making stupid comments :rolleyes:

Unless you've played both finished games, you have no idea what will be the better game.

Forza will be the equivalent of GT on XBox. In some area's I'm sure it'll be better, in others, GT will be better.

GT4 will have more cars, Forza has damage. GT4 so far has better graphics(so far), Forza has visible drivers.

There will be a lot of crossover between the games, with regards to cars and tracks, both having Laguna Seca and Nurburgring, and I wouldn't be surprised with a couple of more as well.

When GT started, it was so far ahead of the competition, that nobody has been able to catch up. Forza is starting, it looks so far, not that far behind. What will Forza 4 be like, when you look at how far the GT series has evolved.

If your lucky enough to have the 2 consoles, you could have double the GT style goodness come Christmas. And that can't be a bad thing.

Then there's Enthusia racing, which is also not looking too bad either.

Virtual driving wise, the future looks good.
based on the two screen shots, I'd say that Forza has the upper hand on the scenery graphics, but GT4's cars look much better. The way the projectors are mapped onto the headlight area and the painted on intercooler looks flat with the front looks terrible.
No, that person is stupid if they're trying to pass judgement on a game that doesn't even exist yet. People are already declaring GT4 will own Forza - it probably will, but no one has any idea until both games launch. Maybe GT4 will launch with more bugs than Windows 95. Sound impossible? Look at the problems with server browsing in Pandora Tomorrow. Anything can happen. Maybe GT4 will never launch. There's so many possible eventualities, you can bet on a most likely one, but you can't declare it the right one until time runs it's course.

If I owned both consoles I'd do what code's gonna do - buy both and enjoy them for what they are - individual video games. I don't own both consoles, so I'll con one of my friends with an Xbox into buying one and then play there.

So true! 👍
actually, from what i heard, Forza will be 60 fps in game, and 30 fps during replays.
heres a good in game shot of Forza

as you can see it does look very clean. If they can get the physics and the AI right, they could have a good franchise.
Personally i'll be getting both GT4 and Forza since i got both consoles anyway.
I just hope i can get enough time to play them
i don't think this pic looks good - it looks cel-shaded just like Auto Modellista :lol:
actually, from what i heard, Forza will be 60 fps in game, and 30 fps during replays.
heres a good in game shot of Forza

as you can see it does look very clean. If they can get the physics and the AI right, they could have a good franchise.
Personally i'll be getting both GT4 and Forza since i got both consoles anyway.
I just hope i can get enough time to play them

Don't get me wrong, but the graphics are AGES BEHIND GT3 even!! In some of the screenshots you can see how the steering wheel is squared!:)hahahaha. then the lack of details on the cars and the track. It looks very cartoony!!!!! I'm not saying the game will suck because if it has good physics it might be interesting... now comparing it to GT4 is really pushing it. I doubt you will even waste your time with that once you get your copy of GT4 or even a copy of GT4Prologue.
I think the trakcs and backgrounds in Forza look stunning, but the car models look like they were colored and designed with a crayon. The car models just can't compete with GT4's. For me, I will be getting both since I own an Xbox and a PS2, but I will probably play GT4 more.
Don't get me wrong, but the graphics are AGES BEHIND GT3 even!! In some of the screenshots you can see how the steering wheel is squared!:)hahahaha. then the lack of details on the cars and the track. It looks very cartoony!!!!! I'm not saying the game will suck because if it has good physics it might be interesting... now comparing it to GT4 is really pushing it. I doubt you will even waste your time with that once you get your copy of GT4 or even a copy of GT4Prologue.

Hi, I'm not sure but did GT3 even had steering wheels in the cars?

Quote: then the lack of details on [...] the track

I'm sure this Laguna Seca is more detailed than GT's.
Forza promotional dev pic:

GT3 in-game pic: (I want updated Laguna Seca GT4 pics!)

Forza promotional pic:

GT4 in-game pic:



All two are 'work in progress', Forza in E3 was 30 fps(15 fps for car reflections), some tracks in Forza look nice(others not so nice), the cars looks unrealistic and the ambient light is a bit bland, the real in-game Forza don´t look the same IQ than this renders.. by now I prefer more the overall look of GT than the extra detail of Forza(textures, background detail, more polys..).
dunno what's so stunning about this background:
Ok, that one has a weak background, but the pic of the riced Neon on the main straight of Laguna Seca has quite a good background. But I think GT4's graphics are overall better than Forza's.
Since I have not played any of the games, It looks like gt4 looks a thousand times better than forza. Also Forza looks more like a badly rendered gt3.
I would be more than willing to put my money on GT4 trouncing Forza sales in this clash of the games, but I would put that down to two definite things, firstly, there are more PS2's out there than X-Boxes so theres a larger market, secondly, the GT series has a very good name and a good reputation, Forza is new and relativley unheared of.We have no way of know which is better gameplay wise but from what I've read Forzza is very realistic, howevet it lacks force feedback and a decent wheel. Graphically I would say GT4 is better, but Forza has further to go than GT4 does and we know GT4's graphics have improved through the games development.

Eagle is spot on though about saying which game will be best, how the flying **** would any of us know.
whats up with u fanboys???? why u guys hatin on XBOX. If Forza get ahead of GT4 in sales its because PD is being lazy. I mean how can Forza get ferrari and prosche to sign a deal with them and GT4 can't. If Forza has better graphics and features theni guess they'll beat GT4. If gT4 losses here, its goin to be their fault and Forza would beat them fair and aquare. But hopefully GT4 would be better than Forza.
whats up with u fanboys???? why u guys hatin on XBOX. If Forza get ahead of GT4 in sales its because PD is being lazy. I mean how can Forza get ferrari and prosche to sign a deal with them and GT4 can't. If Forza has better graphics and features theni guess they'll beat GT4. If gT4 losses here, its goin to be their fault and Forza would beat them fair and aquare. But hopefully GT4 would be better than Forza.

Forza is gonna be new. I doubt it'll sale more.
And graphics is not the reason everyone buys games, the real gamers look for gameplay. Graphics is nice, but gameplay is better.

Who knows, R:Racing Evolution looked good, but the gameplay blew.
I read that in Forza, with the damage, paint comes off your car and onto the walls as you hit them. Also, there are no "premade" tire tracks like GT has. The tread marks are left as you move across the track. Lastly, oil spilt on the track moves around as cars run through it with their tires. Thats some crazy stuff.
whats up with u fanboys???? why u guys hatin on XBOX. If Forza get ahead of GT4 in sales its because PD is being lazy. I mean how can Forza get ferrari and prosche to sign a deal with them and GT4 can't.
How, because Forza is Microsoft, and Microsoft have a deal with EA who currently own the EXCLUSIVE licenses for both Porsche and Ferrari. Thats how, unless EA are willing to sign a deal with PD (which they arn't) PD can not get Ferrari and Porsche no matter ow much they offer. There are several threads covering this issue, if you have any questions about it post them there and me and other good members here will be more han willing to answer.
That looks v-good, I had never seen this till this thread and I'm very suprised. I have only got PS2 so I will only get GT4 I will probably play Forza on my flatmates X-Box.
i'm buying both, i'll play both, i'll enjoy both, GT3 is the king but i'll decide which is better when they're both out and tested indepth by me (could take 2-3 years for a full test :P )

as for Graphics, Forza pushes more Polys, but GT4 still looks more "real"
I have no doubts at all that GT4 will sell more games than Forza Motorsport.

But being the bestseller does not neccessarily mean it is the best game.

Fifa outsells Pro Evolution every year (though the gap is closing). For many people, Pro Evo has been the better game. I don't know which out of the 2 will be the better football game, I'll have to wait and see. I plan to buy Pro Evo out of brand loyalty, but if Fifa is the better game, who know.

I saw a video of Forza somewhere, and the player was driving round Laguna Seca, and it looked better than GT3, which is the only reference you have to compare.

In the picture of the GTOne showing the bad background, the car looks very good to me in that shot. GT4 can (up to now) do bad backgrounds as well. The picture looking down on the water in Hong Kong is pretty bad.

If Forza can put out a game that pushes Polyphony Digital to raise their level, then that's no bad thing. If they can also push PD while bringing out game more frequently, then it may force PD not to take so long between releases. Which I think we would all want.

Come Christmas we'll see if the bestseller is the better game.

I think it will be, but until you play both, you don't know for certain.

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