LoL.. if the 360 could handle more than 8 vehicles, it would. Forza's deformation isn't intense, nor has it been shown to be. I repeat, nor has it ever been shown to be. Low polygon shapes under a car aren't that demanding to an engine either when you consider how detailed Gran Turismo's headlights are in comparison, as well as lighting detail. Forza's bonnet reflections aren't done with cubemaps, as the rest of the world is done. Its a rendering trick much like in PGR4, and it only works in the 1 view. It takes the image in front of you and uses that as the reflection map. Which is why it reflects everything, because its literally the image projected onto a hood.
Forza3 doesn't have as detailed reflections\lighting\shading as GT's real-time vehicles on the track. GT may have LOD geometry, as does crysis. And its LOD vehicles create better photo realistic images than Forza ever will apparently. Even though its low res, its higher resolution than F3's actual reflections are, not the bonnet view.
The same song and dance was said about #2, and it turned out with 8 vehicles as well. Same exact process, NOTHING but bullshots until 1 week near launch then everyone will see the game doesn't have DOF/ObjectBlur/12xAA/High Resolution models. Super amazing tyre modeling & super oh my god physics. Then what shipped? Yeah Forza2.
Now, unless 8 vehicles in a racing sim is the golden ratio, its the hardware limitations. Which most people can clearly see, and its barely pushing out 720p, where GT is 1280x1080 with 16. KY/PD said the damage will be MESH DEFORMATION as well. The 360's games just don't have the hardware to almost double in performance. Look at Gears 1 vs Gears 2 vs say, Uncharted 1 vs Uncharted2.
People give forzas "damage" wayyyy too much credit compared to Dirt/Motorstorm2 etc. Bending fiberglass at 150mph is just that, bending fiberglass.
Race online on Expert once in a while if you want your stopped starting grid.
You can nitpick all day but you can't deny that GT's final image is more photo real than any sim on the market. We can all zoom in and find stuff wrong, but from a couch.. its no competition.
You seem to be presenting your opinion as fact here..
To say the 360 cannot handle more then 8 cars is only true under the current FM3 graphics engine, which is quite different to GT5's, this is the point I think you fail to grasp, or are you stating the obvious? since we can't directly compare engines running on both consoles, other then one has it's own set of features with 8 cars, the other a different set of features with 10+ cars?
And, you can't possibly 'know' that more detail in headlamps in GT5 equates to anything in FM3, it's never that simple..
I'm not actually nit-picking GT5, this is a mis-apprehension on several people's parts, I see good and bad in each game, however I believe I'm quite balanced in my appraisal of each, and don't just pander to the strengths of one and the negatives of the other..
How can we have a discussion when all there seems to be is people taking the worst of one game and comparing the best of the other game, with any attempt to present a more balanced picture of the two so easily dismissed with 'LOL' etc..?
Forza has deficiences in it's lighting model that are very obvious, it has some LOD issues as well that have been seen so-far, and yes we all know the actual game will look worse then the photo-mode pics released, I am under no illusion that the graphics fidelity with regards to Photo-realism is very much in GT5's favour, and it's a game I'll enjoy looking and playing for many months.. But it also has it's flaws, and you can't compare both games until you can discuss both positive and negative about each.
Just some minor points
1. The deformation has been shown in some FM3 vids, there was one of a Le Sarthe track with LMP's that showed a white Dell liveried (IIRC) race car have reasonably severe deformation, it's not much better then FM2, but it's still a reasonable amount.
2. FM3 does use cubemaps in bonnet view of the previous frame (hence 60fps reflections), which is a 'trick' but a very valid one, and the rest of the views do have environment reflections just as GT5 does, I don't see a need to 'compare', or are you suggesting FM3 has no reflections at all other then bonnet view?
The thing is, I like GT5 like the next man, so it's becoming annoying that I'm being picked on for pointing out any negatives about it, or positives for FM3.. both have them in equal doses (IMO), that is all.. please look at my posts in other threads if you doubt my motives, all comparitive talk is here, and I am not favouring one game over the other..
To also be quite fair, I really think we should wait for the final game before nit-picking too much, I doubt the final GT5 will look as per the Demo, and they are still working on FM3 and have said the graphics in some aspects has improved quite a bit since E3.. At the moment, we are getting down and dirty with pre-release code, which may lead to incorrect information from either game.