Ouch! Why so slow? What happened?
Well, it runs, when flat out at a mind warping 3.5Mb/sec .. its adsl delivered via about 5km of overhead copper.
Its been solidly reliable until I had a line fault in January.. you may remember I was connecting via wireless 3G whilst the line was fixed.
BT fixed the line from a PSTN point of view, I had to get them out again to get it to reliably synch with my router at more than 1Mb/s. The router is now always connected at greater than 4Mb/s but the Ip data throughput varies..(the line profile is always the same)
If it's not my ISP being an ass and applying some weird QOS on the line. It's a contention Issue (strange it only showed up after they fixed my PSTN line) at the exchange.
The only decent broadband in the UK is the virgin or BT fibre services. Sadly one of the tradeoffs you make when you live outside of town, is that you move out of the areas that were cabled for cable in the 70's (virgin use the ducts from redifusion (70's pay tv provider).
BT is only interested in prtecting it's PSTN business and delivering services to the masses via it's aging infrastructure, which it will upgrade where the ROI is justified.
Sadly my shack out of town, and the few hundred that live in our village aren't enough for BT or any other provider to justify the investment in new infrastructure.
of course the delivery of other services, itunes, netflix,etc. via the internet is causing an increased pressure on that flimsy network, and the planned capacity updates are now not happening fast enough. couple that with the state of the worlds economies and you can see that nobody is in a rush to fix this...
The Government enforced sales model doesn't help, as it forces a fragmented service delivery model (to improve competition - who wants to compete for a small exchange with a low subscriber base!) so my ISP, a company owned by BT, buys Wholesale IP broadband from BT Wholesale, a company owned by BT, and delivers it via another BT company, BT openreach's overhead cables to me. In order to have the openreach cables connected to my home, I need to have a contract with another bt company, BT ltd and pay for a PSTN telephone line.....
so getting anything fixed with so many parties involved takes forever, even if you know what the issue is.
I'd love to give them there dial up back.. but wireless is about 4 times more expensive (per GB), and latency and upload on satellite's a non starter.