• Thread starter franz
Thanks for the feedback guys 👍
I am a bit busy with other stuff recently
to thank everyone who love my work
also for the anniversary of GT4 release (Dec 28 in Japan)
proudly present my latest work

Chevy SS Concept Studio Style
Click for larger version

I have spent a while to work on this baby
The original was combined from 16 GT4 shots
and lots of cleanup work have been done
but still not perfect yet :indiff:

oh well .... enjoy guys ~ :)
I used 16 pics to create large resolution, which is good for editing and cleanup
I just deleted the background and replaced it with black background
for the reflection, I mirrored the car and lowered the layer opacity
if you have photoshop CS2, you can use free transform (warp) to correct the reflection

thanks for reply pb and vonie
also for the anniversary of GT4 release (Dec 28 in Japan)
Wow, a year already!? I can't believe it.

Oh my the Chevy SS Concept is absolutely amazing, you better find the time to add a glossy 3D look to the Chevy badge because then it would be― I dunno super!
thanks for praise

PB > you can try it anytime you want
I think it is cool to inspire others to make some good stuff

alpha > I had thought about to make the badge standout, but I wanted to stay this way after thinking twice, because I didn't want the badge to draw people attention ;)
This is one of the pics where I´m trying to find something that could have been made different, but whatever change I imagine I always think: No, the way it is is the best. :bowdown:

Prost! :cheers:
:eek: Damn you Franz! That Chevy is just, unlike you said, perfect! How the hell did you do that ( I know, you told it already), but still! Holy freaking Mary! That just blows my mind! AWESOME!!!
BTW, I haven't seen you commenting on my Toyota 7 pics located in my gallery. After all, your T7 pics on page 5 made me want to take pictures of it. Some people have even said my pics are the best rear pics of the T7 ever. I could say your pics are WAY better! Drop by and check them out if you just have time!
Alfa Spyder in Green Hell

A slightly interesting update this time with a couple new photography technique employed

A slightly interesting update this time with a couple new photography technique employed


Very nice work, franz. I like all of the verticals, the third one most.

What new techniques? The double image is obvious, so what else?

I updated my gallery if you care to look...
Excellent pics...👍 I like the Green Alfa, in-keeping with the theme ;) I like the picture where you've merged the two photos together, and the top one with the grainy effect, although I'm now using pic 2 and maybe later pic 3 as my desktop wallpaper :)
I love the low camera angel on your shots, franz. This is the first time I have visited your gallery, it looks great. Keep up the good work, franz.
thanks for the nice response
I am using techniques that have been used by Brock and JMX
they are mature satuation and low EV setting
also I am using F22 focal length for high speed shot
so the speed blur look a bit nicer
in PS department, pretty much the same old technique
except the 4th vertical with double images merged
glad you guys like them
Formula GT / Suzuka


This update is focused on my new photoshop technique that imitate the chase cam effect around the corner. It is extremely difficult to blur because there is no blur filter can do this. Basically I use Distort > Twirl to straighten the road, apply radial blur (zoom), then reverse the distortion using Twirl filter again. I have to repeat the steps couple times to get the whole road nicely blurred in correct direction. Then merge all the blurred layers to get this. However, I still haven't managed to blur correctly on the sand area, so more experimental work has to be done in the future.

BMW M5 / El Capitan

This M5 shot was my first attempt. It combines radial blur and motion blur. The curb part is very rough and the grass area doesn't look right neither.

Here are some real car shots with similar effect from Porsche
I am pretty sure they have been photoshopped
but have to say the person who made these is so freaking talented

These two show flaws, but they help me to unlock the secret 👍
they are still very nice IMO
