Free Speech

  • Thread starter A2K78
@henry Swanson

Another outcome to help you decide what you should, or shouldn't post on the internet.


Ms Spofforth, who regularly posts political comments on X on subjects including net zero, gender issues, the pandemic and freedom of speech, said despite "repeatedly insisting I'd done nothing illegal" police officers "dragged" her from her home and held her for 36 hours in a cell.

edit: wait, was she arrested? was she detained? was she beaten to death by the police afterwards?
Would you like to discuss this, then:

Were you talking about free speech, or social stigma when you said
The woman in the clip was given the platform of national TV to state her views to the Prime Minister, and she chose to publicly mention Eastern Europeans as though they were inherently a problem. I fail to see how this demonstrates a lack of ability for people to spread their views. The fact then Brown expressed in private (or so he thought) that she's a bigot is neither here nor there. Bigot isn't an insult, it's a word with a meaning, and he (reasonably) believes she meets that definition.

Would you like to discuss this, then:
Blasphemy laws are ridiculous. I've already said that I want religion's status as expressly protected in our freedom of expression/association/belief laws to be removed.

I'm sure you posted in the context of Islam, but it's not the fault of Islam that Austrian law states this...

"Whoever, in circumstances where his or her behaviour is likely to arouse justified indignation, publicly disparages or insults a person who, or an object which, is an object of veneration of a church or religious community established within the country, or a dogma, a lawful custom or a lawful institution of such a church or religious community, shall be liable to up to six months’ imprisonment or a day-fine for a period of up to 360 days."

I would assume she was paid to present this seminar, and then did so either not knowing the law, or knowing the law and proceeding anyway - perhaps to demonstrate a point. Ultimately she was, apparently, fined €480... I've been fined more than that by Dart Charge.

I don't have much else to say about it.