Frequent B-spec Grinders Club 2

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Lol. Yeah I added the whole list and already had some. Total about 49 now with a few of those on the never race since they don't race bob. They just like other parts of the game.

Lol at wanting to receive prizes but can't cus they're always being raced. You want yer bobs racing but can't get prizes sometimes lol.

I wish you could get prizes anytime. Doesn't make sense why not. Grr.

stick with it mate. I have done about 6 million this weekend!
I just don't want people thinking I'm not racing their bobs. With so many I'm not sure how good the grinder is at choosing. Specially if some have no bobs available. Like if.they say out to lunch, :)
I just don't want people thinking I'm not racing their bobs. With so many I'm not sure how good the grinder is at choosing. Specially if some have no bobs available. Like if.they say out to lunch, :)

I had these same concerns when I started grinding in the club. Eventually I started to not worry about. The widget, if put on reciprocate, takes care of everyone in due time.
I just don't want people thinking I'm not racing their bobs. With so many I'm not sure how good the grinder is at choosing. Specially if some have no bobs available. Like if.they say out to lunch, :)

The club checks members logs too so don't worry, you'll be notified and subsequently warned if you are not racing club bobs.. :)
WTF? Have you added EVERYBODY from the list? I struggle to get my rewards due to how much mine race.

Mate, when i find a driver not free to receive rewards, i check the log. It shows how many mins ago that bob started a race and all races are around 20 mins so just try again after the remaining time.
I just don't want people thinking I'm not racing their bobs. With so many I'm not sure how good the grinder is at choosing. Specially if some have no bobs available. Like if.they say out to lunch, :)

Grinder will get everyone in due time.
I added you only a few hours ago and your already showing up in my logs 👍

Club is still working very well, keep up the good work everyone :)
Seems like since that last PSN update, the network is working MUCH faster now. I can run 3 20-min races an hour now instead of just 2. Thank goodness, did about 36 hours of grinding this weekend and I feel more gratified when its quick.
Seems like since that last PSN update, the network is working MUCH faster now. I can run 3 20-min races an hour now instead of just 2. Thank goodness, did about 36 hours of grinding this weekend and I feel more gratified when its quick.

I always get 3 an hour, do you clear your cache often? Maybe the update cleared it for you?
Right on westomat!

Please bare with me till I get sarthe in the grinder. I don't know how and have tried getting the debug window but.can't.

But now I'm doing race everywhere here and there. Couple hrs at a. Time till I get la sarthe going. But at least I'm giving bob a work out.

That's so funny. The drivers them bob, lol.
Right on westomat!

Please bare with me till I get sarthe in the grinder. I don't know how and have tried getting the debug window but.can't.

But now I'm doing race everywhere here and there. Couple hrs at a. Time till I get la sarthe going. But at least I'm giving bob a work out.

That's so funny. The drivers them bob, lol.

Try this, the US code is 5569.

Enable Yahoo Widgets Debug Mode
CTRL+SHIFT + RIGHTCLICK systemtray icon of Yahoo Widgets. Now "Debug Mode" is visible as an option in the menu, enable it!

In The debug window you can set the race event value, by typing following in the input field:
preferences.preferredRace.value = xxxxxx (then press enter)

Replace xxxxxx with a code that corresponds to the country you have chosen in grinder settings.
Find the country codes here

Good luck
I am on MAC. Control shift left click yahoo menu shows debug option. Select it so it has check mark on it does nothing.
Please may I join the club? I run the widget 24/7 apart from when I'm trying to grind up my A-Spec level.

PSN: burratha
Welcome burratha.
Welcome smokezeke.

I think we are 30 members again. So registration is closed again :).
Cheers, chaps.

I'll get you all added this evening, once I connect my new Bluetooth keyboard. Look forward to ragging the cars around Le Mans with you all :)
So when you ctrl + shift + click "debug mode" is checked?
Closing the widget and reopening will bring up a new window when it is.
Please may I join the club? I run the widget 24/7 apart from when I'm trying to grind up my A-Spec level.

PSN: burratha

Bloody hell!!!! You arent a member already? You added me about a week ago and i can say hand on heart that you grind my bobs more than anybody else!!! Sorry mate i really thought you were in the club already or i would have made your name known on here.
So when you ctrl + shift + click "debug mode" is checked?
Closing the widget and reopening will bring up a new window when it is.

Yeah, I thought I did that. I guess not. I did close and re open it and got the window. Copy and pasted the info and it said 5569. So I'm guessing it worked.
Damn you guys, I have to like, print out the first page and go over to my PS3 in the other room and update my f-list every week lol.
Damn you guys, I have to like, print out the first page and go over to my PS3 in the other room and update my f-list every week lol.

Correct me if i am wrong but the news guys are meant to add US. Not the other way round. I added everyone and only removed invites from people that didnt respond or have been marked as offline for over a week as i figure they are on their way out anyway.
Guys, I think I am hanging it up. I just don't have the time anymore to be as frequent and would like to free up my spot for others. I will keep you all on as friends, but you can put me to never use. I think I am going to go to occasional grinding now and will still run some of you from time to time. I am glad i joined the club as i have met some great people here like HOODFIELD and Xochi. Cheers and good luck to you all.
Guys, I think I am hanging it up. I just don't have the time anymore to be as frequent and would like to free up my spot for others. I will keep you all on as friends, but you can put me to never use. I think I am going to go to occasional grinding now and will still run some of you from time to time. I am glad i joined the club as i have met some great people here like HOODFIELD and Xochi. Cheers and good luck to you all.

Matt, thanks for your grinding and generosity!

I am going to do the same and request an 'honourable withdrawal' from the club as, frankly, I've got bundles of credits, plenty of cars, and not enough time to drive them! It's also been quite a nuisance attending to the widget when it throws up errors so often. And it's getting a bit too warm here to keep the PS3 on so much of the time! But I may stick it on for the occasional day of grinding here and there...

So thanks for the grinding guys, please put me in the 'Never Use' or strike me from your friends list, although whoever wants to stay friends will be most welcome, and perhaps we can online race one day. Never really got that sussed yet!
Gonzo, I will always grind you no matter if I'm in the club or not. You are an awesome dude. Btw, if you guys remove me as friends, there is no hard feeling as I understand. I will keep you all as friends like I said, but you are free to remove me.:)
Gonzo, I will always grind you no matter if I'm in the club or not. You are an awesome dude. Btw, if you guys remove me as friends, there is no hard feeling as I understand. I will keep you all as friends like I said, but you are free to remove me.:)

+1 Likewise!! 👍 :)
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