FRL~ToCA11~GTP #1~ CHAMPIONS: Ninners (RPM-ECM), AMD87 (Alfa) Team SYM (Nissan)! FINAL TABLES UP!Open 

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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@chrisjohnson93 i was amazed you were able to control the car not spinning off when @Scaniabebe was getting together with you.

it was that weird feeling that 1 i wanted you to spin off so i could beat you but 2 i didnt want to spin off as i wanted a decent fight for the championship :lol:
Respect is earned on the track over seasons as me @Furinkazen proved on Thursday afternoon in WSC cars around Silverstone going side by side for a few corners.

Moaning and complaining and eventually quitting will lose you respect and also makes you an easy target as some people may pick up on that and maybe nudge you on purpose knowing full well that they will get angry and lose their focus and ultimately go slower or try and retaliate and get themselves a penalty or fail and lose time.
start of race 3 by request Great team work by humberside racing ;)


The way he was driving from the start was one thing.. but from 3:50 to end... would be banned in any series of Touring Car racing and that was just ridiculous. Also, saw what @paulmac2k9 was talking about.... and man... You guys are aggressive! Its just crazy. :crazy:
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Sorry but you can criticise Dax as much as you want but in that video there was worse than Dax. Also the amount he got run into under brakes and punted, I'm not surprised he left.

I left all those seasons ago for the same reason. It looks like very little has changed tbh.

I didn't do a planned one off at Fuji due to the blatant dirty driving in the q race. I instead watched it and gave info to Furi on incidents etc.

I know that the real draft makes it harder to pass but I would have thought that would make racing more fun. With the lack of drafting from miles away and draft induced crashes etc.

But as I said to Furi when we met for Oulton. "It's TOCA that causes all the bad driving, that will never change".

Anyway, Furi can you re send the T12 part list as I think some changed since our last test.
To be honest you should just toca from 6 mins of footage from one car.

If I uploaded every minute from
Every car that would be 975 minutes of footage or 16.25 hours.

I doubt someone's gonna sit and watch it all.
I race sporadically because I don't like driving I was escaping Buford T. Justice just to get a 6th place because everyone else seems to do the same.
I race sporadically because I don't like driving I was escaping Buford T. Justice just to get a 6th place because everyone else seems to do the same.
I race, but I just can't seem to make the grid... :guilty:
Chroisty that was rough. Glad I avoided all that :crazy:
If there isn't a tremendous clampdown on deliberate takeouts and divebombs, a la that video, I can't see myself putting up with it for much longer.
Was pretty packed towards the back with 5 cars fighting for 1 position. If this was further up the front of the grid you wouldn't normally expect that to happen because it would be more spread out but with cars being held up behind a slower car was always going to cause some contact, in this case some real dirty contact and this would have always happened in a reverse grid race, just that today things got too rough. I will admit the chicane incident is partially my fault as I was on the very inside of Sig trying to pass him but the cars ahead braked earlier so we were side by side on the very left of the track and that's what made it 4 wide into the braking zone as 2 cars were battling ahead of us.

Don't think any of it was deliberate apart from Dax. Possibly Furi considering Dax did cut the track slightly to pass him.
Guys, lets not forget that whole mess was caused because of Chris and Scan not seeing each other, which formed a pack of us 5 at the back scrabbling for positions. Still doesn't justify our driving though :guilty: 👎
Will also note the only way to really pass Dax was on the brakes or taking advantage of him being held up thanks to dat Reno torque.
I think one probably has to look at a whole race from someone's perspective in order to understand why somebody snaps. I know it's happened to me (on rare occasions, but one of them was on GP/D), and from what I remember most of the times it's several incidents in short succession where you tried to drive cleanly, but get punted around for no good reason. And as I said, sometimes these just add up so that, if you have a temper, you just start thinking, fine, now I'll do the same to them. One should be above that, but sometimes it's hard to be. So, while deliberately ramming someone without braking is probably overdoing it, I have some sort of understanding for it. (nb: I'm not condoning it)

For my part, I was relieved to see that my incident was indeed not as violent as I hoped (I would still have made the corner without contact, so the speed of impact was rather low and everyone seemed to be able to carry on instantly), but the other cars had nowhere to go and it shouldn't have happened, period. I'm still embarrassed by it, although it was the only wrong thing I can remember doing all night.
Guys, lets not forget that whole mess was caused because of Chris and Scan not seeing each other, which formed a pack of us 5 at the back scrabbling for positions. Still doesn't justify our driving though :guilty: 👎

As long as we're not both disqualified from the races due to it :P

Will also note the only way to really pass Dax was on the brakes or taking advantage of him being held up thanks to dat Reno torque.

That's what's so good about this car, you can switchback and shoot up the inside and fly back past them... :sly:
Oh s**t, I've given away a secret... God damn it!
A huge amount of it was due to the Chris/Scania merging - it meant cars just couldn't get past and so there was a lot of bunching behind, so contact was inevitable as you have half the grid packed behind two cars.

3mins in that vid is amusing. I had a mega run on Furi and just needed a cars width to get by him on the inside. Needed Dax to move over slightly to allow it to happen but he clearly didn't want to do that. I thought one or two taps might be enough of an indication for what I wanted to do but he clearly wasn't interested :lol:
That's what's so good about this car, you can switchback and shoot up the inside and fly back past them... :sly:
Oh s**t, I've given away a secret... God damn it!
Which meant my only hope of passing you in Race 3 was getting up the inside and when that was closed I knew it was over.

Gotta love how the Renault start of yours cleared you past that mess.
@Andil: We have our favorite track next :P
I think I need to treat myself to a win saying it'll be my birthday ;)

Gotta love how the Renault start of yours cleared you past that mess.

I like to try and get out of the traffic and up front nearer the start of the race as if I stay in the traffic - it means that people near the front will have got away. However, if I can get a bit of distance between myself and the pack; then it's easier!
@Andil: We have our favorite track next :P
I think I need to treat myself to a win saying it'll be my birthday ;)
Sadly for you @Andil's missing that meeting :sly:

Best chance to claw back some points. The Ford is good through Copse and is decent on the straights, and third to the Mazda and the Renault.
Well, I'm also looking forward to you not appearing for Brands ;)
If we're really lucky - we may be able to get a Renault 1-2 in the Drivers Championship :P
Well, I'm also looking forward to you not appearing for Brands ;)
If we're really lucky - we may be able to get a Renault 1-2 in the Drivers Championship :P
I can still do Race 1 if I want to, but I'm only doing Race 1 if I'm desperate to get as many points as possible. If it's likely @Andil will overhaul me then I won't even bother. However I'm a good 25+ points behind now so probably won't.

Could have done the season opener if I had wanted to as well but chose against doing so.
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