Was a great race although I made a a couple of errors. The start was a little awkward as
@Ninners already said. He waited and I knew I couldn't just floor it and overtake before the line, so everyone basically came from behind at a much greater speed and by Les Combes, I think I was in last place.
@LancerEvo7 was in front of me, and I knew he didn't see me, which made passing a little difficult, but after a lap or so, things settled in with
@Yeratel84 in front of me and
@Andil and Ninners "around" me. That is, until Yera suddenly vanished about 2 car lengths ahead of me. For a moment I didn't know what to do - if only I didn't see him and he still saw me, I would punt him off the track, but there was anyway nothing I could have done, so I raced as if he wasn't there (which he wasn't in the universe I could see). The next phase was some of the best racing I can remember. We had so many position and lead changes with clean racing, it was really a memorable experience.
Getting closer to the first series of pitstops, I made a little error coming out of bus-stop, but I was only behind a couple of seconds. Ninners then pitted in the lead (positions with no guarantee as I don't know where Yera was) on lap 14, followed by Andil on lap 15. I had definitely planned to make a maximum of 2 stops, and although the tyres weren't run down, they felt a little worn, so I came in as planned after lap 18. That is, I tried to. Because I somehow couldn't find the pit entrance and crashed into the wall on the right of it. Then had to accelerate up the hill on the grass into it, only to spin again between the concrete walls. I almost got stuck sideways there. I must have lost something like 30 seconds there.
Afterwards it was much lonelier. Made a decent 2nd stint to lap 36, found the pit entrance this time. I made another error after Andil's last stop, when it was clear I wouldn't be able to catch him (a 540° spin after Eau Rouge without damaging the car), so I don't know, if I could have finished 2nd in front of Yeratel or not.
Anyway, had a lot of fun. I'm really hoping Andil & Ninners can find the time for a full campaign next season! The more, the merrier!