Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Once again sorry, I'll try another pic.
Please tell me you see kebab's lol

We all make mistakes... I should know, since I did something similar a couple of weeks ago... atleast I wasn't confronted by a picture of a massive arsehole, however...
I think they are all particularly funny but my personal preferance goes to the two dogs.
Where do you get these?

The multiple kitty one is funny :)
It's a NYer's secret ;)

Ohh wait....


I'm glad that some of you find these cartoons somewhat funny, for I am to start a new Caption Contest here at the Comedy Corner Forum. It will be held once a week and we'll have polls and stuff...

And who knows, if I see a consistent winner for a certain period of time, say 2 or 3 months, I could give out a prize or something. :)
I'm glad that some of you find these cartoons somewhat funny, for I am to start a new Caption Contest here at the Comedy Corner Forum. It will be held once a week and we'll have polls and stuff...

sign me up
:lol: at the end of each one: "Perform oral sex on him and cook him a delicious meal"
I'm not so sure about that, at least not on all of them. I've seen this before even with a recipe for cat-safe paint for these sort of costumes, if its real frankly its just disturbing
I'm not so sure about that, at least not on all of them. I've seen this before even with a recipe for cat-safe paint for these sort of costumes, if its real frankly its just disturbing


My folks sent me some pictures months ago of these cats, and followed up the next day with the Snopes article (discovered only after she had sent the pictures under the assumption they were real).
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