Funny Pic Thread (Episode II: Attack of the Reposts)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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wow, that is one hell of a flesh tunnel, I don't see why people would want that sort of thing, I mean you don't really want to take them out because it leaves a big load of stretched ear loab

That's funny, but it has to be a photoshop.
I got it from a site which posts stuff like this from real software.

Google the text of the message and you'll see that OSX'es Finder really does give you that exact error text.

EDIT: Actually, I googled the first part and got many hits, but not one for that specific message. Many equally inane ones, though. It appears this happens with Samba or something similar for Windows interop.
Whats up with their Jesus theme lately?! I know its Easter, but Christmas didn't even get this many comics from them.
I got it from a site which posts stuff like this from real software.

Could you give us a link to that site... I love those mac errors

Like the other one that says something like "Warning, doing this may freeze the system" and you click 'OK' but the system already froze!!!
Explosm: Distasteful, disrespectful, and just plain unenjoyable. (Funny they almost always make fun of Christianity yet not other religions)
That man at the front is on a motorbike which has an engine so he won't have to pedal but the other riders have pushbikes which means they need to pedal so the man at the front has the advantage, since he doesn't need to pedal?

I think I get it, but I'm not sure.
That man at the front is on a motorbike which has an engine so he won't have to pedal but the other riders have pushbikes which means they need to pedal so the man at the front has the advantage, since he doesn't need to pedal?

I think I get it, but I'm not sure.

So nice of you to drop by, Captain Obvious
The Rhino shot is well done and very funny looking. I think it is the fact that he doesn't have legs. Maybe he is like a Sea Plane and only lands in water. :D
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