Funny Pic Thread (Episode V: The PIXXORZ Strike Back)

  • Thread starter sn00pie
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I hate to interupt the daily AUP violater vs. Mod discussion, but:

NFL fans will possibly find the humor in this.


We finally made history!
What in the world happened with that revolving door? Also, mega lols for the squirrel. :lol: I should try that in our park.
Somebody coming in from outside tried to push it the other way.

No they didn't. The only explanation I can think of is that there's an automated sensor on both sides, and the guy outside triggered the sensor which simultaneously told the door to swing the other way. And then the door crushed itself somehow. And out of nowhere a beam fall out.

But if they had sensors on the doors, wouldn't it just make a lot more sense and be a lot more efficient to have a standard pair of automated sliding door?
There's nothing to be confused about. sn00pie is being completely factual. Short of the spaces before the maugg's but that is a vB issue, not a spelling mistake.
The 12-year-old needs grammar lessons. Or he's somehow mege-awesome-brilliant at irony.

Nah, 12-year-olds do not understand irony.
Not only is the last picture a repost, if I'm not mistaken it violates the AUP.

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