Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers




Re: Shuttle on 747 discussion that occurred while I was asleep in my part of the world.

Another thing to consider also is that the shuttle has wings ( + lifting body ) so that would all assist in the lifting the combined weight at flight speed. I figure NASA know what they're doing re: setup of flying craft, so the shuttle's mounted position on the back of the 747 would bring the shuttle's own lift in to effect to produce the most efficient setup.

But the thrust, an important part of the equation, is all supplied by the 747's engines.
That make no sense, how can he inherit a mess if he already is already in a mess?

It makes perfect sense. That's how politics work. Before leaving you make a huge mess for the next one to handle. When he can't, you come in and say "Look what he did! I would've handled this! I'm the suparman!11! Elect me now pls!111!!1"
That make no sense, how can he inherit a mess if he already is already in a mess?

That's the funny part. He spent the last 4 years blaming his predecessor, and if he gets re-elected he will be his own predecessor.

Don't be afraid to check the last 3-4 pages of this very thread every so often.

We can understand if it was 50 pages back, but the past 10 days...give it a shot.
I checked the last 3-4 pages and that was from the 12th to the 16th. I don't see the image on any other post. I checked the posts on the 19th and it's not there.