TB Space Lord Moderator 35,353 Downtown North Dakota Cy-Fi Sunday at 9:00 PM #49,684 TRLWNC7396 Yeah.. But turning it off will be a PAIN! Click to expand... How do you plan on turning it off?
TRLWNC7396 Yeah.. But turning it off will be a PAIN! Click to expand... How do you plan on turning it off?
opelgt1969 Premium 2,243 Bristol,Va USA opelgt1969 Sunday at 9:46 PM #49,685 TB How do you plan on turning it off? Click to expand... Like anything electrical unplug it
MatskiMonk 17,190 United Kingdom Monday at 2:54 PM #49,687 That looks like a bed at a Day's Inn I once stayed at. Last edited: Monday at 3:14 PM
Jump_Ace Compare Yourself To The Best Of Your Own Abilities Staff Emeritus 9,717 Portland, OR Jump_Ace JUMPxACE Monday at 3:13 PM #49,688 That looks like a bed from a sorosis commercial. Jerome
UKMikey Premium 18,298 Grea'er Laandan UKMikeyA UKMikeyA Monday at 6:18 PM #49,689 Sounds like the perfect place to awake from a korma.
Liquid Fission Mailed Premium 29,847 Bratvegas GTP_Liquid Monday at 6:39 PM #49,690 Jalfrezit differently if there are no takers.
TRLWNC7396 2,012 WNC TRLWNC Yesterday at 2:11 AM #49,691 TB How do you plan on turning it off? Click to expand... Maybe a piece of wood to push it apart. But like anything electrical, I wouldn't want to mess with it too much!
TB How do you plan on turning it off? Click to expand... Maybe a piece of wood to push it apart. But like anything electrical, I wouldn't want to mess with it too much!