Funny/Strange News Stories

Neither funny nor strange as a story, but certainly a bloody odd choice of words... from The Times, of all people:

I think you're trying to read something into when really they're just expressing a preference for a particular tradesman.

I wouldn't worry.
The joke of the whole thing is the Trump balloon was against Trump's policies and politics, this one is just to attack someone who's been seen to 'attack' their beloved Trump. It's the usual extremist nonsense (read stupidity) of attacking anyone who is even remotely seen as opposition.

Farage has failed to become an MP and I can't see London, the most left wing city and biggest Remain voter base in the country, ever voting in Farage.

Also this;
May 2012 London mayoral and local elections
UKIP forgot to put their party name on their candidate's ballot paper for the London mayoral election, 2012,[67] Laurence Webb appearing as "a fresh choice for London". Farage described the mistake as an internal error.
I wouldn't worry.
The joke of the whole thing is the Trump balloon was against Trump's policies and politics, this one is just to attack someone who's been seen to 'attack' their beloved Trump. It's the usual extremist nonsense (read stupidity) of attacking anyone who is even remotely seen as opposition.

Farage has failed to become an MP and I can't see London, the most left wing city and biggest Remain voter base in the country, ever voting in Farage.

Also this;
What are the qualities that makes one balloon political protest and the other extremist nonsense of attacking anyone who is even remotely seen as opposition?
Removing someone from office is the literal purpose of any political party or group that is in opposition to whomever holds the elected position. How does that make it extremist nonsense? I would think that floating a balloon of someone who isn't running in one of your elections and characterizing at as policies and politics is more extremist than floating a balloon of someone who is actually elected to office in your own country.
Removing someone from office is the literal purpose of any political party or group that is in opposition to whomever holds the elected position. How does that make it extremist nonsense? I would think that floating a balloon of someone who isn't running in one of your elections and characterizing at as policies and politics is more extremist than floating a balloon of someone who is actually elected to office in your own country.
No surprises there. By this logic, presumably had Americans built a Khan balloon as you wished in an earlier post then they would have qualified for a similar level of "extremism" despite the mayor having no plans to visit the US.

However, you asked how it was an attack. The White Pendragons' protest showed how Trump's supporters don't like people speaking out against their idol. The extremist nonsense is that the balloon protesters are holding him solely responsible for the rise in knife crime and are using this specific form of protest in response to his allowing the Trump balloon to fly. Fortunately he's not bothered though:
BBC News
Mr Khan said: "If people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini they're welcome to do so.

"I don't really think yellow's my colour though."

So much for a "delicious" "torrent of faux and hypocritical outrage".
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No surprises there. By this logic, presumably had Americans built a Khan balloon as you wished in an earlier post then they would have qualified for a similar level of "extremism" despite the mayor having no plans to visit the US.

However, you asked how it was an attack. The White Pendragons' protest showed how Trump's supporters don't like people speaking out against their idol. The extremist nonsense is that the balloon protesters are holding him solely responsible for the rise in knife crime and are using this specific form of protest in response to his allowing the Trump balloon to fly. Fortunately he's not bothered though:

So much for a "delicious" "torrent of faux and hypocritical outrage".
I would have like to have been a fly on the wall when the White Pendragons had the meeting to decide what he should wear and the colour of the bikini :lol:

I'm not the least bit surprised that this exchange is taking place, but that it actually is is absolutely hilarious. You-know-who playing voice of reason after having pitched a fit when his orange crush was the target of inflatable satire.


And what do you suppose is being said by Khan being depicted in a bikini? How far off is the implication of paraphilia through compulsive transvestism from alluding to Trump being in a romantic relationship with Vladimir Putin?
No surprises there. By this logic, presumably had Americans built a Khan balloon as you wished in an earlier post then they would have qualified for a similar level of "extremism" despite the mayor having no plans to visit the US.

However, you asked how it was an attack. The White Pendragons' protest showed how Trump's supporters don't like people speaking out against their idol. The extremist nonsense is that the balloon protesters are holding him solely responsible for the rise in knife crime and are using this specific form of protest in response to his allowing the Trump balloon to fly. Fortunately he's not bothered though:

So much for a "delicious" "torrent of faux and hypocritical outrage".
Seems like we have different definitions of the word extremist. Sounds like standard political rhetoric these days on both sides of the aisle.
I don't understand this balloon. The other was a baby Trump because they said Trump behaved like a toddler making angry ill judged choices. What sort of message is Khan wearing a bikini meant to send out? He likes women's clothes? So what?

Fair play for allowing it though.

Edit: The bikini was in response to an advert that was banned on the tube... Erm ok.
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Not exactly the biggest crowd guys. :lol:
It's interesting that - for all the attempts on this forum and elsewhere to spin the balloon campaign as free speech advocacy and legitimate political opposition to Khan's mayorship - according to your photo it seems to be heavily associated with Trumpies presumably butthurt that somebody poked fun at their idol.

An opinion piece on written by a representative of the fun pokers would appear to bear this impression out and even links the campaign funding with some of those far right extremists we're not supposed to be mentioning right now.

I wonder if that's what scared any neutral supporters away and thinned the crowd to single figures. Kinda doubt it, though.
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It's interesting that - for all the attempts on this forum and elsewhere to spin the balloon campaign as free speech advocacy and legitimate political opposition to Khan's mayorship - according to your photo it seems to be heavily associated with Trumpies presumably butthurt that somebody poked fun at their idol.

An opinion piece on written by a representative of the fun pokers would appear to bear this impression out and even links the campaign funding with some of those far right extremists we're not supposed to be mentioning right now.

I wonder if that's what scared any neutral supporters away and thinned the crowd to single figures. Kinda doubt it , though.
You expected anything else?

Tbh they were hoping not to fly the balloon at all. If Khan had banned it, it would have given them legitimacy but Khan said fine fly it and protest and I bet they just thought 'well crap'.