Funny/Strange News Stories

Kuwaiti fishmonger's stock looks surprisingly fresh. BBC.

I mean... least it wasn't a nose.

The balloon is funny in its upright position, and probably funnier still in that position but inflated fully.

The balloon is a clever satirism of a specific instance--the recall of the "beach body" ad--but I'm not sure it conveys the theme of the majority of that side's comments, as they're presented, regarding Khan as mayor.

Increased violence during his time as mayor; hairy man in yellow bikini.






I’ve seen all this Nike protesting on Twitter but not seen anything on the news as to why... though this did make me chuckle

Oh this is why :lol: :lol:

Sadly it's not true - but it's only a matter of time.

I hadn't realised it flew on the anniversary of Gawd Bless the Princess of Herts' death. Not news in itself but it does remind us that...

She lived her life like a Khan doll in the wind.

Not my joke, thank twitter :D
I’ve seen all this Nike protesting on Twitter but not seen anything on the news as to why... Oh this is why
Protesting over protesting...

America is great!



I hadn't realised it flew on the anniversary of Gawd Bless the Princess of Herts' death. Not news in itself but it does remind us that...

She lived her life like a Khan doll in the wind.

Not my joke, thank twitter :D
Well that's just poor taste. Funny as all get out...but poor taste.

Two Indian men are accused of stealing a solid gold tiffin box worth an estimated £12m, but couldn't find a buyer and ended up using it as a lunch box..

A police inspector told the Indian Express newspaper the men were amateurs. “[They] dreamed of making it big in life someday,” he said. “Mubeen became fascinated by the tiffin box after visiting the museum months ago. He said he wanted to feel like the nizams who ate from golden plates.”

That's really kind of sad and poignant in a completely hilarious way.