Funny/Strange News Stories

I don't see the issue here. Are lingerie models expected never to take any other jobs or something? Are they not able to acquire a skill like photography? Seems like some people are saying that just because she happens to be hot, that has to be the whole reason she got the job. Now I don't deny the possibility, but lacking any sort of evidence, I'll withhold judgement.
I don't see the issue here. Are lingerie models expected never to take any other jobs or something? Are they not able to acquire a skill like photography? Seems like some people are saying that just because she happens to be hot, that has to be the whole reason she got the job. Now I don't deny the possibility, but lacking any sort of evidence, I'll withhold judgement.
Apparently Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian President, has his own official photographer with a similar background. I looked it up; apparently her colleagues think highly off her. I think the reason why Yana Lapikova has attracted interest is because she's an unknown in the Russian photography community.
An interesting case...

Either story of bear or toy is just normal everyday crap, but when you add them together it makes for an awesome headline.

Kim Kardashian has been diagnosed with an incurable, hereditary skin condition, which could "ruin her career". Apparently, this is a very big deal because "When I gain a pound, it's in the headlines. Imagine what the tabloids would do to me if they saw all these spots? My career is doing ad campaigns and swimsuit photo shoots. People don't understand the pressure on me to look perfect."

It's funny because someone considers this to be news.

It's considerbly less funny when you realise that this is the reason why terrorists hate us.
I don't believe that Interludes is laughing at Kim Kardashian herself, or her disease, rather that people think that what's going on is "news".
It's considerably less funny when your laughing at someone with an incurable skin condition.
The condition Kardashian has been diagnosed with, psoriasis, is not life-threatening. It only really affects quality of life by making people feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Which, granted, can be serious enough in itself. Now, I don't find that to be funny in and of itself. No, what I'm pointing out is the fact that it's Kim Kardashian who is so distressed over it. Because let's be honest with ourselves: who the hell is she? She hasn't really done anything famous - except to be famous. She's a socialite, a bottom-feeder of the lowest quality. You can throw her in with Paris Hilton and the crowd of self-absorbed B-grade celebrities who are all (there's no better word for it) attention whores.

Look at the state of the world right now. We've got a madman going on a killing rampage in Norway. We've got the worst drought in sixty years decimating the Horn of Africa. We've got the United States at serious risk of defaulting on its loans. We've got more serious issues than we have ever had before. And yet, here is Kim Kardashian complaining about how her career is ruined because of a skin condition and how there's so much pressure on her for being "beautiful" (though she looks like she's made of plastic). Never mind the fact that there are thousands of people with psoriasis who live their lives every day like regular people. Where are they, and why aren't they complaining the way Kardashian is? Kardashian seems to expect the world to come to a grinding halt because the world might see her as being ugly.

And this is what I find amusing: the universe is correcting one giant karmic imbalance. Kardashian is shallow, self-absorbed and representative of everything that is wrong with society - someone who produces nothing, consumes everything, and demands more when it is all gone. Maybe having an unsightly skin condition will force a little humility onto her.
I think we need to cut to the chase here and address the real problem with this story, barely 2 minutes after clicking on the link I was reading a story about Angelina Jolie being pissed at Brad for nearly hiring a nanny that looked a bit like Jennifer Aniston...this is not acceptable interludes, not acceptable at all :grumpy:

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