Funny/Strange News Stories

No, you wouldn't because once the gun owner realizes his gun isn't in his possession & the company/Amazon/UPS/whoever finds out you have it & you didn't report it, you'd have committed a felony & possibly given up your right to own a gun in the first place.

Actually, I've heard you're generally within your rights to keep any incorrect merchandise that is mailed to you in error.
I'm not sure if the term "generally" applies when dealing with a deadly weapon though. Isn't it illegal to own a gun without documents, permits, etc?

UPDATE, 10:45 a.m.: Ty Rogers, an Amazon spokesman, declined to say what the company is doing to remedy the situation.

Hmmm... maybe giving the man his damn television?
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I mean, should anyone be truly shocked at the outcome?

Actually, I find it somewhat shocking. In some cultures roaches and other insects are a staple of their diet. The only explanations I can think of are that his body just wasn't used to eating that kind of stuff, or that roaches physically destroyed his stomach while they were still alive. But then again I'm expert on insects or anatomy, so I wouldn't know.

Just because western civilization finds eating lice insects it taboo doesn't necessarily make it dangerous or stupid.
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Actually, I've heard you're generally within your rights to keep any incorrect merchandise that is mailed to you in error.
Generally, yes. Not in the case of a weapon like this. In fact, UPS was not even supposed to be delivering the weapon to begin with, according to their own policies.
This is rather silly but it amused me somewhat: a French women's phone bill totalling 11.7 quadrillion euros.
Dee don't talk like vee doo doo dey?

You’ll never talk alone, Jamie

LIVERPOOL star Jamie Carragher’s Scouse accent is so strong he has SUBTITLES in a TV documentary.

Carra, 34, was interviewed with his son at the club’s training ground for Channel 5 show Being: Liverpool.

The programme’s US producers thought Americans would not understand the ex-England ace and added subtitles when it was shown recently.

Channel 5 will keep them when it broadcasts the episode tonight. Embarrassingly for Bootle-born Carragher, there are no subtitles for Spaniard Pepe Reina or Brazilian star Lucas Leiva.
I'm a little curious what's happened to the woman - she spent at least 3 minutes (plus the time it took for passengers to realise it was worth videoing and starting to do so) screaming at the guy, then attacked him while he was driving a bus full of passengers...
Attention whore doesn't get what she wants, kills herself. What she did is her responsibility and her responsibility alone.

The story itself isn't all that funny, but the photoshopped pictures are.

This story also serves to remind us of the state of the Daily Mail's (and basically all other news outlets) approach to unbiased reporting.
Pretty girl. Bit of a shame.

...she was so close to becoming a porn star. Teenagers are so selfish, picking on her because she did something unusual or that doesn't fit within their values. Now the world is deprived of a performer who could have reached, less face it, far more people than most of the people who teased her.

Attention whore doesn't get what she wants, kills herself. What she did is her responsibility and her responsibility alone.

If not for attention whores, we'd have nothing to watch on TV or at the movies.

At that age, I had no idea that those kinds of people could grow up and produce something valuable. Somewhere along the line I realized that the attention whores of the world are actually quite important.


Actually I'm surprised an arrest has not been made for whoever filmed and uploaded the video of underage children having sex. That's still against the law. One more reason she should not have killed herself, that video was never going anywhere as it is literally child porn.
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I'm not saying that she couldn't have contributed something to the world, I'm saying that her suicide is her own responsibility.

Nobody forced her to have sex with the football players. Nobody forced her to jump in front of a train. The only person who could potentially share the blame is the camera person for the reasons you stated.
Girl runs train with the football team, then gets run over by a train.

Don't have sex at 15 (with everyone) if you don't want to be known as a slut. Poor girl.

Call me insensitive if you want, but I find it very difficult to have any sympathy for this girl. All of the things that supposedly caused her death were her actions alone. I mean, having sex with multiple people when you're 15? In my book, that qualifies as being a slut. Having sex that young is slut-worthy, but multiple people is just too far. Like others have said, she is a attention whore. All of her classmates that supposedly feel sorry for her wouldn't have given two :censored:s had she not thrown herself in front of a train. Zero sympathy. /end rant]
Where were the foster parents of that child?

Even if teenagers claim they are becoming adults, they are still mere children in life.

Sad, sad story. Another case of should've and could've.
I don't see that's funny at all... Not really the place for it, quite inappropriate...

Agreed. Regardless of how bad anyone thinks what she did was, she certainly didn't deserve to be tormented for it. I don't understand the humor in this at all. She shouldn't have been bullied for this, and she shouldn't continue to be bullied after her death.

Recently a similar situation happened with a girl who went to our school for a short time. All she did was have a picture of her breats taken, and she was bullied so much for so long that she took her life because of it. Even after death some people continued to torment her. The whole situation received quite a lot of attention from the media in our province, and there were a lot of very caring and frustrated people who despite not even knowing her, still wanted some form of justice and punishment for the tormenters, because the people in our province are quite nice and compassionate.

Although this situation didn't take place over years, only a few days, and what happened to cause the bullying was a lot more extreme, I still see many similarities in the situation. It's a shame that the bullying pushed her depression too far and that she decided to take her own life. My condelences to her friends and family.

I hope the GTPlanet community can recognise the other side of this situation, and hopefully become more understanding and compassionate and sympathetic towards the girl, despite her having group sex which was filmed. Reading some of these posts were extremely dissappointing, as previously I had always thought of GTPlanet as quite a nice forum, with kind, intelligent members. Now I'm not so sure about all of the members of this forum. I do realise that it's a lot more difficult to understand if you haven't actually had personal experience of any kind with a situation like this, and I hope you change your views on this. I don't expect to see these kinds of posts in a funny news stories thread.

Sorry if this post was too long.
:lol: And did that guy say "is it time for dogs to have their own social network of their own" ? Yo dawg.

How can these clowns be taken seriously?