Funny/Strange News Stories

Pierce Brosnan was never James Bond. True, he was better than George Lazenby, but wet paper towel has more charisma than George Lazenby.
...For what it's worth, I enjoyed Brosnan being a Bond. I always felt he nailed the suave part down pretty solid.

Although my memories of his tenure as 007 will always be soiled by the dam running scene in the beginning of Goldeneye...

Even Stevie Wonder could tell that was a stunt running with a rope....
I always thought he was the best Bond until Daniel Craig. (ducks for cover). :)

Back on-topic; how do you get your burglary investigation costs down? Perhaps by only investigating break-ins at even-numbered houses?

This is just stupid. I live at an odd numbered house and when I heard this being trialled I was quite shocked. What's next? Only break ins between 0900-1700 to be investigated? I blame two groups. One, the Tories for cutting funding to the police to such extremes. Two, the Leicestershire Police for an absolutely moronic trial.

As for my funny news:

60 all out. That's all I have to say. Though England can still blow it, which will be even funnier xD
They did the study on great tits. Wouldn't there be more people interested in what happens with average tits?

I blame fashion magazines.
Elderly man 'calmly' smokes pipe while 'sinking' in Loxley lake

Woman boarding Beijing flight is told her 700ml bottle of $190 Cognac exceeds the 100ml regulation.

As if that didn't spoil her day enough she was soon told she was too drunk to board. BBC.


Uhm, so it's okay to bring in the tipple to the country, but not cool to move it around? I don't get it, but whatever.

Hang on, wasn't there a rule or something where the limit was couple of bottles, not the ml? When did that change? And what about the tax-free stores selling booze in the airport?

What if I wanted to bring seven 100ml bottles? ? ? ? ????

Darwin man.

That would have been the perfect Darwin award had things gone awry.
That's pretty much standard for Darwin. That story about families attending a live audience for the dissection of a crocodile? Happened in Darwin. A regatta for boats made entirely out of empty beer cans? Darwin. In fact, I'd say that about 90% of the stories I post in this thread happened in Darwin.

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