Funny/Strange News Stories

...Some people might take that as an enjoyable pastime, mind you. I guess it'll entirely depend on which States it's implemented in. đź’ˇ
Normally relatives of the 50-60 year range that enjoy sitting on a pub floor in a human train shape to cotton eye joe.....
I saw a version on reddit that cut off right after the punch. I assumed it was because the man would've had his ass handed to him immediately afterwards. :dopey:
Clearly someone has NOT thought through all of the potential issues with this bill.

...I lean toward pro-gun but even I can tell that's not gonna go down well. Especially if the ref is blind or some such. Oh wait, maybe the lawmakers are thinking of this:

How to Build Big Biceps and Triceps Fast & Quickly.jpg
Guy: *punches kangaroo*

*N.W.A - Gangsta Gangsta plays*

Kangaroo: "u wot m9"
This looks like some form of communication, but it either needs translating into English or we need to find a cryptographer (or both, of course).
This looks like some form of communication, but it either needs translating into English or we need to find a cryptographer (or both, of course).
I could translate.

"The gentleman punched the kangaroo with the song "Gangsta Gangsta" in the background. The kangaroo looked at the gentleman in utter shock, and barely let out the words: 'You what, mate?'"
This looks like some form of communication, but it either needs translating into English or we need to find a cryptographer (or both, of course).
It was a failed attempt at combining a thug life moment with a "u wot m9" moment. :P
There shouldnt be any on field refs in sporting matches.
They can be bias and if they make the wrong call.
Too Bad, So Sad.
Team that lost the match does not get compensated
Yeah, still not getting it. Everything after "combining" just looks like someone is throwing random words at a dyslexic game of Battleships...
It confused me too, I was like what is "m9" then I was like oh he meant "m8".
Strange news story.

Austrian MPs vote in favour of a CPO on Hitler's birthplace. They don't want it to become a neo-nazi tourist destination so they'll most likely knock it down but critics of that move say that that is tantamount to ignoring Austria's past.

CPO = compulsory purchase order.
No, ignoring it would be to leave it up and not recognizing it as a building. They are actually honoring the fallen leader by making his house join him scattered on the earth.