G.I. Joe 2009...

  • Thread starter niky
They ruined Transformers. They ruined G. I. Joe. What's left of my childhood? Better call up Joel Schumacher and see if he's free to do the M.A.S.K. movie and the remake of He-Man.

There's always X-men.

... oh wait.

It's not much, I know, but supposedly it's happening. From what has been discussed, it's likely a CGI project rather than live action.

Interesting... I think it will turn out better with CGI though.... Maybe something like Final Fantasy ... As long as they dont butcher it like these other movies... I was a HUGE Dragonball Z fan as a kid and followed the series as if it was "MY PRECIOUS" :D The movie.... Dont even get me started.... sorry for the off-topic post... wont happen after this :)
When G.I. Joe is put up against something like Iron Man, for example, you see just how bad an example of a summer blockbuster this is. Movies that "don't take themselves too seriously" are beginning to use said phrase as an excuse when ends don't meet, things don't make sense, and performances simply fall short of expectations in their movies.

I both agree and disagree on those points. In some strange way, I really feel like GI: Joe and Iron Man operated on similar, but parallel wavelengths. Both were, at least for me, a bunch of fun to watch. Both, apparently, were a lot of fun to make. Certainly, Favreau had a lot more creative force behind his movie. As the first independent Marvel movie, it was an excellent start. Seeing as how GI: Joe was the first independent movie for Hasbro, I'd say it wasn't too bad of a movie either. Yeah, the "don't take themselves too seriously" line can be an excuse all day... But when it works, it works.

I guess I look back at what I remember of GI: Joe as a kid (mostly the TV show and the action figures) and I see it as something that was entirely ridiculous. Just like how the movie ended up being. If a given person was a huge fan of the comic books, I could see how they would be upset (GI Joe: Resolute would be up your alley)...

My friends and I? We were as giddy as 10 year olds coming out of the theater.
Maybe i'm still a teenager, because i thought TF2 was as good as the first one! Thanks YSSMAN i think i will go watch G.I Joe.