Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2021Formula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
I'm lost at how divebombing into a corner and forcing someone to take avoiding action to prevent both drivers from being taken out of the race is considered a 'fair move' or 'racing'. If it wasn't for the number of times Lewis took actions to prevent a collision from Max, Max wouldn't even be in contention for the championship.

On a per-car basis?
The FIA said their software doesn't allow this, because of the activation issue when approaching back markers and not being able to tell the difference.
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Or you just have to extend the area in which a driver who gives a place up has to stay behind. Instead of one corner (see Spa 2008, which Max ignored in Saudi), make it two or three corners or braking zones. I'm sure this kind of thing is easier to police.
Sounds simple, but a lot more difficult to implement than it seems.
Not really. They don't necessarily have to remotely disable the DRS in the car giving position back. Write in the rules, make the engineer remind the driver of the rule when giving the order to give back position, penalize the driver if they break the rule.
I would ask, why not just have 1 steward monitor the situation if they have already instructed a team to give the position back & instruct the driver giving up position that he's not allowed to engage his DRS button to quickly retake the position?

I've seen some other considerations such as a driver has to allow 1 or 2 corners after letting someone by before he can re-challenge for position. Another proposing waiting a full section before re-engaging (though I think that's probably a bit long). Couple suggestions of a MotoGP long-lap penalty, but I'm pretty sure F1 tracks and being cars doesn't make that viable from what I've read.
My favorite thing about this is serial wife and elderly father abuser Jos Verstappen saying he "has no respect for Hamilton as a man." Which must be a compliment. :lol:
I guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, Max has never shown solidarity with taking a knee, or ever spoken out over human rights issues either, much like with the racing line its all about him...
My favorite thing about this is serial wife and elderly father abuser Jos Verstappen saying he "has no respect for Hamilton as a man." Which must be a compliment. :lol:
I wasn't a fan of Hamilton at the time, but I remember feeling that they screwed him over. I guess the inconcistency just doesn't get better.

That was just luck that they were both able to continue. That was a pretty big impact.

Hamilton needs to finish the next race to be able to win, because if neither of them finish Verstappen gets the title. Hope we see a fair battle next week and also no retirements/reliability issues.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see a 2021 version of 1990 Suzuka next weekend, cause knowing Hamilton and Verstappen this year, it would be the most 2021 way to end this almost chaotic season.
I feel that may happen too. If Max qualifies behind Lewis then there may be an overambitious move into turn 1.

Brake checking is possibly the greatest sin a racing driver can commit short of driving straight into someone. It shows a complete disregard for the safety of yourself, your competitors and the fans watching in the stands. It's a truly cowardly act and a 10 second penalty is a disgrace as punishment for such an incident. A sudden 2.4g deceleration when another driver is a handful of metres behind you deserves the entire book being thrown at you. The bloke is a petulant child who has never been told no.
I agree. To see how lucky Lewis was relook at the Russel/ Mazepin incident. Russel had to slam on the brakes due to the Perez crash pinch and Mazepin saw it really late. Russel's car went up Maz's nose and something similar could easily happened with Verstappen and Lewis.
That's certainly true, but that's always the prerogative of the driver being ahead in the championship.

On the other hand, if Verstappen hadn't been harpooned by a certain Mercedes in Hungary (and not to bring up the Silverstone incident), this championship would have been long over by now. So I say he's well entitled to that.
Go Away GIF
And never get involved with racing again. Horrible and dangerous attitude.
The "if such and such didn't happen" arguments are baffling. Things happened the way they did, & they can't be changed. What if they just spent the whole season tangling up so much, Bottas/Perez ended up in legitimate contentions for WDC. There's no guarantee if things went the opposite direction, another variable wouldn't have been introduced to cause the same outcome.

People only seem intent on bringing it up as to either promote a disgusting move as justification for future battles, or demean the effort by Mercedes to climb back into it.
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I keep seeing people blame the FIA for this race... Can anyone hear explain how exactly that was the FIA's fault?

If Max doesn't drive so recklessly then we never have to get the FIA involved in the first place....
I keep seeing people blame the FIA for this race... Can anyone hear explain how exactly that was the FIA's fault?

If Max doesn't drive so recklessly then we never have to get the FIA involved in the first place....
The overall issue people have is that the FIA (Well Micheal Masi specifically) have been inconsistant when its come to the rules and driving standards. Both the track limits at the season opener as well as the lack of action at Brazil are two memorable examples of this, the latter of which is seen as them basically saying that this kind of driving is ok.
The overall issue people have is that the FIA (Well Micheal Masi specifically) have been inconsistant when its come to the rules and driving standards. Both the track limits at the season opener as well as the lack of action at Brazil are two memorable examples of this, the latter of which is seen as them basically saying that this kind of driving is ok.
I understand those issues but I’m struggling to see how the FIA botched yesterdays race. It’s probably just Max fans and an attempt to make his driving ok…
I understand those issues but I’m struggling to see how the FIA botched yesterdays race. It’s probably just Max fans and an attempt to make his driving ok…
The fact that Hamilton did not know he was supposed to pass Verstappen and ran into the back of him can be partially blamed on FIA not communicating to BOTH teams that Verstappen need to give up the position.
Didn't Masi say to Ron at Mercedes that he can only press so many buttons at a time on the radio after the crash? It seemed like things were a bit out of control. I'll give him some slack since this track was a mess.
To be honest, I didn't know that both drivers involved were radioed when a driver is told to give back a position.
Does anyone actually see Masi disqualifying someone from the championship for an intentional crash?

I don’t, and for that reason I’m not very excited about Abu Dhabi.
Does anyone actually see Masi disqualifying someone from the championship for an intentional crash?

I don’t, and for that reason I’m not very excited about Abu Dhabi.
I would assume if they can prove it was intentional, it can be an easy DSQ, esp. with what's on the line. I did see a Reddit post that outlined the title fights in the 90's that ended in controversy and then noted that once Michael was DSQ, it nipped drivers doing such things in the butt when a championship on the line. I can't verify that for sure b/c I'm not that knowledgeable on history dating back nearly 30 years, but the poster made the argument that once Michael's DSQ ended the unnecessary battles, the current FIA could use that in making a ruling now-a-days regards to anything happening between Max & Lewis.

However... @ROAD_DOGG33J is probably correct lol.
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I understand those issues but I’m struggling to see how the FIA botched yesterdays race. It’s probably just Max fans and an attempt to make his driving ok…
It's likely because the events that transpired is the end result of the FIA not clamping down on driving standards throughout this season and, I would argue, the long-term consequences of their decision on Verstappen/Leclerc in Austria.
Just leaving this here ;) (skip to 4:42)

:nervous: I am worried he is going to again miss his braking point by a mile next race, he already outdid his previous races of launching himself off track against Lewis and found himself surprised that when they don't avoid investigating such incidents, he can get penalised. He would have been on a race ban or two already this season and Sergio their lead driver if Lewis did not avoid him so many times. Seems odd rule if you avoid a foul, the other driver avoids a penalty. It's weird when you hear Christian say good job that Lewis got out of a corner as he would have ended up in the fence and that kind of racing from Max has been a regular theme this season.
Welcome to the post-post-post-responsibility generation of F1 drivers.

Anytime a driver only has 2-3 questionable overtakes in a season, that's pretty good. But yet, bad. And that's why they're questionable...there's enough difficulty and distraction in driving a modern F1 car that we can allow a hiccup or two.

However, Verstappen had more than that in a single race.
I don't understand the point of winning something if all everyone remembers you for is being a colossal ass in order to achieve it.

These guys need better role models than Senna and Schumacher. I suggest Nuvolari, Fangio or Gilles Villeneuve. One can overtake and defend while being respectful of the other driver's space on track. Not impossible to achieve, just more difficult, and what I would prefer to see instead of people shoving each other off track with little consequence.

This race was more like an episode of Wacky Races.
A farce. Entertaining, to be sure, but not exactly what I would like to see in F1 on a regular basis. :lol: