Seems to me a weird solution to the problem...
last years problems was multi-fold in my optinion:
1. Race director / Stewards too a ridiculously long time to request the position fix and there was some back and forth with team whinge messages. It should have been
2. Red Bull asking Max to give up the position strategically was logical but in bad taste. He's a driver it's his job to be sensible and strategic - but the tone of their message was a bit more malicious in terms to trying to disadvantage Hamilton. Remember Max made the mistake he was wrongfully in a position of advantage and there was no reason for Hamilton to be disadvantaged.
3. Merc might have have messed up and not heard the message. I didn't know about this, I thought the race director did not send them a message basically the time Max was trying slow down at an illogical place on the track to be strategic.
So for that incident I give them all a yellow card.
Common sense would not have helped because the steward's set a precedent the previous race that it was ok for Max to run off track and not give back the position.
They can't rely on common sense, the race directors and steward's should just try to be more accurate and consistent.. Do a better job, instead they are copping out.