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Hello there i just got the game and the G27 wheel I'm wondering if you have any drift setup that is good to use for beginners and maybe a car till the setup, Thanks in advance.
I need help can someone teach me?
I need help can someone teach me?
Hey SLaBaTaC I've been playing the game for a couple years now, but never really got into it until some months ago. I never learned to drift.
I got a g27 2 weeks ago, do you mind sending me a good tune for beginners and also some tips on how to start? Also, do you mind telling me what are the setting of your g27?
not a problem champ.i use simulation mode with forcefeedback on 5 (so the motors / gears dont burn out so fast).the basic start to drifting will just be powering out of the corner,dont worry so much about your 'fancy' entries you needa get a feel for the wheel first.i suggest to all learners go buy a premium Z33 (350z) and fully upgrade it.youll be running it at around 400hp though.
ill inbox you with a drift template to use.
itend to use the FFB on a very low setting. and its good for me. doesnt wear me out so quickly. in time im going to start turning the FFB back up.
ive found, and i use the same FFB setting normally, enter a drift and then let the wheel roll back round. u should then be able to catch it. (but be ready, leave it too long and ull transition). u should then be able to continuesly roll the wheel left and right finding the sweet spot. go with the wheelrather that fighting it.
sorry if itmakes no sense. its hard to explain
@ nubcake, try turning the controller sensitivity down, Maybe try a different tune if my first suggestion does not work.
Thanks SDC
nubcakeI didn't think controller steering sensitivity affects the wheel, only the DS3.
I didn't think controller steering sensitivity affects the wheel, only the DS3.
Turn ForceFeedback on 5-7
And Steering Option on Simmulator
And you use Comfort hard tyres Right ?
I've changed the FFB down to five and simmulator is selected.
Comfort hard with 350z.
I'm still finding myself struggling and fighting with the wheel a bit. I guess I need more practice.
You are correct. It has absolutely no affect, same with the amateur through simulation setting in the options menu.
I didn't think controller steering sensitivity affects the wheel, only the DS3.
ShootDaCarSimulation does, and most people say it does and the other half say it does not with the steering sensitivity and I believe it does because with 7 its a lot harder then 0 to drift with.
Simulation setting has absolutely no effect on the DFGT, G25/G27, or Thrustmaster.
For the steering sensitivity, it has no effect too. The wheel is 900 degreese, the faster you turn it that's how fast it will turn. Go into cockpit view, then turn the wheel at a slow steady pace lock to lock with sensitivity at -2. Then do the same with it at 7, if the wheel turns faster on the in car camera it proves what you are saying.
ShootDaCarOkay, Thanks for explaining.
No problem. It gets confusing sometimes.
Basically the steering sensitivity works for the DS3 to control how fast/smooth the steering goes back and forth. Which on a wheel you just simply turn the wheel faster.
It gets confusing sometimes, and I at one point thought it changed on the wheel, but I did the test I said above, and nothing was different.
Just like a lot of things on GT5, you have to pay attention to the scrolling text while you highlight a option.
ShootDaCarSo it is kind of "Mind of matter"? if you now that saying?
If you mean it's all in your head, than yeah![]()
I've changed the FFB down to five and simmulator is selected.
Comfort hard with 350z.
I'm still finding myself struggling and fighting with the wheel a bit. I guess I need more practice.