So Bran played everyone (especially Jon) and gets to be King. OK... I liked the quiet, angst filled Bran way better than this King Brandon "Why do you think I came all the way here?" the Broken. He has known the entire time what will happen and has used everyone as pawns in his game. No one, including his sisters, Sam and Tyrion who know of his abilities, realizes this?
So many questions ran through my head even before the credits rolled. Why wasn't Arya killed taking out the Night King if she had no further use in the story? Where was the leader of Dorne and his army before the council to elect the king? Wouldn't Grey Worm and the Unsullied have killed Jon on the spot for betraying Dany? Why would they take him prisoner and let Tyrion live as well?
Let me get this part straight because I'm not sure if I completely understood it. Jon Snow, the honorable man he is, decides that he swore to Dany and will continue to serve her even if she will destroy more cities, kill thousands of innocent women and children and probably kill him for being the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. He only decides to betray Dany after Tyrion reminds him of his sisters' fate if he is gone and after hearing Dany's reasons for her slaughter of King's Landing. In the end, I think Jon understands what Bran has done when Bran tells him he has always been where he was supposed to be. If not for Bran, Jon likely would have married and lived happily ruling with Dany and King's Landing likely would have been intact. That is why he breaks his punishment and leaves the Night's Watch to join the people beyond the wall.
I think we all predicted better endings than what we got. I understand that this is the ending the author created and that the writers and producers were time strapped but this was pretty disappointing. The last two episodes left more questions than answers and in many ways contradicted seasons/years worth of character build up and story lines.