Gangsta's n Thugs

  • Thread starter epic
Originally posted by Ghost C
Your IQ is rivaled only by the highest temperatures inside my freezer.

Where the hell did you find that insult!? Jesus Christ, can't you come up with something better? Even "I know you are but what am I" would suffice! The temperature inside my freezer? Talk about a poor comeback! My God!!
Where the hell did you find that insult!? Jesus Christ, can't you come up with something better? Even "I know you are but what am I" would suffice! The temperature inside my freezer? Talk about a poor comeback! My God!!

I have met a great deal of stupid people in life. For most, stupidity is a plague, or a hereditary curse. But aside from being among the stupidest I have ever heard from or met, you also seem to take a great deal of pride in having perfected the art of blatant stupidity. Stupidity such as yours can only be practiced.

Originally posted by Ghost C
I have met a great deal of stupid people in life. For most, stupidity is a plague, or a hereditary curse. But aside from being among the stupidest I have ever heard from or met, you also seem to take a great deal of pride in having perfected the art of blatant stupidity. Stupidity such as yours can only be practiced.


I know you are but what am I?
Originally posted by Ghost C
I have met a great deal of stupid people in life. For most, stupidity is a plague, or a hereditary curse. But aside from being among the stupidest I have ever heard from or met, you also seem to take a great deal of pride in having perfected the art of blatant stupidity. Stupidity such as yours can only be practiced.


Only slightly. I can't bothered to read forty words that basically say 'you're stupid' with an attempt to abdicate yourself of that quality. Milefile's comeback was absolutely perfect. Now go to the drifting forum!
Originally posted by Ghost C
You can't be bothered to read my post, but you somehow manage to make nearly 23 posts a day.


Yes, yes, but all my posts are one-line, off-topic, and in response to others'. Trust me, I don't have enough material to make 23 posts per day of any actual consequence.

So where do you live? What state?

What car do you drive?
He threw a rock, and hit him in the face? Yeah, if someone hit me in the face with a rock... I would be in jail for the rest of my life.

:lol: :lol:
a kid hit me in my hand yesterday with a hockey stick so i sent him home crying he had about 40lbs on me and jumped on my back but i threw him off and gave him a good 5 hit whoopin all right in the jaw

and leanin on someones car and not gettin off then saying **** is just being an ass and they deserve an ass WHOOPIN!
Originally posted by M5Power
Yes, yes, but all my posts are one-line, off-topic, and in response to others'. Trust me, I don't have enough material to make 23 posts per day of any actual consequence.

So where do you live? What state?

What car do you drive?

He can't drive ever since I ran over his foot. He has to hoble from place to place.:lol:
Okay, I'm not here to judge anyone, but it's hard when you people talk like this. It's exactly what the thread had in mind. Why are you guys fighting and acting all "hard"? Is it because all of you are behind computers and know it's safe?

As the rest of you probably are, I'm tired of people pretending to be who they are not. White kids aren't the only ones "trying to be black" anymore. Whoever it may be, they're still really annoying. Except when I first came to the US (as a FOB), nobody has really tried to mess with me that way. Maybe it was because of what I looked like. I didn't do it on purpose (honest), but even my friends were saying that they would have been scared of me if they didn't know me. I always see Asians acting all tough like they have nothing else to do. Just because I look in your direction doesn't mean I want to hit you. I want to hit you because you're looking at me that way. Just kidding.

Okay, back on topic. I don't think that there is one source of blame for kids acting the way they do nowadays. TV and movies are only a few sources. Parents are the other. I agree that way back when, more discipline was applied to these "youngins", but now it's almost like parents feel too sorry to punish their kids, then they say, "Oh, I'm sorry. If it's okay, I bought you the newest car out there. Do what you want." I can't say that parents encourage such behavior, but they don't do much to prevent it. I'm really sad to hear that my old high school has now become thug central, where whites, blacks, Asians, and Mexicans have fights at least once a month. When I was there, only the smaller cliques got into battles, even within bigger cliques (my Filipino group vs. another Filipino group for example). Now it's turned into race wars (not meaning cars). Shame. :rolleyes:

Don't shoot the messenger.
Just like the song says"The world is full of stupid people"And as for as knocking people on GTP all I got to say is" Fuc|{ um if they can't take a joke"

Quotes from The Refreshments,and the movie Broken Arrow
I only read Tailo' post because i am lazy, but i totally agree with everythinge has said. Here in California, especially the bay area ( since that is where i live) i have noticed many races trying to act "black" (which is pretty wrong in the first place). I do thinks it has to do alot with the parents buying their kids all kinds of crap, letting them get the popular cars, giving them rims, credit cards and all. I mean kids wanna be like there mtv stars, so what do they do with there "cool" parent bought crap, they go to the mall or local movie theater, and crowd the sidewalks, mugging everyone that passes buy. Or they all crowd around there riced out or pimped out cars bumping new school crap, with there bandanas and scullys and other forms of pantyhose on their heads, thinking that they look real cool.

I myself used to fit this stereotype. I was a wigga. lol. But alot has changed since i was that way. I mean a lot more kids are doing it now days. The sad thing is that they are gonna get hurt one day, and there parents wont really know what happened... infact i know a kid who got shot and no one knows why. Or at least i dont. I am sure the thugs who shot him have some reason.

I think another reason y things have gotten worse is due to the ways in which hip hop itself has changed. WHen you listen to oldschool anything before gansta rap, the songs were about having fun and partying. Then with gansta rap... which i still like... they got more violent ( which encouraged alot of thugs to become more thugish and find more thugs)... I mean a lot of this thugs stuff is relatively new (at least the scale in which it is today among younguns). But after tupac and b.i.g. were shot things got even worse in my opinion. I mean at least at that stage you had the fugees and coolio rapping and writing songs that were balancing out some of hte more violent types. (even alot of hte violent rap wasnt that bad). But what do we have today, thongs, breasts, ass, sex, drugs, rims, cash, bling blinging, etc. This is the focus of hip hop and pop culture on tv and in the songs they create. There are a few good artists who dont conform to these ideas, but hte majority do IMO. This has made alot of young people really stop giving a rats ass. Its no longer just the people from teh ghetto who become thugs because they dont really have any options, but people from all over stop caring about themselves by only caring about being cool. This is the new "thug."

What we need are some real scary Fokkers to really scare some of these kids. Like triple six... They need to go around the nation and scare these little kids... :D i know that wouldnt do anything but make things worse.

Y cant we have more outkasts, mobb deep, e 40's, and people like this. Y must we all want to live in a pop culture.y.y.y...

it is a shame
I totally agree with bengee with the rap thing. Things were more mellow back before gangsta rap days. Even "thuggish, ruggish" Bone Thugs n Harmony weren't talking about killing their neighbors, no matter how thuggish they looked. I think once the big heads of the music industry died, i.e., Tupac & Biggie, the whole scene changed. These rappers are very bad influences nowadays. If the song's not about doing it with someone, it's about making money; if not, then it's about new "spinner" rims (which I really don't like); if not, it's about the bling in their teeth. I even saw a few Korean music videos on the International Channel a few hours ago, and their rappers are all thugged out (even the girls). Now that RAP is getting POPular, it's gangster vibe is following suit.

I still think that parents need to do a better job with all that said.

I also agree with qjasonp. The world is full of stupid people.
Personally I think its because of the media. I usually wouldn't say that sort of thing, but a lot of kids these days say everything they see on T.V. Doesn't help with the abundance of "sicknesses" that every other kid in my freaking high school has. I mean, all these kids get up and go to the nurse so they can take their "concentration" pill. This is bull****. Just because you aren't inspired to learn doesn't mean you can blame it on some stupid disease. Kids are being babied to too much I think. If I had a kid right now and he listened to gangster rap and dressed like someone with quadraplegia, I'd whoop his ass into yesterday. I was never brought up thinking that dressing like and acting like an idiot is okay. And T.V. is showing that its okay. Another factor is the parents. Their kid gets expelled, they blame it on everything but themselves. Its just a mix of everything, basically. But it all goes back to crappy parenting.

Sorry if I went in and out of topic but I had to vent.
So many parents seem to see bringing a child into this world as just that. They are some kind of population growth medium, and nothing more. They think the media and the government are responsible for the development of their child. How sad. I like to think of myself as a contientious parent, even though my son is only five months old. I constantly think "someday he won't be so cute and innocent... someday he will defy me... someday he will smart off... someday he will take an assinine risk..." and I think about how to handle such things, how I was handled, and what I see around. At any rate I think the most important thing is to be aware it's your job and let your conscience guide you.

Just this week I was waiting in a very busy college office waiting area and a mother was there with her baby, just old enough to walk. First off, she looked like a whore in her skin tight denim mini-dress. He son was wandering all over the place, standing in front of the busy door, toddling out of sight, dumping pamphlets and catalogs all over the place, which is pretty normal behavior for a baby I guess. But his mother kept getting mad and dragging him back by the arm like he was a piece of meat. She never once said "stay here" or "stay away from the door". She just kept getting pissed off and draggin him back.

Another person who doesn't want their kid and regards it as an inconvenience. She probably thinks the government should take care of him so she can get on with her life. It just pissed me off. And he was a cute kid, too. It made me sad to imagine him in school, using the skills he inherited from his mother.
I was in the DMV the other day and the same thing was happening. This woman who probably was hooking had her kid and she completely ignored him. He did something wrong, she picked him up and put him somewhere else. It was pretty sad seeing someone's future ruined before your very eyes and knowing that you can do nothing about it.
That really pisses me off when people neglect children. I especially hate it when I'm at work and mothers sit there talking on their cell phones or keep shooping while their 6 mo old is crying like crazy and they just ignore it. If it keeps up long enough I go to find out what the hell is going on and usually make some smart ass remark about them not being able to take care of their children. I also buy candy and give it to all the little kids who come in the store and it makes them really happy.

Another thing I hate is when old people refuse to admit they're wrong. We had this guy come in and try to fill a perscription for a narcotic pain killer and I told him we couldn't fill it because the doctor wrote it wrong and that it was not his fault, and I'm not gona be sued for filling it. So he procedes to go to the store director and brings her back and she keeps butt kissing and apologising and giving him free stuff from the store even though he was obviously wrong and I was LEGALLY right. I'm not gonna endanger my job just to make him happy....I liked the old store director she kicked ass! when someone in a similar situation complained she came back told him how it was and kicked him out of the store and told him never to come back. It's that easy, no butt kissing BS....

As for the gangter kids leaning on your I'm reluctant to even let my mechanic touch my car and I trust him....When I was at a local restaurant I came out and saw some kid sitting on my car so I got in and he still didn't move...he didn't even look over, so I reved my engine a little and he still didn't move. So I did the only sensible thing, I threw the car in reverse reved the engine and dropped the clutch and sent him flying...I hate it when people don't respect other peoples property. You don't see me leaning on peoples cars. Then when you tell them to move they have the nerve to look at you like you said something wrong? This problem doesn't develop over night. It's the parents fault for not teaching them respect. By teaching them respect I don't mean doing it by hitting them but you'll be amazed how well taking away their stuff works. No TV, no computer,no playing outside, no friends, no phone, etc. and if they defy you simply let them know that your the parent and thats the way it is. If they don't like it tell em to leave. Why shoudl you waste your time taking care of such an ungratefull person for free? I'm sure the homless shelter would be MUCH better.....
that stuff happens all the time where i and my buddy were walking down to the arena where we hang out and some guys(probably 16-17)came up to us and told us to lend them some money for smokes,we said screw off and they started all that gangsta ****"oh , i'm gonna bust a cap in ur ass"that kinda they stepped towards us(there was about 5 or 6 of them) and they looked like they were gonna kill us(keep in mind they were a lot bigger than us)so we went for the biggest one and just floored buddy just punched him in the face without thinking then i gave him a few shots to the face and guess what, the rest of his friends just ran?so some advice for anyone who is ever in this situation,if u take out the big guy the rest will leave.
Man near where i live there are kids sitting on ever dam car on the sidewalk... I am not exaggerating... That and the lquior stores tell you you are in the ghetto...

Its worse when the kids who sit on your car scratch or break into it...
Originally posted by HRT_Maloo
What makes me laugh is Asians trying to be black. Its the biggest joke, and all you can do is laugh:lol:

And when I drive the old mans car, I make sure my hockeystick is in the boot, mostly to intimidate if theres that sort of situation.
Vandilism (sp?) is another issue and I hope I dont have to deal with that

Hmmm.. I happen to live in a black neighborhood, and have for the past 3 years. I sound black, act black, dress like a black person. I'm asian-american. When I lived in LA and Chicago, I lived in the GHETTO. Naturally, you take the form of where you stay. Now all this talk of gangs is to be taken lightly. I happen to have a lot of cousins that unfortunately are in gangs, and I myself was connected for a while... Doing something such as trying to intimidate or pepper spray someone by your car, especially one of my cousins, would end in a gang beating. For the same reason, I hardly go anywhere without my friends, especially if we go anywhere in a showy car.

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