Gangsta's n Thugs

  • Thread starter epic
i have had many an encounter with this sort of behavior in 'kids'

i beleive it is not being influenced by 'Mtv' but instead by parents and how their children see 'adults' act. the problem lies within the household, 'kids' no longer have anything to be afraid of or are 'tought' by their parents to be selfish and not think of how another individual might feel because of what you have done/are doing. though some influencing may come from what they see on tv. one thing they are thinking is that if they stand down that can show a sign of weakness and that could cause them later trouble in life due to their surroundings, a bad neighborhood where you must be 'strong' to 'survive'.

one way to counter this is to allow parents to hit thier kids, now i am not talking about punching or using full force on them but simply a smack to the back of the head, or maybe a spanking or smack to the face too.
man when I was little I use to get whoopin's almost every day.. and that was just for missing school or mouthing off :(
Originally posted by bigwhlkid
one way to counter this is to allow parents to hit thier kids, now i am not talking about punching or using full force on them but simply a smack to the back of the head, or maybe a spanking or smack to the face too.
*BZZZZZT*, sorry, wrong answer. All that teaches them is that "might makes right". In other words, that problems can be settled with fists and the one who wins the fight is the one who is right.

Using force to put a kid "in his place" by spanking him only teaches him to grow up and try to put others in their place by the same method. Add in an unhealthy dose of pop culture and it's not that big a transition from fists to guns.

This is not to say you should not respond to violence with defensive violence, but that initiating violence as a means of controlling the situation is wrong.

If I found somebody I didn't know sitting on my car, I'd ask him politely, once, to get off. Then I'd back it the hell out from under him.
My guess is that they had to conciously overcome that background to avoid passing it on to you. More often than not it is a self-perpetuating thing. I congratulate them on having the strength to do that.
in a way you are right but then again whenever i used to do somthing wrong i would get hit in the back of the head when i was younger. i never took my anger out on anyone else. i do not try and use 'force'. though it may have to come to that.

i can understand where you are coming from though, with what they show in movies, tv, etc. the violence and such, but then again that goes back to the parents and them teaching there kid about reality and that what they show is 'fake'. if parents do not teach there kids this then they should not allow them to view this. but then you would have problems with irresponsible parents who let thier kids see this and do not think to tell them that it is not real. so they think it is the way they should act.

BTW, my dad and his brothers were abused HEAVILY when they were younger and my dad and his brothers were able to see that this was not right. one of my uncles still has a scar on his thumb from when he was little that my grandfather gave him with a cigarette lighter in a car.
I blame it on the parents. Parents are becoming too lax these days, spoiling their kids and letting their kids run their lives too much.... I think it has something to do with how Corporal Punishment has been decreasing lately that the numbers are increasing, not music.
Originally posted by Diji
Hey Epic can I move to where you live? Damn...wish I was old enough for a

sure, there's a house down the street for sale.. I think its a 5/3 on 2acres with like 30k sq.ft for about 450,000$
back to the gangster hype topic. it may just be the style right now, a fad, not a negotiable lifestyle. i hope that kind of gangster mentality kinda phases out with america someday, like diet cola, or hello kitty. they will all see it happen without knowing it.
yeah, blame all the problems on my age group, thanks.
not all teenagers are in this "gansta" mentallity. alot of the kids in my school are though, not me...cause i dont pretend to be somethin im not.
If that happened to me, I would have kicked the crap out of them. Just take your foot, and apply it to their asses. That's all. No cop in the world would ever arrest you if you did just that. If they attack you back, and 99% of the time teenagers don't, just say to the police, "They tried to carjack me!":lol:

This reminds me when this little Mexican Gang Bang'a prick, we have millions of them here in LA, was leaning against my truck when I was at In-N-Out Burger. He did it just to get a response out of me. I never said a damn thing, I just moved up when the car ahead of me moved up, and I ran over is foot.:lol: He then made the mistake of hitting my truck with his fist. So I got out of my truck to "discuss" the matter, and when he and his friends saw my 6'5" 255 muscular body get out, they turned around and immediately walked the other way.:lol: I then yelled out "HEY YOU LITTLE ****ER! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" :lol: It was a very funny sight watching him hobble off. Everbody in line for food where lauging their asses off. It was a very funny sight! The In-N-Out Manager enjoyed it so much, he gave me a free chocolate shake!:lol:
I think some of you are confusing thugs/gang members/etc with the kids who are trying to be something they aren't.

You see, a real gang member..Contrary to popular belief..Has a code of honor that they have to follow, otherwise their gang will kill them, or at the very least beat the everloving **** out of them. This is why you would never see a true Crip (Don't know 'bout other gangs. Don't care, really.) leaning up against your car, unless you had said/done something to deserve it.

On the other hand, those little white kids wearing fake gold/silver chains wearing whatever color bandana matches their outfit at the time and trying to act hard towards everyone need a good asskicking from time to time.

This has been a lesson in distinguishing wannabes and the real thing, brought to you by Ghostfaced Criminal.
And you have such great integrity, and respect for those which you have not met! I mean really..What kind of person doesn't judge someone they don't know by what they have heard, or seen on TV. I mean hey, that's downright stupidity to not judge "a book by it's cover", so to speak. If someone says "Hey, _______ is a murderer!", it's obviously true! Why else would they say it?

Basically, I said you were an idiot for judging an entire "category" of people solely by what you have heard about them while having absolutely no idea what they are really like.

Simple enough for you?
Originally posted by Ghost C
Basically, I said you were an idiot for judging an entire "category" of people solely by what you have heard about them while having absolutely no idea what they are really like.

Simple enough for you?
So you're telling me that gangs aren't bad? Sheesh, I must be living under a rock!
I never said that gangs were the greatest thing ever, but they're not quite as bad as people make them out to be. There are plenty of gangs that have decided to clean their act up and work for the good of the community, but nobody seems to notice that.

When I lived in Columbus, myself and 5 of my close friends (Who just happened to be in the same gang..) went and helped build a house for a family who's house had burned down. We didn't do it because we had to, we did it because nobody else would.

Yes, all your good hard working people are too busy to lend a helping hand to their neighbors. Sorry, I just don't see why everyone thinks they know everything about gang members, and assume they're all murderous thieves who would steal the wheels off of your car if you stopped at a red light.
Originally posted by Ghost C
I never said that gangs were the greatest thing ever, but they're not quite as bad as people make them out to be. There are plenty of gangs that have decided to clean their act up and work for the good of the community, but nobody seems to notice that.

When I lived in Columbus, myself and 5 of my close friends (Who just happened to be in the same gang..) went and helped build a house for a family who's house had burned down. We didn't do it because we had to, we did it because nobody else would.

Dude, you're talking about the Boy Scouts! And they aren't gang members!
Originally posted by Timmotheus
You might as well live under a rock, for all of the contact you have with the outside world. Outside of GTP and AIM of course.
Ou... t... si... de... ? :nervous:

There are gangs outside!
Originally posted by Sage
Ou... t... si... de... ? :nervous:

There are gangs outside!
I believe that you meant to say girls and not gangs. We all know that you are more scared of girls than you are scared of gangs. ;) Fess up!