DrevengerReceived the Dark grey and the other one seems to be Dark blue silica (haven't opened yet).
OCD Alfa Blanco farina, sent.
After thinking about it, I guess ill take the 2 remaining GT86 colors i'm missing, Black and Silver. I will owe you a big 1 after this complete set. 👍
btw, I've updated my schedule. Expect a green form Kart to Shazbu, the 24, 25 and 26.
Sent I think the black (don't worry got it written down) & will send other after reset👍
Hi Drevenger, received the Level 2 this morning in good order with thanks. 👍
For sure I will send you the white 86GT '12 (Green Ticket) tomorrow![]()
Thanks for great trades Bud![]()
Thx to you too.
Red gt86 received under green ticket form 👍
Ticket 1000 will be sent your way the 27. I wished i could send it tonite but I already made arrangements with Nitrous_ox and Tadlock.
I have the following items you're looking for:
- NISMO 400R '96 - Lightning Yellow - 0/0/0
- Birthday 1964
- Birthday 1965
- Birthday 1968
- Birthday 1971
- Birthday 1972
- Birthday 2003
I'm interested in your:
- Nissan - GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Version) '09 - Green Tickets
- Gran Turismo - Racing Kart 125 SPL. - Green Tickets
My next available reset is on March 08.
Please let me know if you're interested and we can work out the details. thanks.!
i can wait till the 8th.i have the following items you're looking for:
- nismo 400r '96 - lightning yellow - 0/0/0
- birthday 1964
- birthday 1965
- birthday 1968
- birthday 1971
- birthday 1972
- birthday 2003
i'm interested in your:
- nissan - gt-r specv (gt academy version) '09 - green tickets
- gran turismo - racing kart 125 spl. - green tickets
my next available reset is on march 08.
Please let me know if you're interested and we can work out the details. Thanks.!
Let me know wich one you are interested in and ill make a schedule.
noticed that you changed the birthday tickets you're looking for, I have all birthday tickets, just schedule me for all the birthday tickets you are looking for and the nismo 400r '96 - lightning yellow - 0/0/0 and we'll work out what green tickets i want.
I'm looking for the Nissan - GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Version) '09 (all colors in green ticket) and also same for the Gran Turismo - Racing Kart 125 SPL. (minus green) in Green Ticket form.
Hi Drevenger, I just send the white 86GT '12 (Green Ticket) tomorrow.
If all looks good, I got a 1988 & 2003 B-day ticket that I would like to trade.
Looking at the Toyota ft 86 ii concept '11: Black & a black 370z GT academy?
Ticket 1000 sent 👍 Everything seems alright.
Yes we can still trade
1988 for a Siljy Black 86 FT ii concept '11
2003 for Black 370z gt acad.
I have a free spot tomorrow 28 or 29 and 1 ...
If you are interested gonna need to FR Izzy_popp and tu1smo2023
Hi Bud, got the Ticket 1000 this morning 👍
OK, will send FR from Wine_Me to those two accounts. I can send the 1988 today at reset. Which is 11 hours from now and the 2003 tomorrow reset time. 👍
tur1smo2023 will send the silky black ft ii concept '11 Next reset
You can send both tickets to tur1smo2023.
Izzy_popp will send the Black 370z gt academy but can only send the 1st mar.
I can FR 👍
btw thx for the remote races, do you want/need some paint chips or gears?
That would put us with 9 trades
65, 68, 71, 83, 86, 87, 02, Yellow 400R
Since i'd like to trade with Zee the bday 88 and 03, I'd like to know if you have a 0/0/0 RUF 3400 or CTR2 to complete the 9th transactions?
For green form ticket
Kart 125 SPL: Orange, Black, Red , Pink.
GTR gta: Super Black, White, Opal black, Red, Dark grey.
Hi Drevenger, got the FT-86 II Concept in good order...love the lines on the car till the rear wing
Bud, please update the schedule. Going to send you the "2003"...I dont have 2002.
1/mar; Izzy_popp (Black 370z gta) <=> Wine_Me (2002)
Sending FR to izzy tonight. Please send car to same place as today...will send the 2003 BDay tomorrow. Also, if you need other B-specs remoted, send FR to WineO_o
DrevengerI'm currently looking for
0/0/0 : Ruf & Cerbera speed 12 (Except Moonraker Black & Chame. Blue)
Also, "Green ticket form" Suzuki, Merc, Toyota, post your offers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
Level ticket----------------------------> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 12 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23
Birthday ticket------------------------> 66 - 67 - 69 - 70 - 78 - 85 - 89 - 90 - 91 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 00 - 01 - 04 - 05 - 08 - 09
NASCAR, Classic and Modern Muscle Car ticket. 1000.
----------------------------------------Green ticket form--------------------------------------
|-----------------------125 SPL. Kart: Pink, Orange, Green, Red, Black----------------------|
|---------------------Toyota ft 86 ii concept '11: Black & Orange. -----------------------------|
|-GTR Spec-V GT Academy: Super Black, Red, Dark grey, Ultimate Opal Black, White(white).-|
Jaguar XFR: Salsa --- Black
Suzuki GSX-R concept: Black
Ford GT (no stripe) '05: Quick Silver metallic
370z GT academy
NSX LM road prototype (Vogue Silver)
Supra RZ '97(Black)
Suzuki GSX-R concept (White)
Merc 600 SL (R230) (Alabweis/White)
Jag XFR'10 (Kianyte Blue)
NISMO 400R (Red, Black, Silver)
Free spots around 10/mar
Schedule in sig
thx for giving a look.
Have a few extra speed 12. They are not 0/0/0 but I would send you two or three of them for one '70 bday ticket.
Hi Drevenger, got the FT-86 II Concept in good order...love the lines on the car till the rear wing
Bud, please update the schedule. Going to send you the "2003"...I dont have 2002.
1/mar; Izzy_popp (Black 370z gta) <=> Wine_Me (2002)
Sending FR to izzy tonight. Please send car to same place as today...will send the 2003 BDay tomorrow. Also, if you need other B-specs remoted, send FR to WineO_o
the only RUF i have that are 0/0/0 are the following
RUF BTR '86 - Green
RUF BTR '86 - Pink
RUF CTR "Yellow Bird" '87 - Yellow
all the others have miles with 0 switch.
anything else you're looking for the 9th trade?
Just to be sure,
Which account you want the Black 370z gta?
funny, I was thinking about this on the way to work and now I find this post
Will send FR from the Oo account today, but the ticket will come from Wine_Me on today's reset![]()
BTW: Silky Black is nice on that car![]()
Are you looking for all Green Cards you get from A & B spec challanges?
I might be able to send you the 370z gta next reset 👍
About the Green ticket kart, I have already a couple of them and unfortunately i'm not ready yet to collect them, i need so many :\
But if you are interested in something i have to offer I always need tickets, even those I already have, like 2003 for instance![]()
Ahh, so you just need the Kart Green Tickets? I still have that red one. Let me know when your ready and will pass it to you via Gratis = Free in spanish 👍
Cool....I am sure I will come up with something soon. If you can send earlier It is cool and if not, it is cool too