I think what fair would be to allow gay marriage, when the majority vote it in. I'm kinda like Mark T, that if enough people supports it, I wouldn't stand in the way. Husband-husband, wife-wife, to me is not marriage, but like Christmas, it wouldn't be the first religious content taken out of some religion, turned into whatever "the people" wanted it to be.
Check my signature. The majority shouldn't be needed to vote on whether or not the government should treat citizens equally under the law. It's already written in our constitution.
There is discrimination in our government, society, etc. You have to have some, some of it is necessary. Communism works great on paper, but not so good in practice.
Communism only works great on paper if you don't think about it much at all. Give it even a passing thought and you'd realize "hey, maybe people won't like being told what to do with every aspect of their lives."
No, discrimination is NOT necessary and you have NOT established that. I could have used your same argument against the black civil rights movement - it doesn't hold any more water now than it did then.
Tax law, business law, civil law......it's all discriminatory, but what's the key difference between slavery and the womans rights movement and these other discriminations?
People stood up to the discrimination. That's the difference. I agree that there are other laws that are discriminatory. They need fixing as well. That doesn't justify keeping other laws that we know violate the constitutional principles this nation was founded upon.
And you still haven't told me what it is based on.
I've told you AT LEAST twice that this nation was founded on logic and rationality. You chose not to listen, and this isn't an answer to my question.
I saw this coming way back about 8 pages ago. It's a smart line to take. However, it's not the same. For reasons I outlined many times. Basically, marriage is a man and a woman. Anything else isn't a marriage. Preventing specific types of men and women to not be called married is wrong. Preventing two men or two women to not be called married is simply the definition of marriage.
Yes and excluding Christians from getting married could also simply be the definition of marriage as well. You seem to be unable to conceive of the notion that the definition could be wrong, that the definition could be discriminatory, that the definition you put forth could be wholly unacceptable for a nation that claims to treat it's citizens equally and that claims freedom of religion.
Repeating ad nauseum that the definition is "between a man and a woman" and that's it, isn't getting us anywhere. I've debunked that notion about 5 times at this point and you keep coming back to it, refusing to respond to the points I raise, refusing to answer the questions that Famine and myself have posed multiple times.
Honestly it's almost like you've got your fingers in your ears, eyes held tightly shut, and are repeating your mantra loudly "marriage is between a man and a woman", so that you can't hear anything about the founding principles of this nation, the violation of equal protection, the discriminatory practices of our government, or the fact that you can't base law on Christianity.
Take your fingers out, open your eyes, and answer a few (just a few) of my questions.