General Discussion

  • Thread starter daan
Hasn't your reset button worn out yet? Very impressive!

I get so frustrated sometimes, and the ps2 is to far away, I take revenge.
But I like racing cleanly, however swapping some paint in a corner or getting ffed in the *ss by AI doesn't bother me.
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Hasn't your reset button worn out yet? Very impressive!

I get so frustrated sometimes, and the ps2 is to far away, I take revenge.
But I like racing cleanly, however swapping some paint in a corner or getting ffed in the *ss by AI doesn't bother me.

My PS2 is quite a bit away from me, and I hate getting up all the time, so the PS2 remote comes in very handy :)
Greetings out there fellow Aspec point nutters. :)

From what I have seen recently the Aspec system will be alive and well in GT5.

Since it became "the ultimate challenge" in GT4, I'm already looking forward to renewing the quest in GT5. I guess we will be repeating some of these threads over in the GT5 forum.

I was just curious if any of you have been following the GT5 news, and are planning on doing some Aspec exploration when the game comes out.

Only a little over two months to go!

After the long seemingly endless wait, I'm really getting excited about finally being able to play the game. :drool:
unfortunately, I won't be able to afford a ps3 for quite some time, fortunatly I'm not quite done yet with GT4. I really hope GT5 will be worth the wait, and PD fixes the biggest problems I have with GT4 (too short races, AI).
From what I have seen recently the Aspec system will be alive and well in GT5.

Could you link to a post or an article that elaborates? I haven't heard a single mention of A-Spec points in the context of GT5, so I confess to being surprised. Granted, I don't generally read the GT5 forum, so I apologize for my skepticism if it's been discussed heavily.
This is the most informative one I've seen thus far.

Actually there has been very little mention of A or B spec until this weeks Gamescom show in Germany.

Prior to this the only mention of it I knew of was over a year ago. It was rumored it would not be in GT5.

unfortunately, I won't be able to afford a ps3 for quite some time, fortunatly I'm not quite done yet with GT4. I really hope GT5 will be worth the wait, and PD fixes the biggest problems I have with GT4 (too short races, AI).

Hope your PS3 situation can change sooner than you expect. In the meantime, GT4 is hard to beat
for lots of challenging playtime.
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Sorry, but where do you see A-Spec points in there? It's a good article, but it only mentions A-Spec mode in passing, and (unless I can't read) doesn't mention a point system.
Sorry, but where do you see A-Spec points in there? It's a good article, but it only mentions A-Spec mode in passing, and (unless I can't read) doesn't mention a point system.

In these statements:

"As a major feature for GT5, Yamauchi mentioned that the game gives equal billing to A Spec and B Spec modes. In the previous GT, B Spec was included as an experimental component. In GT5, however, both A Spec and B Spec modes can be played from start to finish. They're both full experiences. The race categories and other areas are basically the same between the two.

"Basically" the same, but not identical. There are some differences. A certain race in A spec will be three laps, while the same race in B spec will be 15 minutes. The reason for such differences is that B spec is meant to be a mode where players can enjoy strategy."

If there isn't a point system to go with it, how is it the "same" or "a major feature" or " a full experience" ? Possibly I am misinterpreting what is said but it sounds very encouraging.

Another item is in the mod menu which has a Aspec and Bspec readout on the menu below.

Post #295
That picture does suggest a point system, for sure, and it's hard to imagine a GT game without one (partly because it's essentially standard in driving games, and partly because I never played GT1-GT3, which lacked it). Those A and B bars could mean quite a few things, though, and in any case, GT5's point system is bound to barely resemble GT4's, given how poorly the latter was received. I don't think that the article gives any information whatsoever - or even meaningful grounds for speculation - concerning A-Spec points, but the picture is pretty convincing, and it will be interesting to see what the point system looks like when the game is released. :)
The new A-spec point system may be very different from GT4.

Between now and release we may find out a lot more. I hope so.

I'm still very encouraged it appears there will be one. :)
As I cannot create a new thread (not enough posts yet?), and the 'A-spec Point Data' thread is closed, I will post this here.

In trying to get some 200 pts races, I was fiddling with downforce.
I found out that the number of A-spec points only depends on the 'sum' of downforce,
i.e. downforce@30/0 or @0/30 or @ 15/15 will result in the exact same A-spec points (against the same line up, obviously).
You can create threads, but THIS 200 pt subforum is closed for ALL but moderators. It was done to ensure the subforum would stay 'clean'.

The new A-spec point system may be very different from GT4.

Between now and release we may find out a lot more. I hope so.

I'm still very encouraged it appears there will be one. :)

I'm right with you; my biggest wish for GT5 is an A-spec point system. Yes, it wasn't perfect in GT4 but it kept me playing for a long time. I set a goal for myself (100,000 points) and tried to reach it. Having a goal, be it A-spec points or percentage of completion, keeps you coming back.
Online racing is great, no question; but it requires often more time than I have. Offline I can hop on even though I might only have 30 minutes available and still make some progress (gain some A-spec points).

I keep my fingers crossed. :scared:
I'm sure Gran Turismo 5 will have a point system, PD usually doesn't take features back ( i cannot remember anything been taken away since Gran Turismo, although they might taken something). They said they are listening to the communities and such, i think skidmarks (if they make it in the final game) will be a clue. I think drifting for GT5P came from the community too.

I don't believe they will ignore the 100.000 and 111.813 clubs.

PS. I'm not sure PD was aware that the max points in GT4 were 111.813.
I'm right with you; my biggest wish for GT5 is an A-spec point system. Yes, it wasn't perfect in GT4 but it kept me playing for a long time. I set a goal for myself (100,000 points) and tried to reach it. Having a goal, be it A-spec points or percentage of completion, keeps you coming back.
Online racing is great, no question; but it requires often more time than I have. Offline I can hop on even though I might only have 30 minutes available and still make some progress (gain some A-spec points).

I keep my fingers crossed. :scared:

Yea, the Aspec point system in GT4 added a huge dimension of keep-play/replay value.

I often think of it as a another game within the game.

PS. I'm not sure PD was aware that the max points in GT4 were 111.813.

Having developed it, it's difficult to imagine PD did not know all about it, including the max point total.
However, I'm not aware that PD has ever commented and/or confirmed any details on it.
Further, I've never seen any discussion or mention of it anywhere, other than on this site.

There's still very little to go on at this point, on the new system.
Some are speculating it will be a form of "Performance point system".

At least we won't have to wait much longer to find out.
EDIT: Or so we were led to believe. Maybe longer now.
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Hi folks, I have a couple of questions for my highly-regarded colleagues in this subforum:

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? I'm assuming that when the game hits the shelves gtp will add subforums for things like Tuning, Nascar, Drifting etc and hopefully a (locked to new threads) version of this subforum, which I consider to be populated by the best gamers and drivers on the site.

As it is, the GT5 forum is close to unreadable, often with over 2000 viewers and the mods unable to regulate the amount of stupidity and misinformation imposed on them. I wasn't on gtp when GT4 was released so don't know how these problems are typically handled.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

Hi folks, I have a couple of questions for my highly-regarded colleagues in this subforum:

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? I'm assuming that when the game hits the shelves gtp will add subforums for things like Tuning, Nascar, Drifting etc and hopefully a (locked to new threads) version of this subforum, which I consider to be populated by the best gamers and drivers on the site.

As it is, the GT5 forum is close to unreadable, often with over 2000 viewers and the mods unable to regulate the amount of stupidity and misinformation imposed on them. I wasn't on gtp when GT4 was released so don't know how these problems are typically handled.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


Hi PF!
My GT4 setup has until recently been broken and derelict. Now my karting season is done I've upgraded to a G27 and I'm back in business TV racing.

In theory, I'll go for GT5. I'm a little worried about bugs and upgrade hassles. But I'm willing to be persuaded.

Meantime, I'm greatly enjoying the best of GT4, which in my opinion is the Nurburgring 4 hours.

Respectfully yours,
Hi folks, I have a couple of questions for my highly-regarded colleagues in this subforum:

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? I'm assuming that when the game hits the shelves gtp will add subforums for things like Tuning, Nascar, Drifting etc and hopefully a (locked to new threads) version of this subforum, which I consider to be populated by the best gamers and drivers on the site.

As it is, the GT5 forum is close to unreadable, often with over 2000 viewers and the mods unable to regulate the amount of stupidity and misinformation imposed on them. I wasn't on gtp when GT4 was released so don't know how these problems are typically handled.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


Is any of this relevant to GT4?
Hi folks, ...

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? ...

As it is, the GT5 forum is close to unreadable, ... I wasn't on gtp when GT4 was released so don't know how these problems are typically handled.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


1) I will eventually, when I have some upgrades at home. Currently only have CRT TV with the PS2. I think the quality of GT5 & PS3 is wasted at my house.

2) Hopefully after a couple of weeks, the excitement will have worn off, and we can get down to some serious discussions.

For me, I really can't understand why thousands of people need to post about what they are going to do in a game that hasn't come out yet. Just wait for the game and then tell us what you have done.

Is any of this relevant to GT4?

I think it is, as when GT5 (eventually) come out, will the GT4 subforums become a ghost town?
Hi folks, I have a couple of questions for my highly-regarded colleagues in this subforum:

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? I'm assuming that when the game hits the shelves gtp will add subforums for things like Tuning, Nascar, Drifting etc and hopefully a (locked to new threads) version of this subforum, which I consider to be populated by the best gamers and drivers on the site.

1: Nope.
As much as my GT4 is dead and my PS2 dying, I cannot afford a PS3, GT5 and wheel needed to get the best from it.

2: I was not around these parts for the release of GT4, but by the sounds of it there was a single 200-point thread which was abandoned once everything had settled down and this subforum created. I'd expect from my occasional glances into the GT5 area that any serious and inteligent discussion will be next to impossible in the first few months after release.

Is any of this relevant to GT4?

I'd say it's more relevant to the A-spec hunters that post here than it is to your typical poster in the GT5 area.
Hi folks, I have a couple of questions for my highly-regarded colleagues in this subforum:

1: Who will be coming over to GT5 in the near future?

2: When the game is released, how can we expect to discuss the game with intelligent dedicated adults? I'm assuming that when the game hits the shelves gtp will add subforums for things like Tuning, Nascar, Drifting etc and hopefully a (locked to new threads) version of this subforum, which I consider to be populated by the best gamers and drivers on the site.

As it is, the GT5 forum is close to unreadable, often with over 2000 viewers and the mods unable to regulate the amount of stupidity and misinformation imposed on them. I wasn't on gtp when GT4 was released so don't know how these problems are typically handled.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


Greetings PF.

I plan to be playing GT5 upon release. There is still very little info regaurding "Aspec" in GT5 at this point.

I intend on investigating this area of the game early on.
I would assume there will be an "Aspec thread" at some point which will draw interested parties.

Is any of this relevant to GT4?

No, as in directly.

Yes, as in indirectly. Or in other words the shift of Aspec from GT4 to GT5 and likewise, what participants of Aspec in the former maybe shifting to the latter.

Quite frankly I've been wondering the same thing recently.

Having spent considerable time in these threads in the past, I have come to value and respect the posts of the 100,000 pt. and max pt. club members.
It has been a pleasure to share in the unique comradery and common interest here. Likewise it would be great to pursue the new GT5 Aspec challenge amongst old friends.

Hope to see you all there.

EDIT: Much to my dissapointment, it appears Aspec in GT5 is nothing more than a level up sequence.
Likewise it appears to have no influence on the difficulty of races or additional challenge.
Sad news indeed. The Aspec system in GT4 IMO bordered on pure genius, in what it added to the game.
Particularly replay value, which was immense in scope. I'm sure I am not alone when I say I shall miss it terribly in GT5.
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That is a piece of news SuperCobraJet!

This is so strange because when I played GT1 through 3 I always looked for the best car in the category and now playing GT4 I always look for the weakest one.

Seems like it'll be going back to the old ways when playing GT5 in some unspecified future. Seems like it's a whole different game.

What is that "level up sequence" you mentioned?
That is a piece of news SuperCobraJet!

This is so strange because when I played GT1 through 3 I always looked for the best car in the category and now playing GT4 I always look for the weakest one.

Seems like it'll be going back to the old ways when playing GT5 in some unspecified future. Seems like it's a whole different game.

What is that "level up sequence" you mentioned?

Apologies for the off topic post in advance.

In GT5 you race in the Aspec events as the driver and earn experience points.

As they accumulate you level up accordingly starting at 0, 1, 2, etc., and as I understand it, continue up to 30. (Edit) 40.

Check the GT5 threads for additional info.
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I was going through the first 8 pages of the new feedback forum but couldn't find anything that would ask to get the a-spec points back. Not sure who could write a request for that nicely, but it certainly would get 3 votes from me.
If something is already out there please let me know and it gets my votes.

On page 10 I found this:

with my 3 votes it has now 14, please vote for it.
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I was going through the first 8 pages of the new feedback forum but couldn't find anything that would ask to get the a-spec points back. Not sure who could write a request for that nicely, but it certainly would get 3 votes from me.
If something is already out there please let me know and it gets my votes.

On page 10 I found this:

with my 3 votes it has now 14, please vote for it.

Likewise I gave it 3 votes.

Preferably the level up system should be scrapped in favor of the A-spec point system. However since thats probably not practical at this point, this would be the next best thing.
I know it's not a good idea to disagree with a moderator, but this isn't about GT5; it's all about the a-spec point system.
But I promise this is the last thing I say about it :)
yes, but it's about A-Spec points in GT5, not GT4. Thanks for understanding.

And good luck with your petition. ;)