General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
I really didnt think I was gonna pick up SC 5 but after furthere research ( and my undying love for namco fighters) I think I might be picking this up



Yes, that is Bad Box Art Mega Man!

I just went from not caring about this game whatsoever to Day One Purchase.
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I think thats only for the PS Vita( bad boxart Megaman and Pacman )
UPdate never mind OH LORD OLD BOX MEGAMAN ( MIDDLE AGED MEGA MAN?!) WTH???????????
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Oh so we're not allowed to disagree with you? :P

SFxT never struck a great interest in me at all, but this silliness just takes the cake; not because it's not a seriousgame, but that they chose to do something like this of all other things they could invest their time into.
I still have every intention on picking up SF X T I just dont wanna fat megaman lol.Even though many people are hating on the Gem system it still takes skill to beat your rival on the game. I was listening to Aries on Cross counter and that kinda eased my mind lol.
I hear that the KOF patch is going to be released soon..anyone want to confirm?

So am I ban happy? I was the first to ban VC in SC3 and I was the first to ban Hilde in SC4... which I hope we all believe were right decisions. In addition to that, before SC4 was eventually patched, I believed that Critical Finishes needed to be banned or they would become the central focus of the game. However, at the same time, I was also the first to unban guest/bonus characters in both SC3 and SC4... which we now know were both mistakes.

So now, would you call it ironic, or kismet that we find ourselves in the same situation? Devil-Jin is a "create-a-soul" (CAS) movelist, he does not have it's own character slot, nor a default character design. As it stands CAS is banned because of tournament logistics; we don't want to be giving people time to create custom characters, nor force tournament organizers (TOs) to spend time before the tournament in order to make a set of Devil-Jin CAS. In addition, editing characters can lead to hurt-box issues and masking moves behind obscure clothing.

But what if we could get around these logistical issues when it comes specifically to Devil-Jin? It takes about 5 hours to unlock all characters in SC5; so Namco decided to make it easier for TOs and leave the save files unlocked. A TO could copy a save file with all unlocks and CAS from one console to another. So what if we made a default set of Devil-Jin CAS, distributed this save file freely and TOs could use this as their standard unlocked save file?

Sure, it can be said that people can edit the costume during the tournament in attempts to cheat; but any changes to the costume is clearly evident and will be caught on sight. Not to mention any changes to the characters height (which changes the hurt-boxes) wipes out the character design and it would take a significant amount of time for a cheater to recreate it; which they wont have at a tournament. Problem solved, right?

Well... no. While the lead director of SC5, Daishi Odashima insists that Devil-Jin is balanced for tournament play, the actual play testers for the upcoming Future Press strategy guide say otherwise. In fact, both the French and German communities state that Devil-Jin is completely overpowered and shouldn't be legal in tournaments. So what do we do?

We know from history that we really wont be able to tell a characters tournament viability until we permit them in tournaments. Why would someone learn the ins-and-outs of a banned character? We only knew Necrid was broke in SC2 because he was permitted in Japanese tournaments. We only knew how good Lynette was in SC3 because she was eventually playable. And we only knew to ban Hilde, Algol and Scheherezade because top players learned how to abuse them.

Many are advocates for a "wait and see" mentality. Ban Devil-Jin now, and only unban him if he is deemed balanced... but this doesn't work. We will never know the true strength of Devil-Jin unless he is permitted in tournaments. Not only will we not know how well he can be played, but we will not know how well he can be countered by other characters. Not to mention, the initial surge of potential new players we can get from the Tekken community will be missed.
SC's brief history of banning characters from majors.

They spent so much time for costumization... I will get this game soon...who knows...
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I'm a sucker to videos of people bodying others, so naturally I'm going to be interested in trying her out... which I had last Saturday, but it's going to take a while to get used to it and storing fireballs while pressing other buttons, damn.
So what do people think Of soul caliber 5 I preordered it but still not sure if I am going to purchase it ( i might save my money for SSX wich comes out next month)
I'm a sucker to videos of people bodying others, so naturally I'm going to be interested in trying her out... which I had last Saturday, but it's going to take a while to get used to it and storing fireballs while pressing other buttons, damn.
AOS sees someone using High level Dan, uses him next month...
So what do people think Of soul caliber 5 I preordered it but still not sure if I am going to purchase it ( i might save my money for SSX wich comes out next month)
SCV is alright, I had some smack talking but I am hoping for my own copy for actual results. Give me a minute or two to let you know how I think of it.
AOS sees someone using High level Dan, uses him next month...

SCV is alright, I had some smack talking but I am hoping for my own copy for actual results. Give me a minute or two to let you know how I think of it.

ok cool let me know
AOS sees someone using High level Dan, uses him next month...
One other thing I didn't mention, I have to have seen flashy stuff, which WeirdoNeo has displayed. Dan's moves don't look cool so I've never been interested at all, ever.

Yeah I'm a scrub. Wanna fight about it? :P
Regarding the KOF patch, it did come out, but apparently it is hit or miss on who gets it.

The patch mainly fixes online issues, as well as matchmaking. For example, a one bar fight becomes a two bar quality fight. It just improves the overall quality of the online in KOF XIII. Atlus did a good job on the patch.
ok cool let me know
SCV review from Day one play through.
I played my cousin's game to test out if its like SCII or not.
But here is some background on why I like SCII than any other,SCII to me was fair and balanced. To me, it was like the 3s of Soul Calibur ( basically is if you consider Soul Blade to be the first game). There were two parry's and it was a footies' game, meaning if you didn't think where the person is going to attack. You lost a good portion of your life in one match. There were no fireballs, guard breaks, finishers or flashy gothic clothin that didn't make any sense or spirits coming out of nowhere. ( Granted that I placed 4th out of a 30 man tourney)
SCV, has all that including a SCII-like movelist. Trying to parry is using meter, some ex moves seems like its being mashed out and we do not need Super finishers...It is a excellent game for casuals ( awesome practice mode and lobby), I will pick it up to help my cousin prepare for Evo while I grind AE and KOF.
I sold UMVC3 because it was play stupid, great game but I raged too much during a 3 hour matches that included Frank West Infinite Loop....
One other thing I didn't mention, I have to have seen flashy stuff, which WeirdoNeo has displayed. Dan's moves don't look cool so I've never been interested at all, ever.

Yeah I'm a scrub. Wanna fight about it? :P
Any day

Regarding the KOF patch, it did come out, but apparently it is hit or miss on who gets it.

The patch mainly fixes online issues, as well as matchmaking. For example, a one bar fight becomes a two bar quality fight. It just improves the overall quality of the online in KOF XIII. Atlus did a good job on the patch.
I need to grind KOF then lol. I tried a few matches on XBL and it seems that nearer the person, the better match connection is.
You're a bad Rog user....

Round 2!
At least Rog get more Health than Sakura. Take the life lead and bam! Rog wins.
s.LK > EX Tatsu punishes Straight punches *range dependant* - TOKiMONSTA

As a charging character, he hates to be crossed up. He also doesn't has cross-ups of his own. So my main priority is to try to knock him down and cross him up. Most of Boxers that tries to headbutt my cross-ups usually misses so I time my cross-up just a split second before he turns to the other side. His dashing straight can be focused, so in some instances I do try to throw him after a focus dash. Then I can either attempt a cross-up, crouching jab, do nothing, and lot of other things. Another thing that I find effective against charging characters like Rog is after the launch-into-midair with EX hurricane kick, instead of following-up with jump-smash, mix up with a jumping roundhouse or a well-timed jumping light kick to land on the opposite side and then go for another combo. - minase

You got to be really good at blocking in this match because he can out footsie you easily. Anytime you see him flash yellow (ex moves) hit grab or ultra. As stated by others cross ups and empty cross ups are good in this one. Chuck in an overhead now and again to shake him up whenever you feel safe enough to try one. Do not just blindly jump in at this guy. He is great at controlling space.

U1 for this match. You need the damage and if you are lucky you can catch a ex move with U1. - Mr. Flowers

*TC note: a meaty lk.tatsu on wakeup is safe because headbutt will miss you (do it a little bit later then normal). Ultra will probably hit you though.
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Sakura rapes Boxer.... if Rog is half-to full screen. st HK and xx sho shuts down any dash punches.

What max range rog can or from, Sak can also and if you're too predictable or just outside your max range, Sak can tatsu your whiffed move, but a can beat out or trade with h. tatsu.
I'll correct. Guard Impacts is what uses up the critical edge meter. Parrying got removed altogether. It got replaced by just guard.


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