Street Fighter X Tekken on PlayStation Vita will include 12 additional fighters.
The PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken will include Guy, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Sakura and Blanka from Street Fighter, and Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong from Tekken.Capcom has not said that the characters will be exclusive to the PlayStation Vita version, suggesting that they will be available in other versions of the game as DLC.
While Street Fighter X Tekken is releasing soon on consoles, the PlayStation Vita version is not scheduled until later this year.
Many of these characters were recently leaked as DLC that will be available for Street Fighter X Tekken after the game's release.
Capcom previously revealed that the PlayStation Vita version will share DLC with the PlayStation 3 edition, though there has been no comment as to how these DLC characters included on Vita will affect those plans.
Street Fighter X Tekken will release in North America on March 6, and in Europe on March 9 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A PC version is planned for May 11 while the PlayStation Vita release is set for later in the year.