General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Right, I've finally decided to main Bison for all SF games. I hope I'm making the right choice... though I am winning Ranked Battles with him.
though I am winning Ranked Battles with him.

Scrub methodology. Everyone falls for fast traveling special moves and it's worse online... and Bipsons' all happen to be relatively safe, plus he has a stupidly good poke.

I used to use Bison too when I moved to a stick, but then I moved on to someone else afterwards. He's not that fun to use imo.
I dont know how to explain it it just seems right smooth complex but somwhat simple lolol
by the way here is a new episode of the online warrior taling about what games have good netcode I enjoyed it I hope you do too

KOF has that smoothness, but alot of it kind of throws me off. I am so use to SF type games.. and to think that I could easily play Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Marvel series, KoF, Tekken, and SC...granted alot of important combos and what not are easily forgotten.
Its Conspiracy time

Also, new TTT2 Footage:


Am I the only one that thinks the Bryan/Feng Wai Tag Team looks abit like The Expendibles?
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Wait, this isn't by Namco? Could've fooled me with all them juggles.
I bought recently the King of Fighters XIII. I like the game but, I prefer the old KOF2002.

A lot of internationals prefer KOF2002 unfortunately. Embracing the game is like pulling teeth in some countries, especially in Peru and a lot of other South American countries because for a long time, 2002 was all they had in Neo Geo cabs. In Mexico it isn't too much trouble, as far as I can tell, for them to make the switch to XIII, but there are still some diehard fans of 2002 still around.
I'm getting in the training room tomorrow. Got to prepare for Friday went my friend is coming over.
The timer was more annoying in Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting. Each second was worth less than half a second!! The conditions didn't change for the rest of the SF II era
SF:2 Turbo didn't have supers that would last 10 seconds or more...
Closest to 10 seconds was Akumas Shun Goku Satsu Super. It took 6 seconds to my count from a mid screen distance.


Fun Fact: You can use supers to win a match in AE ( Balrog's Super...etc...etc)

Wait a sec... Akuma had no super in Super Turbo. He had it from HD Remix. How did they do it in Super Turbo??? :confused: