General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Yeah, I do..I should put a kappa hashtag...

Oddly, I could always argue against why Tekken is one of the greatest 3d fighters I have played; why SF-new gen is overrated; How Blazblue isn't the best 2d fighter; and how Bushido Blade is probably better then SC.

I didn't even know there was another weapons-based fighting game. I always assumed SC was the only one (The fact that I grew up along side SC probably has a lot to do with that.)

As for the rest of your statement, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. That you could argue against Tekken being great, SF being overrated and BB being the best? Could you please elaborate, or at least clarify what you're saying?
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I didn't even know there was another weapons-based fighting game. I always assumed SC was the only one (I grew up along side SC probably has a lot to do with that.
As for the rest of your statement, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. That you could argue against Tekken being great, SF being overrated and BB being the best? Could you please elaborate, or at least clarify what you're saying?
I saying that you could be mistaken, SF can be overrated. Tekken can be better than DOA and why BB isn't the best game out there. Everything before SFIV vanilla was great ( be warned, I haven't played Alpha through EX ( and the movie); I have played SFII series, SFIII, and lightly competitively SFIV). The problem with SFIV is that everything was easier to learn ( aside from the abundance of help from the internet and the rise of the 09ers). Throws didn't take 75% of your life, you don't have target combos,ultra meter, invincibility frames, etc. SFII is simply basics ground/zone/ out minding your rival with basic moves. ( some say, like chess)
DOA vs Tekken? To me, DOA's movement is floaty. If you ever pop up your opponent for a juggle, you don't get much to expand your damage potential and a counter button doesn't even require any afterthoughts of what you can do. ( when you play DOA5, it says" I am a fighter" I think it is a FGC meme for a short time) Tekken is very solid, the timing is strict, and probably half the cast has a counter grab ( hell, you can even break most counter moves. I don't think King's angle slam is chicken-able..)
BB vs GG, it is basically the same. BNBs are really long and worth it, you have exciting cast that has different tools that are cheaper than the other. ( I think Dizzy's st.p takes out 25% and her cr.hs takes off a good 15%. However, it depends on you.

I love mashing buttons!
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I understand what you're saying now. I appreciate the respectfully written explanation (unlike what I expect when I'm on the 'Net).


As for the content of it, I'll be the first to admit I'm mistaken if I give SF or Tekken another go and my opinions change; but for now, thats how I feel. As for DoA, I never had a problem with juggle damage potential, but I will agree that the movement (in 5 at least) is a bit floaty (3 was much better about it)
Why did you say that? Do you know that game?
I know of it. I went a bit deeper between games and Guilty Gear is really complex than Street Fighter. Aside from Character specific combos, cast size. two different types of cancelling in Guilty Gear. It can be a really intense game...
I understand what you're saying now. I appreciate the respectfully written explanation (unlike what I expect when I'm on the 'Net).


As for the content of it, I'll be the first to admit I'm mistaken if I give SF or Tekken another go and my opinions change; but for now, thats how I feel. As for DoA, I never had a problem with juggle damage potential, but I will agree that the movement (in 5 at least) is a bit floaty (3 was much better about it)
It may depend on who you play it with though. I was the same about Skullgirls; when I played it more, I was growing towards liking it.
I think SFIV went to 2.5D plane then Guilty Gear jumped on the band wagon. Try out Melty Blood or any other anime fighters ( Persona 4..)
A good "Anime" Fighter game is the King of Fighters XIII.

KOF isn't considered as a Anime Fighter (IMO). It started as a game before it was a anime. To my belief, Anime Fighters started as a series before making it to the console. In example, Arcana Hearts, Melty Blood, Fate /Stay Zero, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. KOF is a good one but the older ones like UM2002 etc were fun. Right now, Skullgirls has my heart besides AE and probably Project M.

I can't remember BnBs worth %%%%%%%%%%%%%
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I think SFIV went to 2.5D plane then Guilty Gear jumped on the band wagon. Try out Melty Blood or any other anime fighters ( Persona 4..)

There's going to be a new Guilty Gear game that's already in 3D or HD. Kinda late for the series but that will be the first game to have it.
I would've called any game with manga-style illustrated characters to be anime games.

Or if they originated as a manga/anime.
There's going to be a new Guilty Gear game that's already in 3D or HD. Kinda late for the series but that will be the first game to have it.
Unlike its immediate predecessor the game will once again be a 2D fighting game. The game is being developed using Unreal Engine 3, with cel shaded graphics in place of hand drawn sprites. It is set to be released in arcades on the Sega RingEdge 2 arcade board with support for the ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Ver.2 system,[2] as well as the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.[1]
SFIV is 3d on a 2d plane.
Going by that one trailer, Guilty Gear hasn't really gone 3D environment fully.

Modelling the scenery is 3D, but the game still plays on a 2-dimensional Street Fighter, Marvel, Blazblue, etc. That one freeze frame where the camera revolves around the two dudes is literally the only time we see 3D characters, everything else during the fights still look like 2D sprites.

but yeah the game's obviously going to be in high definition.
It is the KOF influence sprites <3
and in "Anime" Fighting news:
Your Fighting Anime News:
Some of you may remember Sega announcing a brand new fighting game at Tokyo Game Show 2013 last month. Titled Dengeki Bunko FIGHTING CLIMAX, this crossover fighter features characters from properties published by ASCII Media Works&#8217; Dengeki Bunko light novel imprint. While the original announcement only included two characters (Shakugan no Shana&#8217;s eponymous main character and Asuna from Sword Art Online), Dengeki Online recently revealed two more fighters who will be joining the fray.

Mikoto Misaka, one of the main heroines from A Certain Magical Index, and Kirino Kosaka, the female lead of Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (colloquially known as Oreimo), are set to expand the playable cast with their own unique fighting styles. While the former is a powerful esper that is capable of controlling electricity in her series, the latter has been pulled from a more comedic work, which should lead to an interesting and unconventional moveset.

Damn...Why am I european? That crossover fighter seems great to me.
I want play so bad with Kirino Kosaka, Shana and Misoto.
Will Asuna be enough, to localize this game?
I just love Millia Rage from Guilty Gear series, so that's why I like the game more than Street Fighter games.
Damn...Why am I european? That crossover fighter seems great to me.
I want play so bad with Kirino Kosaka, Shana and Misoto.
Will Asuna be enough, to localize this game?

That will probably depend on whether or not anime fans are outgoing and supportive. If this game makes it outside of Japan, it will very much likely reach North America and perhaps UK. I don't know where you are in Europe, but at worst, you'll be importing from them. To localize it? How big is the manga/anime culture where you live? Likely not big, I take it?
I think it would reach Euro before America on the basis that 'merica don't like dem anime gamers.
What you get for $10 ( Fighting game Mastery by F-champ and Gootecks

Fighting Game Mastery is a set of six interviews with Filipino Champ, each about 40 minutes long. Each interview is dedicated to a different topic, starting off with Champ&#8217;s background and mental preparation for competition in the first section, then risk/reward analysis and the psychology of high-level play in the second; after that, Genesis and Champ talk Marvel for two chapters, Gootecks brings it back to Street Fighter IV in the fifth, and in the last &#8220;bonus&#8221; chapter Champ explains in detail how he likes to set up and use training mode.

The set costs $10 for just the audio, $15 to add a video version (the video is just a screencap of their Skype chat, as far as I can tell, with chapters for easy skipping around) and written transcript, or $75 for a deluxe version that includes admission to three one-hour &#8220;group Q&A training sessions&#8221; over Google Hangouts. I personally prefer reading to listening &#8212; I&#8217;m not much of a podcast listener, really &#8212; so I would have preferred the transcript, but if you are more into podcasts, save yourself the $5. Also, you can download a sample for free at the Fighting Game Mastery website.

Asking &#8220;why&#8221; instead of &#8220;how&#8221;

Frankly, I was skeptical at first; there are many top players who are great at playing games but not so great at talking about them, much less teaching them. But Champ gives an interesting interview; one minute he&#8217;ll be talking about some high-level theoretical concepts, and the next minute he&#8217;ll be walking through his step-by-step thought process for a specific situation in the Phoenix-Vergil matchup.

As someone who voraciously devours any educational materials I can find on fighting games, I really liked how Champ describes how he thinks about fighting games, and why he does what he does. But it&#8217;s definitely not for everyone &#8212; if you come in expecting finely-detailed instruction, you&#8217;ll be disappointed. Fighting Game Mastery isn&#8217;t an instructional video in the sense that we see them in fitness or martial arts, for example. It&#8217;s less about specifics and more about concepts.

You won&#8217;t finish listening to Fighting Game Mastery and think, &#8220;Now I am a better player than I was before,&#8221; or even &#8220;Wow, I learned a whole bunch of very specific things about Marvel&#8221;. Rather than teach you how he gets out of Flocker&#8217;s 50/50 Zero mixups, he&#8217;ll talk about how he avoids letting Flocker set them up in the first place. Of course, that isn&#8217;t as specific or immediately applicable as Blocking Zero Mixups 101, but it&#8217;s still plenty useful if you spend a lot of time thinking about how to get better at fighting games.

Needs an editor

Fighting Game Mastery needs an editor. &#8220;Four hours long&#8221; might sound like a bonus to some people, but for me, that&#8217;s an additional cost beyond the $10. The interviews aren&#8217;t particularly well structured, and there isn&#8217;t really a clear big picture &#8212; a &#8220;What are you trying to teach, exactly?&#8221; &#8212; which makes it hard to listen to without a healthy dose of patience and a willingness to keep listening until Champ gets to something useful.

Gootecks asks, &#8220;So, can you define the &#8216;neutral game&#8217;?&#8221; and Champ responds with a long, convoluted answer that doesn&#8217;t really define the neutral game, but does show how he thinks about it in a way that is useful to someone who is already familiar with the idea. Genesis asks what Champ thinks about Doctor Doom&#8217;s foot dive; I think, &#8220;There&#8217;s no way Champ could possibly have anything interesting to say about the foot dive&#8221;. Five minutes later, it turns out I did learn something new about the foot dive, but it probably could have been cut down to 30 seconds.

To be sure, there was a lot that I found useful. Champ describes his training routines, like playing three-out-of-five sets even during casuals, setting little mini-goals like &#8220;Win six straight&#8221; against people who aren&#8217;t that competitive against him, and using hecklers in stream chat as a proxy for tournament stress. He talks about how he decides to block or go for a throw tech based on how far ahead or behind he is in life, about the difference between &#8220;air control&#8221;- and &#8220;ground control&#8221;-based teams in Marvel, about working around Dormammu&#8217;s poor ground mobility, about how he mentally categorizes new players when he goes up against them for the first time.

But it takes time, and you just have to kind of trust that he&#8217;ll get there eventually. It&#8217;s kind of like having a good conversation over a burrito with a top player who just happens to be your good buddy, except it&#8217;s four hours long, you&#8217;re paying for his burrito, and when you ask him a question he might not really answer it but will drop a whole lot of other useful knowledge along the way. Champ is really good at describing his thought process clearly and illustrating it with actual examples from his matches and others; I just wish Gootecks and company would have condensed the four hours down to two.

Is Fighting Game Mastery worth it?

You know that feeling you get when you&#8217;re coming home from a tournament and you realize that you&#8217;ve been thinking about fighting games all wrong? At its best, Fighting Game Mastery is kind of like that; you get to listen to Champ describe his perspective on fighting games, and depending on where you are in your fighting game career, the way he describes footsies in Marvel or something will change the way you think of playing the game, or cause you to pay attention to a factor you didn&#8217;t know to pay attention to before. Personally, I don&#8217;t think that&#8217;s a bad deal for $10, as it&#8217;s kind of a neat shortcut into the top player mindset, which is something you can&#8217;t necessarily discover by yourself in training mode.

The main criticism I have of Fighting Game Mastery is that it just feels a little lazy. I feel okay about paying $10 for a long Skype recording; I&#8217;d feel better about paying $20 for a version that was shorter and included relevant gameplay videos to accompany the interview. It&#8217;s far from perfect, but it&#8217;s a better start than I had expected.
It is good to see your Gouken has improved and you caught on against Fei's tactics.
Nice guess at 9:00 against Oni. Sadly, I think the Oni player just felt like pressing buttons, I think you could of out played him easily.
I have given up on FGs for the time being, as they seem to be getting quite repetitive (at least for me) and there are other games I have been playing that do not allow me to find the time to play these games. I might return when the PS4 gets some decent fighters like MK 10 or a new IP.