General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Did some research, watched some videos. It seems the Saturn version is near perfect just like the PSN version (though the PS1 version is not). Not identical though... apparently there is some very slight difference in colour tone and some very slight difference in volume levels/mixing on some things. It's one of those situations where if you really have to look that deep for differences then you're good to go!


Cost me £34 for a really good condition copy with the ram cartridge. I just need to get an arcade stick now, not much fussed on the official saturn one, looks really cheap and crummy.. Seems a waste to play the game with a gamepad though.


Mostly finding well used examples of this stick, I dunno it looks pretty cheap to me.

I had a Virtua Stick back in the day. I liked it a lot. Good stick, good buttons and good build. Nothing "cheap" about it at all. The only thing that might need work with a used item are the buttons.

I am, however, looking at it from several years on from selling my Saturn so I might be suffering from a case of rose tinted spectacles, but I was happy with it at the time and nothing I've had since has, official Hori Soul Calibur 4 stick, been decisively better.
A SEGA Saturn and Dreamcast fan? Very nice!

For what I saw, usually SNK games always had better ports on SEGA consoles (Saturn and Dreamcast), than on PS1.
So you made the right decision. But even being a good game, I think 34£ for KOF95 was expensive...

I checked the different versions for sale and previous sales before buying and KOF95 with the cartridge (a lot are sold without it, strangely) seems to always sell in the £30-£40 range. The japanese version of the game goes for dirt cheap as it's much more common but it's fairly rare on PAL and so goes for a lot. Same with Panzer Dragoon Saga, I can pickup a japanese copy for probably £10-15 when a PAL copy will set me back between £160-200.

I had a Virtua Stick back in the day. I liked it a lot. Good stick, good buttons and good build. Nothing "cheap" about it at all. The only thing that might need work with a used item are the buttons.

I am, however, looking at it from several years on from selling my Saturn so I might be suffering from a case of rose tinted spectacles, but I was happy with it at the time and nothing I've had since has, official Hori Soul Calibur 4 stick, been decisively better.

I've been looking and there is a Japanese version that looks a lot better to me

That's more like what I would want, they go for more than 2x the price though, so I'l probably just get the european official stick after all.
Dat Sega Astro! With the Stick building growing in recent years. You can get a TE and probably make a Sega Astro layout. Or buy Plexi-case/Floe-hammer case and just have a custom Sega Astro layout.
Nice look at the Virtua Stick.

That looks good enough for me to be honest. I'm going to try to pick one up.

Dat Sega Astro! With the Stick building growing in recent years. You can get a TE and probably make a Sega Astro layout. Or buy Plexi-case/Floe-hammer case and just have a custom Sega Astro layout.

I'll be honest with you, most of what you said there went straight over my head. I've had a look around and seen some sticks that work on multiplatform with adaptors, which would be amazing to be able to use it on my PC, PS3, Wii and Dreamcast but I've not found one that will also work on the Saturn.

I'd probably be willing to spend a little more on something that worked on any platform.. But saying that I've not traditionally been hardcore into fighting games, I'm not particularly good at them either.

Did just grab these 2 games though for pretty cheap (both under £10)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Dreamcast) - Played it on PS1 years ago, loved it.

And Power Stone 2 - Never played it but always wanted it, it usually goes for quite expensive so I've been on the shelf about getting it for about 2 years, since I pulled my old consoles out of storage.


For someone who isn't a massive fighting game fan I have quite a few of them now. The newer games don't seem to catch my attention so much, watched some of the videos earlier in the thread with modern Street Fighter and I dunno if it really interests me. I have Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown on the PS3, it's pretty decent but meh.
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Toodles Cthukhu Multiboard in
floehammer case or
Let me rephrase my hype answer. With the Toodle's Cthulhu Board, and a empty case. You can easily make a arcade stick Playable on :
Core builders in the fighting game community are familiar with the Multi-Console Cthuhlu. Designed by notable FGC veteran Toodles, the versatile PCB can handle a wide variety of modern and legacy consoles including:

  • PS3
  • PS2
  • PSX
  • PC
  • Gamecube
  • Wii through Gamecube controller support (Includes Smash Bros. Mode)
  • Xbox1 (Not 360)
  • Dreamcast
  • Sega Saturn
  • TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine
  • NES/Famicom
  • SNES/Super Famicom
If you have a 360 PCB, you now can have a controller that supports the majority of Legacy/newer consoles.
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It's nice B15 makes so many cool things, but at the same time, I have to ask, just "why go through that far? It's to a point of hyper-styling." And he gets so much rep for it. It's not mind-blowing to me. It's not like it's a breakthrough in design that solves a problem. It's just a fancy new shapes and colours. Sure make it an MGS theme, but what MGS game is there to play on a stick? zero, no? The relation is nil.

Just my 2 cents on B15's work.
I do agree with you, B15 has been on his own level since 09'. I saw that he won an award for the "Best stick design of 2013"
Haha best stick design. Give me tools and I can probably rival his skill so long as it covered living expenses. Not to put down his stuff , I just think for what he does, it's a bit overrated.

Anyway, I purchased and am currently downloading Nidhogg. Retro graphics = less processing power = good for me! I'll wait for SF to drop in price again. I ain't going to shell out $30 for AE2012 with Ultra coming out in another 6 months.
I would just play whats on PSN unless your looking for better people to play.
This is the modular custom stick.

2013 Custom Arcade Stick Maker of the Year
  • Winner:
    • B15sdm
  • Runners-up:
    • Foehammer
    • Rednekk

2013 Arcade Stick Modder of the Year
  • Winner:
    • Gummo

2013 Tech Talk Case Maker of the Year
  • Winner:
    • Foehammer
  • Runner-up:
    • B15sdm

2013 Tech Talk Member of the Year
  • Winner:
    • Lukas “Darksakul” Peruzovic
  • Runners-up:
    • d3v
    • GeorgeC
    • ed1371
    • undamned
    • jdm714
Hey everyone, David Hinds here with some new information regarding one of the new features going into Ultra Street Fighter IV!

Have you ever played a momentous match online and wished you had the ability to share it for the whole world to see? Well soon you’ll be able to do exactly that, using our direct upload to YouTube feature in Ultra Street Fighter IV!

You’ll be able to select any match from your battle log of online matches, and choose whether to upload it in low or high quality, directly to your own YouTube channel! Whether it’s the best comeback since Daigo VS Justin Wong, or perhaps you had an encounter with a pro-player you want to share, this feature is great for those who are yet to own a direct capture device, and want to show off their favorite Ultra Street Fighter IV moments!

This is just another great feature we’re adding to Ultra Street Fighter IV, and we’re not done yet… I’ll be looking forward to seeing all your uploads come June time!
Hey everyone, David Hinds here with some new information regarding one of the new features going into Ultra Street Fighter IV!

Have you ever played a momentous match online and wished you had the ability to share it for the whole world to see? Well soon you’ll be able to do exactly that, using our direct upload to YouTube feature in Ultra Street Fighter IV!

You’ll be able to select any match from your battle log of online matches, and choose whether to upload it in low or high quality, directly to your own YouTube channel! Whether it’s the best comeback since Daigo VS Justin Wong, or perhaps you had an encounter with a pro-player you want to share, this feature is great for those who are yet to own a direct capture device, and want to show off their favorite Ultra Street Fighter IV moments!

This is just another great feature we’re adding to Ultra Street Fighter IV, and we’re not done yet… I’ll be looking forward to seeing all your uploads come June time!
Oddly, I would rather focus on game mechanics or more stages than loading up directly to YT
@nk4e, Modular stick is exactly what I'm getting at. THAT's something good to be promoting.
Uploading to YT isn't something impressive anymore as plenty of games already do that now.

I would've invested more time into gaming balances and smoother and improved flow through the process of playing online. 1v1 rooms where you can instantly rematch people would be one of the biggies. Killer Instinct 2013 took a lot of SF's stuff and improved it. 1v1 rooms are excellent. What they need to do now is to make a lobby for a huge list of people to make matches with rather than hitting refresh list all the time.
@nk4e Game mechanics yes, but more stages? In the end, everybody always choose the Training Stage, because that stupid myth( less lag).

@AOS- It's true. Nowadays many games already has the Youtube uploading feature, but ironically GT5 and GT6 don't have that.
AOS- It's true. Nowadays many games already has the Youtube uploading feature, but ironically GT5 and GT6 don't have that.

The insta-share thing is a social media thing. GT's a driving simulator, not a social game. It deviates from its image if it did. That's how I see it anyway.

Also, explain that training stage myth to me. Decreasing the number of 3D models on screen (and consequentially the number of rendered polygons) would make sense to me if I wanted to reduce the processing load.
I can see where he is coming from ( I think) but either or. Training Stage is now a staple stage for me. Awesome music to fight to ( especially in other games).
The insta-share thing is a social media thing. GT's a driving simulator, not a social game. It deviates from its image if it did. That's how I see it anyway.

Also, explain that training stage myth to me. Decreasing the number of 3D models on screen (and consequentially the number of rendered polygons) would make sense to me if I wanted to reduce the processing load.

I mentioned GT, because this is a GT website and back in 2009, PD confirmed the Youtube uploading in GT5, and even now with GT6 already released we don't have that feature.

If I am not wrong, since vanilla SFIV players always pick that stage, because the Training Stage has no background animation and therefore the framerate is better and reduces the lag. None of this has been proven, however it's the official stage at EVO, and it's the favourite stage in online matches.
because the Training Stage has no background animation and therefore the framerate is better and reduces the lag. None of this has been proven.

None of it has been proven otherwise either to my knowledge. I was hoping you were going to do just that.
Chris G may have something to say about that :lol:. It isn't really an official stage for EVO, but its easier to see characters and actions though. There were some rumors about the Asus monitors lagging though.
I thought tourneys picked training stage to cover the off-chance some loser makes up the excuse something was distracting or the character blended into the BG at times making them hard to see.
It can happen. In third strike, Chun li's table was used to cover for footsies in a match.

Speaking of USFIV
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Still no sign of Dizzy. :( She will either be a side character because she could be pregnant or hiding.
For Guilty Gear Xrd
Game Mode Information
Arcade Mode
Play through the story of each of the characters. Fight against the computer in 8 total stages.

Sparring Mode
A simple training mode for the arcade versions. Fight with the selected character until time expires. Most suitable for things such as combo practice.

M.O.M (Medal of Millionaire) Mode
Use acquired medals to strengthen your own character as you battle against the computer to proceed through stages. A mode you can enjoy by yourself for a long time. Play using an Aime card and progress is saved, allowing you to continue were you left off.

Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- is expected to arrive in Japanese arcades sometime in February.
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Wish I saved the matches of that Fei I played. I'm extra cheesed I can't figure how how to beat my cousin now. He's locked down just about everything I can do as Gouken.