So quick question. My dream car has always been the Dodge Viper, ever since I saw it back in 1990 in a magazine. Is there any decent Viper kits out there? I got a couple to try them out, but they have a few details I am not too excited about. There's got to be a better one out there, I just haven't found it. Maybe a retooled version of these that I don't know of?
So first up it's a very old AMT kit, which coincidentally I had as a kid. I mean, back then I had no dexterity to properly build a kit, so it was absolute trash. So it's nice to give myself a second chance, like 30 years later. I'm surprised how well kept this thing is, considering it is apparently not a reissue. It is a 30 year old kit. I was actually impressed with the detail down the frame, suspension parts, steering, brakes and engine, but there are a few things that I really hate about it, like the headlights, the lack of decals and the wheels which are improperly scaled; they are too small (funny enough, the actual tire is the right size). The car just looks odd when finished. Probably why they don't show it on the box.
So I went ahead and go myself this Monogram kit, which build, it looks pretty spot on. However, it does have its negative points as well. Mainly the molding looks less detailed than the AMT. The engine is one solid plastic block with no separate parts, there is no steering, and the rear quarter of the car for some reason is part of the interior piece instead of the body as it should. So there is a weird indentation and an incorrect panel gap on the body below the rollbar.
Also, I got this Revell GTS to have both original Viper models. It seems to be identical to the Monogram kit. Nothing special about it. It looks good when finished, except it has the wrong steering wheel, which for some reason I've seen in various Viper GTS models of different brands. Another thing that scares me is dealing with the body stripes.
So leaving the GTS aside, I'm wondering if I can experiment a bit and modify the RT/10 to use the best parts of both models. Mainly see if I can somehow adapt the wheels and tires of the Monogram kit into the AMT, as well as the front bumper and headlight assembly which looks more correct. That or just keep on looking for a better kit. Either an RT/10 or a GTS. It doesn't have to be both.