General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
What is everyone doing for their PRE workout meal? My pre workout meal worked for my very first bulk up 8 years ago but I am looking for something different this time.
Just looking for some ideas.

I'll either eat a protein bar, or two pieces of toast with peanut butter before, usually with a glass of juice of chocolate milk, but I try to do most of my eating after.

Also, the workout yesterday felt great on my wrist after a week off, even added another 10 pounds to my bench press. Time for Biceps/Back/Shoulders today.
How about instead of the Peanut Butter, you give Almond Butter a try. A better fat and protein source. Yes, its a bit more expensive, but when you figure in the cost of buying raw alomonds, its nearly the same. I find it at Hannafords supermarket, for less than that price.

I carry a jar of it in my lunch box.
I will have to check that out. I like almonds so that sounds really good. I dont think i have actually ever seen Almond Butter. I can check Gordon Foods if Meijer or Walmart doesnt have it. Or if all else fails I can check GNC but their prices are pretty steep usually.

Once I hit 190lbs I will probably drop or lower the cottage cheese for my pre-workout meal. I am hoping my weight is back up to 187lbs again tomorrow when I weigh in. Losing that 2lbs last week while being sick was disappointing. Getting so close to the 190lb goal. Once I hit that I will probably start adding some cardio into my diet and try to hold myself around 190lb while burning fat.
I was about to have my pre-workout meal and instead of just taking 2 scoops of peanut butter directly from the container, I put the 2 scoops at the edge of my cottage cheese container. I can not believe how good it actually tasted if you eat them together. I would have never guessed those 2 things together would taste good at all. lol
This is also the irritating part. I'm only 20lbs lighter than Pako, yet I can't move the weights that he can. just goes to show what 20lbs of muscle really means. :D

Don't feel bad DA, I'm back up to 230. HEHE

Had a great trap workout today. Did Dumbbell shrugs and ran the rack.

Set 1
100's x 10

Set 2

Set 3

Rest of the back went pretty good to, but the dumbbell trap workout was something a bit different and was fun to do.
Had a great shoulder workout Friday but legs did not go so well. My recent sickness kicked in again and I started feeling like crap.

I picked up some Almond butter this weekend and it is really good. I will start having a teaspoon or 2 of that with my pre-workout meal.

I have mentioned a few times about my recent sickness after being sunburnt 2-3 weeks ago. Dizzy, disoriented, and feel like crap all day long. Well I finally gave in and set up an appointment with the doctor after work today. Hopefully he can figure it out because I was misreable all weekend. :(

The good news is that I gained the 2lbs this week that I lost last week. I am back up to 187lbs again so thats actually great news.
Went to the doctor yesterday. I have Vertigo. I guess there is no cure. I just have to hope it runs its course. If not I could be stuck with this for a very long time. :guilty:
Had a great shoulder workout Friday but legs did not go so well. My recent sickness kicked in again and I started feeling like crap.

I picked up some Almond butter this weekend and it is really good. I will start having a teaspoon or 2 of that with my pre-workout meal.

I have mentioned a few times about my recent sickness after being sunburnt 2-3 weeks ago. Dizzy, disoriented, and feel like crap all day long. Well I finally gave in and set up an appointment with the doctor after work today. Hopefully he can figure it out because I was misreable all weekend. :(

The good news is that I gained the 2lbs this week that I lost last week. I am back up to 187lbs again so thats actually great news.

I always feel sick and dizzy after getting sun burnt. I was in Greece about 2 years when they had a major heat wave. Got burnt during the day and then in the evening I felt really light headed and sick. The symptons lasted for a few days.
The answer is in post 428.

I saw that, but can't see the connection between you getting sun burnt and then suddenly suffering from Vertigo. Did you have the symptoms before you got sun burnt?
He said the Vertigo came from almost having heat stroke. I was in the sun for a week straight and got severly burnt then got burnt again another week later. I had hundreds and hundreds of blisters and ended up peeling for 3 straight weeks. The symptoms didnt start until the day I almost passed out. Which I am guessing is from almost having heat stroke.

This article I just found with a quick google search is exactly what I am going through right now. I am 33 this person is 37. Very similar situation. This is the first time I have EVER had problem with the heat.
He said the Vertigo came from almost having heat stroke. I was in the sun for a week straight and got severly burnt then got burnt again another week later. I had hundreds and hundreds of blisters and ended up peeling for 3 straight weeks. The symptoms didnt start until the day I almost passed out. Which I am guessing is from almost having heat stroke.

This article I just found with a quick google search is exactly what I am going through right now. I am 33 this person is 37. Very similar situation. This is the first time I have EVER had problem with the heat.

Sounds like you could have been in a really dangerous situation. I know that heat stroke can be really dangerous, on some instances sending people into cardiac arrest. I've only ever had minor sun burn compared to what you listed, I've never blistered anyway. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must have been.

I bet you'll never get burnt again after that experience.
It has been a very rough few weeks to say the least. Its just so strange because I have never ever been burnt like this and I am always in the sun. I sure as heck have never had issues like this thats for sure.
I've added something new to my routine after reading about it on the internet. If you have muscles that are 'lagging' behind the rest, work them out 2 days in a row.

First day stick with low weight, high reps. On day 2, after mixing alot of carbs and protein in your diet the day before, go high weights low reps.

Tried this on my chest, and I'm feeling/seeing results lol. Only suppose to do this for a maximum of a month or else risk overtraining.

This sounds bizarre but it seems to work.
Despite my Vertigo situation, I have still been lifting. If I dont feel well I just lift light with more reps. When I feel well I use more weight and less reps. Surprisingly I am still making gains. For my bench I have now been working out with 165lbs and almost did 200lbs on Tuesday after my entire workout. Soo close. Been doing flyes with 35#. I am also able to do quite a few dips now without any assists and quite a few pull ups without assists. So I am getting stronger for sure.

I have an appointment Tuesday to get an MRI on my brain for the Vertigo to make sure it is nothing major like cancer or a tumor.

Here is a recent pic of myself at 187 lbs. I am still aiming for my goal of 190lbs. Hard to believe I was 141 several years ago.

It has begun.

I started my competition diet last weekend. My calories are reduced to 2500 per day, and it mostly consists of Chicken, Broccoli, Potato and protein shakes.

It's really nice to realize that my body is still tuned up from the previous dietary changes. I haven't upped my cardio yet, and have only eliminated the excess from my daily food intake. And as such, I dropped 7 lbs in one week. This is normal, as the body dros a little bit of weight fast, then the weight loss evens out.

I'm aiming for 174lbs on October 16th. Somewhere between 3 and 4% body fat by that time.
Despite my vertigo problem I hit a new personal best last night. We have not deadlifted in a month and I still did really well. This was after an entire 4 set pull up workout.

200 x 9
245 x 7
255 x 4
275 x 2

I would have lifted 300lbs on my 4th set but 275 was all the weight I could fit on the bar. I need more weights. I have also changed my pre workout diet too and that seems to help a lot.
Well I have been doing cardio, starting today. I found a pretty simple and easy exercise to follow to online from this video. I already did 3 sets and I have never sweat this much over my whole body(well I never really did exercises so it's new for me)! I'm gonna see if I can get from 205 pounds to hopefully 170 pounds.

I have been reading this thread for quite a bit so I'm quite interested in losing some fat.
Well I have been doing cardio, starting today. I found a pretty simple and easy exercise to follow to online from this video. I already did 3 sets and I have never sweat this much over my whole body(well I never really did exercises so it's new for me)! I'm gonna see if I can get from 205 pounds to hopefully 170 pounds.

I have been reading this thread for quite a bit so I'm quite interested in losing some fat.
If you want a very very easy weight loss routine check this out.
It seriously doenst get any easier than that.

I weighed in this weekend and finally put on another pound. Now I am 188lbs shooting for my goal of 190lbs. Changed up my diet this week quite a bit and it is working. Plus I am eating better on the weekend too and I am eating 6 meals a day to get in the necessary calories.
That could work if I had a bike machine and I don't have the money or space to use it in. I can do the one that I posted because I enough space to perform all of exercises that are in the set. I have lost 2 pounds by doing 3 sets on that day. So unless I come across anything better I will stick to this exercise.
In all honesty, if you have the room to do the exercises in that video, you have the room to fit a small exercise bike. :lol:
But if that video is working for you, thats all that counts. 👍
I've done the opposite of you, I'm now down to 196 this morning, on my quest to get to 173 by October 16th.

Last week, I didn't work out, as I was moving the gym. As in, pack up the weights, load them into the truck, drive 7 miles, unload and reset-up the gym. My hands hurt to clench. The gym is almost set back up, and I'll be getting some workouts in this week. Once its fully operational, I'll be diving back into the heavy lifting in prep for the show.

Nick, losing weight is 40% working out, 60% diet. An old saying is "You can't out-train bad nutrition". Doing the exercise will harden and increase the muscle size, and drop some weight, but if you change your diet it'll make it much simpler.

Here's an easy step for you to take in that direction. eliminate sodium and sugar from your diet, as much as possible. Eat more chicken than you eat broccoli. Eat more broccoli than you do potatoes. And drink twice as much water as you think you possibly can. Wishing you good Luck.

Since July 4th weekend, I've dropped 11 pounds.
In attempt to keep gaining weight and to hit my 190lb goal, I decided to start my 7 meals a day diet like I did with my first bulk up. I have also changed my pre-workout meal and that has also made a difference. Now that I am back to 7 meals a day I can just add a little more calories here and there as necessary. I am just thankful the Vertigo problems dont effect my workout too much. On the days I feel well, I lift heavy. On the days I dont feel well I lift light. I still need to pick up some more weight so I can use 300lbs for deadlift and 300lbs for squat.

Here is a rough breakdown of when I am having my meals.

1. 6:00 am
2. 9:00 am
3. 12:00 pm
4. 2:30 pm
5. 4:30 pm pre workout
6. 7:00 pm post workout
7. 8:30 pm
Right, I'm 6ft 3" and around 104kg, I play basketball every Wednesday and just wanted to know, if I jog 800m Thursdays and Mondays, do weights on Saturdays and perhaps play a little basketball Saturdays as well, am I going to be doing enough to get fitter and/or lose weight. Ideally I'd like to be under 100kg, but I want to tone my muscles up as well. I suppose there's also the possibility for weights on Mondays. Should I do more?
800m is useless.

I understand basketball is very cardio intensive, but 800m is a nothing distance for anyone that is even partially athletic. I'd suggest 5Km, perhaps go hard on a monday and light on a thursday as a recovery from basketball.

And because basketball is pretty tough on your knees make sure you have a decent set of running shoes, or if possible run on grass and not tarmac.
A jogged 800M should be the warm-up for a running workout, but not the workout itself. Try at least a mile and go hard for as much of it as you can, if you can't push it though the whole thing, then go in intervals, ie fast for 45 seconds, jog for 15.
Well I have some good news regarding my Vertigo situation. The results came back from my blood test and my brain MRI. Blood test was fine but they said I have a pretty bad sinus infection that showed up on the MRI. They said that could be what is causing all my Vertigo problems. So they are putting me on anti biotics for 3 times a day 3 weeks to see if it clears up. Hopefully that resolves the issue. :)
Ideally I'd like to be under 100kg, but I want to tone my muscles up as well. I suppose there's also the possibility for weights on Mondays. Should I do more?

If you lose weight, your muscles will be more visible. But you have to workout(anaerobic) and get a good amount of protein each day, so you lose fat and maintain muscle. This is a good option if you want to lose some fat first. Weights at least 2 times a week would be good.

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