General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Did I mention I'm severely unfit despite playing basketball and probably can't jog a full 800m?:lol: I'll have to work the distance up progressively then until I can do something worthwhile. Thanks for the help.
It's all in your head... Maybe.
I believe that I can't run as far as I can, but I do run further than I think I can. :D
Just go out onto a running track or something that is easy to measure distance on and just run. If you get past 800m it'll give you a confidence boost and you'll keep going. ;)
For cardio you are not limited to just running, go for a high intensity cycle or go to the gym and use the rowing machine.
I speak from experience and I have seen an improvement in my CRE over the last year with an embarrasingly small amount of work...
I can't afford a gym, and my bike is broken, it won't shift past 3rd gear which is agonisingly slow with very little pedal resistance obviously. It's mainly my aerobic fitness that sucks, my anaerobic isn't THAT embarassing but still needs LOTS of work. Anyway, I seem to be over my cold now, so tomorrow arvo I'll probably try and see how far I can run.
Did I mention I'm severely unfit despite playing basketball and probably can't jog a full 800m?:lol: I'll have to work the distance up progressively then until I can do something worthwhile. Thanks for the help.
It's all in your head. 800m jog is possible even for my severly overweight dad. You're either giving up on yourself or you may be setting off to quick. A jog doesn't have to be much faster than a walk to begin with.
Great to see a lot of activity in here, and also great to see the usual fellas still going hard at it! 👍

I haven't seen an intensive work out for months now. But I'm not complaining, relaxing in the sun and swimming in the local lake is also a lot of fun and surprisingly exhausting if you have a little brother and sister to entertain. I've got a 2,000m high mountain almost literally in my backyard, and I try to climb it a few times every summer.

Anyway, I'm at work 6 days in the week, doing 50+ hour work weeks at the moment. So any exercise I do have time for is short. I'm doing benches, curls, presses, squats, deads and crunches every other day after work just to get out all the stress of me. I'm not so busy with goals or weight progress as I was 6 months ago, but I'll probably pick it up in 2 months time. Running just 1 set for every exercise I listed, going heavy enough to max out 8 reps per set to get some strength back. 👍
I tried jogging today, set off at a reasonable pace, and 800m was all I could do, my body said no more after that. Then that was with a 30sec rest at like 600m too.:crazy: I told you I was unfit. But that's the whole point of doing it, to get more fit than I am now, I'll just have to do it often. Don't judge me!:lol:
Paulie don't let the fact that you have trouble with 800m. While I can do it on a light run without stopping I have a hard time running in any kind of endurance. I'm fast while sprinting but honestly have no ability to run for any period of time whatsoever. I miss the gym about once every two weeks so that's 13 times out of 14 days. I warm up with the bike and go pretty hard at it. I do about 7 miles in 20 minutes on the machine with at a pretty decent level. But before and after every workout or just exercise make sure you have protein. After a workout you have about a 30 minute window to do that. I usually have milk or a protein bar with lots of water.

But I consider myself in good shape and I can't run for a period of time for squat. (I'm 5'8" 176 lbs.) If you really want to get any sort of muscle shaping going on there are tons of different workouts that don't require any sort of gym just you and open space on the ground. Also do everything while listening to music because it makes everything a hundred million bazillion times better because working out alone with no music is boring as hell. But nothing competes with a gym... which is also a awesome place to meet the girls. ;)

The gym I go to is 24/7 and is only $25 a month which is cheap compared to some some of other places we have here. If I repeated anything anyone else has said or something you already know, sorry I didn't read the whole thread only this page ;p Also the place I go to (24 Hour Fitness) has a 14 free trial so check any of your local gyms to see if they have trials. In those two weeks if you go consistently you will easily see a 10% gain.
I can't afford a gym, but we've got weights and open country side at home, so it's not as big of a deal.
Keep at the running, instead of just stopping, when you notice yourself getting tired slow down your pace and rest that way. If you just add on a little bit every time, I bet you can double that 800M distance in a few weeks easily.

I'm trying to put on weight, so I don't do much cardio...but when I do, I can burn the same amount if not more calories hitting my heavy bag as compared to running. Plus it's a whole hell of a lot more fun, and this is coming from a former distance runner (I could do a sub 18min 5K at my prime, I smoke too much now though to do it anymore). It's a pretty good investment if you use it enough and is an absolutely stellar workout. It gets your cardio plus helps a ton with core strength.

But I consider myself in good shape and I can't run for a period of time for squat

Not trying to offend, but if this is the case, then you're not in pretty good shape if you can't sustain a run for a significant period of time.
I shall endeavour to keep at it this time, I'll let you know if improvement comes at all.
If you struggle try jogging for a minute then walking for 30 seconds, and repeating. Just make sure to stick to the times you set out. If you think you can do more, you can cut down the walking time and/or increase the jogging time.
I tried jogging today, set off at a reasonable pace, and 800m was all I could do, my body said no more after that. Then that was with a 30sec rest at like 600m too.:crazy: I told you I was unfit. But that's the whole point of doing it, to get more fit than I am now, I'll just have to do it often. Don't judge me!:lol:

Any activity is all about the build-up before you get good at it, also the case with jogging.

If 800m is the max you can do, make 700m your first target point. On the second day, run past that target point and make this point your new target point, even if it is only 5m. If you do this everytime you jog where you set a point you ran to previously and you aim at running past it today you will double your current max very fast. Or if you want to get balls to the wall from day 1, go with Road Dogg's method; run until failure, take a break (keep walking, don't stand still!) and run again.

When I first started jogging I couldn't do more than a kilometer before I was trashed. Last year I ran 18 kilometers to the center of town to play 2 hours of tennis with my ex. And no, I am not joking. It's all about the build-up 👍
I'll try. You guys make improvement sound so rapid, I doubt that'll happen, especially for me. Back in my school days I was always good at stuff like 100m sprints, shot put, long jump, high jump, sports in general and just crap at long distance running, or maintaining intensity through-out the game.
Hey, do any of you guys get these crazy pains all of a sudden? Like, last week I got this crazy pain in what I think is my serratus posterior superior... that super deep muscle under the shoulderblade. I couldn't even take a deep breath without this awful, shocking pain. I got adjusted at the chiropractor and it went away in like 3 days. Missed a week at the gym.

Today my knee is freaking killing me. Getting up from my computer chair makes it worse. I don't know if I'm loading my knee somehow that it's causing pain or what. This totally sucks. Guess this is what I get for being 50 pounds overweight.
I'll try. You guys make improvement sound so rapid, I doubt that'll happen, especially for me. Back in my school days I was always good at stuff like 100m sprints, shot put, long jump, high jump, sports in general and just crap at long distance running, or maintaining intensity through-out the game.

5 years of work, nothing rapid about that :P
I'll try. You guys make improvement sound so rapid, I doubt that'll happen, especially for me. Back in my school days I was always good at stuff like 100m sprints, shot put, long jump, high jump, sports in general and just crap at long distance running, or maintaining intensity through-out the game.
Unfit people train for marathons in 9 months. Once you get experienced, mentally and physically, you'll find no distance is too far providing you know your pace and your body.

Dont be afraid to mix it up though. Just cause range is your aim doesn't mean you have to max everytime. a mix of fast and intense with slow and intense will give you that all round range.

Hey, do any of you guys get these crazy pains all of a sudden? Like, last week I got this crazy pain in what I think is my serratus posterior superior... that super deep muscle under the shoulderblade. I couldn't even take a deep breath without this awful, shocking pain. I got adjusted at the chiropractor and it went away in like 3 days. Missed a week at the gym.

Today my knee is freaking killing me. Getting up from my computer chair makes it worse. I don't know if I'm loading my knee somehow that it's causing pain or what. This totally sucks. Guess this is what I get for being 50 pounds overweight.
I ocassionally get the odd twinge in knees and shoulders. But it rarely lasts till the end of the day let alone the end of the week. Perhaps try to include some more stretching and cool-down into your workout.

If your rotator cuff is an issue try using resistance bands to do some shoulder rotations for warm up.
I hate working out hung over, but after doing nothing but partying all weekend, I feel I have to today.

Do you guys usually lift after a rough night of drinking, or use it as a rest day? Normally I only drink about once a week, but I went at it pretty hard Thurs, Fri, and last night, and I already took Friday and Saturday off to rest, so I pretty much have to today.
Dude, stay in bed :lol:

Seriously though, having a hangover isn't going to net you much results. I think the feeling of your body on that day tells you enough on what to do :P
Bah, supervisor at work is away for 2 days which means I have to stay back and shut shop and it's dark by the time I get home. Excuses excuses.:lol: Tomorrow I'll do weights, but not any running, weights don't take as large a toll on my body, and the basketball game on Wednesday isn't a season game yet.
I set 3 personal bests this week. 195lbs bench x 1, 115lbs military press x4, and 285lbs hack squat x1. Still have not bought more weight but I did figure out how to squeeze 285lbs onto the bar but that’s all I can fit on there. The only way I will get more weight on the bar is if I buy some more 25s or 50s. But for now I am fine with 285. Current weight 188 goal is to weigh 190.

Here are some of my personal bests

Hack Squat
285 x 1

275 x 2

Military press
115 x 4

195 x 1

Preacher curl
75 x 4
I jogged practically a kilometre today since my cold is completely gone and I probably didn't try running so fast.

Edit: I jogged a little over 1.2km yesterday.:dopey:
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I just did an hour on an arc trainer keeping my heart rate at like 125-130bpm, and the last five minutes I alternated each minute with a 150bpm burst. Walking home was interesting.
This month I am going to go a little lighter with a few more reps to allow my body to heal from the recent heavy abuse. I also cut back a little on my calorie intake to give my stomach a break. At the end of the month I will hit it heavy again and increase my calories again. I will also shoot for a new goal of 300lbs deadlift and 300lbs hack squat which means I will need to buy more weights. Hopfully bench will be 200lbs by then too.
Well its the end of the month and I am ready to attempt 200lb bench, 300lb Deadlift, and 300lb Hack Squat. I even purchased 2 more 25 lb weights to put on to the bar. :)

EDIT: 8/24/10
165 x 8
185 x 3
200 x 1!!! New personal best!!

45 x 15 new personal best!!
45 x 10
45 x 6
45 x 4

Quick google image of what my 25# weights look like.
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Wow, I managed to jog around 1650m or so today as opposed to the 950m I could only do when I started. Schweet!:D
You mean jogging too slowly? That I probably am, should I pick up the pace and not worry about the distance so much?
Dang I hit another personal best last night!!! Started with with pull ups palms facing away and did 4 sets of those. Then...

215 x 8
265 x 6
285 x 4
305 x 2 Yes finally in the 300 club! This is Sparta!!

Keep in mind a year ago I was not even able to walk and now 305lb deadlifts!! :D

After that went to preacher curls

Preacher Curls
75 x 8
75 x 6
75 x 4
75 x 4

Hammer curls
30 x 11
35 x 8
35 x 7
35 x 6
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You mean jogging too slowly? That I probably am, should I pick up the pace and not worry about the distance so much?
Quite the opposite, I prefer to jog for as long a time as possible and adapt the pace to that rather than distance.
I've started to improve my diet recently and I have seen a big difference. I used to eat reasonably healthy anyway but I have now cut out the majority of the bread in my diet. I only ate wholegrain bread anyway but I was eating 3-4 slices a day. I don't touch any soft drinks at all now.

Normal day I eat the following:

Breakfast - Muesli (no added sugar/salt) with a added frozen summer fruits (no additives)

Lunch - Fresh soup with Ryvitas and cottage cheese. Sometimes I'll have sardines aswell. Fresh yoghurt with added blueberries. Apple.

Afternoon snack. Pistachio nuts (between 50-100g). A banana.

Dinner - Lamb/chicken/beef/fish with new potatoes and veg or combined in a stir fry with Raman noodles.

I'm happy with the build that I have but I am trying to lose some belly fat to get some definition. I'm also working on my arms.

I've noticed an improvement in my intense cardio classes. I used to get an energy spike at the start of the session but about 30 mins in I would feel really lethargic. Now I feel like I'm able to maintain a good pace throughout the class.

Just from two weeks eating far more healthily I've noticed a reduction in stomach fat. I've also increased my water intake considerably around (around 2.5l a day, 3.5 - 4l on a workout day).

Feeling good!