General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I'm going in the opposite direction of you guys. To put it quite simply, I'm a fatass.

I started this school year with a period 5 gym class, and then football practice/game right after. I started with a weight of 217 pounds (yikes, I'm 5'10"), and now I've brought that down to 207. I'm trying to eat better, drink less pop, do anything I can to speed up the weight loss without damaging myself. It feels good to be able to wear a pair of jeans comfortably that I would have to squeeze into a month ago. I'm considering starting a weight training program to help with my football, and to help me with getting to a higher fitness level

PS: Hockey's starting again so I'll have 2 games and a practice every week for that too! :D
If you need some extra help with the weight loss, this program is guaranteed to work.
As I can never guarantee free time, I've given my workout a massive shake up. It's a 3 day all-body plan with focus on doing 3 of the large compound exercises per workout, 4-5 sets, 4-6 reps.

So far, feels great! After last year was ruined by having to week more than a week before doing each body part this works out much better.
I workout 4 days a week with 3 days rest.

Day 1 i do push workouts,abs

Day 2 i do Legs

Day 3 i do pull workouts,abs

Day 4 i do Legs,Cardio

Then on 1 week out of the month i do my max for each type of workout i do.

Pretty simple and never gets old for me. 👍
I think my nervous system is broken. It seems like I'm gaining weight(muscle and fat), but my strength seems to be staying about the same.
Nope, I just do a 5 minute jog to warm up.

But I eat breakfast about 2 hours before I start. I was reading up on digestion times and I was thinking that maybe I'm low on energy.
Woah, haven't been here for a while!

Good to see you guys still going at it! 👍

As for me I've gained some weight through the summer, not in a good way. University this semester is so busy and hard that I haven't got the time to even consider a gym. I think I ended my heavy reps back in May with a personal record of 105 kg in deadlifts. Don't remember if I ever posted that in here...

Anyway, I've started to really focus on my eating habits since I'm busy with school and thus not getting so much exercise. Lots of rice, salads and broccoli. I also have a huge breakfast consisting of a lot of grains, milk and fruits. A big, juicy orange at the end always does good!

Since this week I've begun to start jogging in the evenings when I come home from university. I spend about 8-12 hours at university each day so I'm pretty much fed up with the day when I come home but I just drink some water and throw myself out.

Yesterday I did 20 minutes of jogging to the pool - 60 minutes of swimming - 20 minutes of jogging back home. For not having had exercise lately I amazed myself how well I kept going. Today I went on a 25-35 minute jogging trip. I try to keep them short since it's so late, but at a good speed.

Hoping to lose about 8 kilos. Once I go down in weight the muscles I've build up in the last 2 years should come through more and hopefully I will stop being so envious of the bodybuilders and stop hating my own body 👍

My lack of sleep problem still isn't fixed, though. I hope a week or two of jogging and healthy eating habits will help this in some way.
I'm going to try to head back to the gym on Wednesday after a long break(5.5 weeks). I had a flu over the break and I went from 175+ lbs to 165. Things should be interesting. If I get my school habits down, I'm aiming for 2 days of weights and one day of good cardio work per week.
What happened to Pako and Der Alta??? Havent seen them post in a long time and I know Der Alta was getting ready for some competition last year. But never heard anything about it.

I am still doing my best to maintain 190lbs. Still been having vertigo problems. Had a MRI and cat scan recently. Some sort of sinus blockage in my head is creating the problem. Tried antibiotics and nasal spray but now it looks like surgery is the next step. I have still been lifting but cant lift real heavy without getting very dizzy.

I have also welded together an entire cable system for at home that goes into my bench. Works great!! So now I have pretty much everything I could ever need for my home gym. If this surgery helps, then I will be back at it again but for now I am just maintaining my current weight. The great news is I am maintaining my 190lbs and lowering my bodyfat. Still have my abs but they are getting more and more defined along with everything else on my body. :)
Hey, do you guys want to kill your legs? Try doing some shiko exercises. I did about 20 of them to each side and my legs are done. Those sumos ain't joking when they say shiko to juryo (meaning, you can do nothing but shiko and make it all the way to the 2nd highest division in sumo).

Hey guys. Anyone have suggestions for Ab workouts. I am good with everything else, but cannot do anything with my stomach. I've tried sit ups, crunches and other general workouts that go with conditioning like weight lifting and pressing.

Any Suggestions?
Hey guys. Anyone have suggestions for Ab workouts. I am good with everything else, but cannot do anything with my stomach. I've tried sit ups, crunches and other general workouts that go with conditioning like weight lifting and pressing.

Any Suggestions?
Weighted decline sit ups.
Sit ups with medicine ball throw. (have a friend stand on your feet with a medicine ball in their hands. Starting from the up position they gently throw you the ball. At the bottom of the sit-up you touch the ball to the floor above your head and at the top of the sit-up gently throw the ball to your partner.)
Russian twists. With your back at 45 degrees to the floor, knees bent and feet off the floor touch a weight or medicine ball to the ground either side of your body
Monkey hang crunches. Dead hang from a pull up bar, raise your feet as high as possible while keeping legs straight
Leg raises.Lying flat on the floor, bend at hips and raise straight legs upto 90 degree with your body. Have a friend stand at your shoulders and push your legs down or to the side for added difficulty
I am curious to see how Der Alta is doing with his cut process. Also havent heard from Pako in a while.
Well, I was aiming for a competition last October. About 4 weeks before the competition the gym I went to closed up. I had access to it, but my trainer (the owner) fell into a funk and my training wavered. With about 2 1/2 weeks to go, I was down to 182lbs and 6% body fat. I was working out in an empty gym, with no trainer, twice a day, 6 days a week. Plus my wife and I were having some difficulties. To top it off, I had to step into a construction project that was a compressed timeline, with crappy sub contractors and no office support. I was down to 1800 calories a day, and living on caffeine, will power and baked chicken.

So, I had a mental meltdown. I sat in an empty parking lot at 8pm on a Saturday night and cried uncontrollably for a 1/2 hour. Then went to a pizza place and ate nearly an entire pizza. Walked out to my car and puked it all back up. My body couldn't handle that amount of greasy food.

Took a week off from the gym and finished the Construction project, and spent time with my wife. At that point, I found a new gym and refocused on enjoying my time there.

And it was quite good.

Here's where I'm at now. My 1 Rep Max on my squat is 365lbs, and my deadlift is up around 500lbs. I say around, because I pulled a 495lb max a few weeks ago, then attempted a 515lb last Sunday. Keep in mind, I'm weigh 203lbs when I attempted it.

Here's the Video.

I am an experienced "Bad Form" lifter, please don't try this at home. ;)
To help with my lockout, I've been doing rack pulls with 585lbs.

I recently bench 275lbs for a max, and in the process, developed a minor tear in my left deltoid. Now, I can't bench 185 without pain.

Currently, I'm 200+ lbs and about 13% body fat.
Alright after a brief (long) hiatus, I'm back in action again.

Still trying to put on some weight but I am adding a bunch more cardio in this time in order to prepare for hockey. Also adding in some leg lifts, which I have never really worked on before. Years of running and hockey have given me a pretty strong lower body, so I was always trying to play catch up in the upper half. I'd like to add some explosiveness to my speed in hockey though, so I'm going to have to focus a lot on lower body and core strength.

Right now I'm doing a lot of cardio on the heavy bag.
Three or four 3 minute "rounds" where you keep hitting most of the time is about the only thing I've ever done tougher than running hills cardio wise.

Anyway, I'm only 2 weeks back into the game right now, so I'm feeling out my routine at the moment, once things get settled, I'll update again.
Well, I've managed 3 straight weeks going 5 days per week now.

Still been warming up with some cardio, though I have mixed that up too. I alternate between a 2 mile run and the heavy bag each day. When I get sick of one of those, I'll substitute skipping rope for one of them. The only goal of my cardio is to work up a sweat before I work out, as I need to gain, not lose weight. I guess it keeps my lung function somewhat good as well as I am unfortunately a pretty heavy smoker.

I have been eating a lot more and much healthier food too. I have also substituted most of my soda and juice for water and milk.

I'm going to try to keep this pace going until summer time, so hopefully I'll have some massive gains. Hopefully I don't get sidetracked by an injury either lol, 3 weeks off from cracked ribs last summer completely derailed me and I never really got back into the swing of things.

Sorry for rambling, but I'm excited to be pushing myself again's it going for all of you guys?
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I'm getting in the gym at school usually about 4 times a week now.
Absolutely loving it!
Mixing it up between cardio and weights but focussing on the weights more just now as the tennis season hasn't really kicked off yet.
After a few weeks I have already started to notice a big difference in my arm strength :D
After the flu I ate a crap load of food and got up to about 175 pounds. Then I cut back and dropped to 172 and stalled. So now I'm trying to eat less and get down to about 160 or so.

Nothing exciting going on. Most of my lifts have stalled a bit. I did manage to add 10lbs per week on the deadlift. I just did 245 pounds today. I'm doing reconditioning on my squat, since I really needed it. I did 145 pounds today, but it was a bit ragged since I did deadlifts first. Hopefully I can make gains similar to my deadlift.

I'm going to try to keep deadlifts and squats on separate days since that doesn't really work for me. I wish I did that from the beginning.
Two recent lifts for me. I've entered a deadlift competition, that wraps up at the end of June, and this is training for it. If I want to win my weight class, I'll have to deadlift near 600lbs without straps (belt/chalk only).

505lbs, clean lift, locked out.

415lbs, for 4 reps.
I somehow managed to jog 3.3km this afternoon, and I ran the last 300m. Normally I get pretty tired at around 1.5-2km depending on the condition of my body and the weather, but I really paced myself this arvo so I'm pretty stoked. That brings my jogging distance total since last Wedesday basketball night to 8.1km over 4 days. I only did 1.2km at a considerably higher pace on Thursday to beat the pending storm.
Just to throw some numbers down. I currently weigh about 165 pounds.

I set two maxes for myself today. I did 260 pounds on the deadlift and 120 pounds for the overhead barbell press. Well, I also did 190 pounds on the chest press machine, but that's a bit less significant.
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I'm trying to 't shirt train' in order to look better. My training consists of 10 reps of 8kg on the right arm and 6kgs on the left arm(alternatively) 10 press ups 10 sit ups(higher abs, chest to knees) 20 sit ups(lower abs legs to chest change legs at 10) and 10 reps for each arm, and repeat a few times im trying to do it at least 5 times.
any advice?
I'm trying to build up my;biceps, triceps, trapezuims, pectorals(I dont current have a workout for this though), and Abs.
I'm trying to 't shirt train' in order to look better. My training consists of 10 reps of 8kg on the right arm and 6kgs on the left arm(alternatively) 10 press ups 10 sit ups(higher abs, chest to knees) 20 sit ups(lower abs legs to chest change legs at 10) and 10 reps for each arm, and repeat a few times im trying to do it at least 5 times.
any advice?
I'm trying to build up my;biceps, triceps, trapezuims, pectorals(I dont current have a workout for this though), and Abs.

My advice is (if you have access to a gym with a barbell and weight plates, bench and rack) to do compound training (using entire muscle groups at once, similar to how you would in day to day life - examples of which are the bench press, deadlift, squat and overhead press).
Currently you may be running the risk of injury by training in an unbalanced way - muscles need to be trained in pairs in a 'push-pull' manner. If one muscle is stronger than the other it can cause tears and other nasty stuff.

Depending on your build, casual weight training won't do much for you - building muscle is 80% diet and rest, even if you're moving serious iron about.
I see casual lifters at my gym who were there when I first started lifting and they still look the same as they did 2-3 years ago, despite doing thousands of curls and drinking their super-duper, fantabulous, mega-pump protein shakes!

If seeking real, noticeable change that gets comments from people, you should make weight training a lifestyle. Diet, rest, giving up bad habits and commiting through blood, sweat and tears under the bar. Makes you feel like a god 👍 and makes your butt irresistable to women!
I have since made both wieghts even on each side 8.25kgs and im finding that okay, I have a very good metabolism so I can eat pretty much anything and not gain wieight. I eat alot of chicken to build up protein and such, and I'm trying to keep to about half hour workouts where I do 50 of everything at least once a day and I have started to do press ups with my feet either on the sofa or the bed which are about 2 feet off the ground.
I have since made both wieghts even on each side 8.25kgs and im finding that okay, I have a very good metabolism so I can eat pretty much anything and not gain wieight. I eat alot of chicken to build up protein and such, and I'm trying to keep to about half hour workouts where I do 50 of everything at least once a day and I have started to do press ups with my feet either on the sofa or the bed which are about 2 feet off the ground.

30 minutes is good, keep it really intense without causing pain.
Less reps, more weight for strength. Less weight, more reps for endurance.

Your metabolism is probably average, but you just don't eat enough to gain weight. If you actually tracked what you're eating, you'd likely find that you're getting about 50 grams of protein and around 2000 kcals per day, give or take.
Even for a very light, short person to gain weight it can take 2500+ kcals per day.
Also remember that being able to 'eat anything' isn't really a plus. Don't let this be an excuse to eat crap!

Keep it up 👍
I went back and checked out a few pictures and notes I took back when I started working out hard again last year. I started at 5'8 130 lbs, a year and a few months later (with a good 5 months off in between, cracked my ribs playing hockey then took a while to get the motivation to get back to it after they healed) Anyway, I'm up to 150lbs now a little over a year later and I'm stronger than I've ever been. I guess the bulking up portion is pretty much over for me and I"m going back to a more balanced workout with more cardio now.

Considering how difficult it has always been for me to put on weight, this was quite an accomplishment for me.

Right now I'm doing 4 days/week of lifting, plus hockey one weekend evening and at least two 5k runs a week. I'm gonna be a beast by the end of the summer.

Also, I saw a commercial the other day that had a guy doing the 'human flag' and it's seriously the coolest thing ever, my goal is to be able to pull that off by the end of the summer. I've even got a decent post in my back yard that's perfect for practicing with. Apparantly I've got the correct body type for it, as it involves a good power/weight ratio over brute strength. Anyway, I was practicing yesterday and coming a lot closer than I expected, I feel like a little more work on the shoulders and the core and I've got it.
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2010 was a really slacking year for me as far as sports and dieting are concerned. Even though I lost a lot of weight, my fat % nearly doubled. So my BMI was actually down, but can't say it felt more healthy. :lol: Far from it actually. ;)

So, starting half January this year, I decided it was enough, and since then I'm back on a strict schedule of workouts and good meals. Since my main goal was to lose fat, not gain muscle, I decided to do it a bit different this time. My training schedule is as follows:

Wednesday: 6 km run (outside), average of 31 minutes;
Thursday: High-intensity 'full-body' workout, 2 exercises per major muscle;
Saturday: same as Wednesday;
Sunday: same as Thursday.

My 'full-body' workout is as follows:

- Squat (free weight)
- Leg extension (machine)
- Straight Leg Straight Back Deadlift (free weight)
- Hamstring Curl (machine)
- Bent over row (free weight, barbell)
- Lat pulldown
- Bench press (barbell or dumbbell)
- Pectoral Fly (dumbbell)
- Shoulder press (dumbbell, standing up)
- Front Raise (standing up, using disc weight)
- Biceps Curl (standing up, barbell)
- Hammer Curl (standing up, barbell or dumbbell)
- Bar/bench dips
- Pushdown (machine)

I'm try to keep the intensity as high as possible, so no slacking in between sets or exercises (45 seconds at most rest). The whole routine takes about 75 minutes. Apart from that I have changed my food schedule, which I will post later on.

The results so far in four months: went from a body weight of 103kg to 88kg (227 lbs to 194 lbs), jeans size went from 36 to 32. Apart from that, my belly is gone (got a four-pack :P) and I have gained muscle, despite that I'm not training for it. My strength has increased by around 50% on most exercises (1RM BP = 110kg/242 lbs, 1RM SQ = 140kg/309 lbs). The workout schedule is pretty demanding, but so far I like how this is turning out. Throwing the running into the mix appears to have really helped too. I am still losing weight as we speak, but since I'm eating quite a lot, I have decided to keep it up to see where I hit the equilibrium.

Now to keep it up and not slack back in the future. ;)