General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
If that works for you then great, but at a glance that workout has too much isolation for a full body workout.

What sort of reps and sets are you doing?
I could use some explanation on the 'too much isolation' bit. I thought it was pretty balanced? Two for quadriceps, two hamstrings, two back, two chest, two shoulder, two triceps, two biceps. Would you suggest adding/changing something?

Doing 3 sets per exercise per muscle. One extra set before each muscle to warm up. Warm up set is 25 reps. The other sets are (roughly) 15, 12, and 8 reps.
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Again, keep in mind if this is working for you, there's little point changing.

- Squat (free weight)
- Leg extension (machine)
- Straight Leg Straight Back Deadlift (free weight)
- Hamstring Curl (machine)

More squats. Forget the extensions. Personally I prefer lunges to SLSB deadlifts, but it's the big compounds for more sets I'd aim for

- Bent over row (free weight, barbell)
- Lat pulldown

Good stuff

- Bench press (barbell or dumbbell)
- Pectoral Fly (dumbbell)

Scrap the flyes, do incline press.

- Shoulder press (dumbbell, standing up)
- Front Raise (standing up, using disc weight)

Good stuff

- Biceps Curl (standing up, barbell)
- Hammer Curl (standing up, barbell or dumbbell)
- Bar/bench dips
- Pushdown (machine)

Now this where I'd deviate mostly. You've already worked your arms as secondaries on most the other exercises, I would personally save the time by doing one concentration exercise for bis, one for tris, and then use the spare time to up the sets elsewhere.

I could use some explanation on the 'too much isolation' bit. I thought it was pretty balanced? Two for quadriceps, two hamstrings, two back, two chest, two shoulder, two triceps, two biceps. Would you suggest adding/changing something?
Much of it is down to personal preference, but I do think the time spent doing two tri/bi exercises each could be saved by putting it into more bigger exercises that use your arms as secondary muscles.
I'm gonna try to follow Kris Gethin's workout plan for the next 12 weeks. See if that can get me in shape for college. And instead of cardio I'll do a bunch of Cosgrove-style complexes with a 45lb plate.
Well, I was aiming for a competition last October. About 4 weeks before the competition the gym I went to closed up. I had access to it, but my trainer (the owner) fell into a funk and my training wavered. With about 2 1/2 weeks to go, I was down to 182lbs and 6% body fat. I was working out in an empty gym, with no trainer, twice a day, 6 days a week. Plus my wife and I were having some difficulties. To top it off, I had to step into a construction project that was a compressed timeline, with crappy sub contractors and no office support. I was down to 1800 calories a day, and living on caffeine, will power and baked chicken.

So, I had a mental meltdown. I sat in an empty parking lot at 8pm on a Saturday night and cried uncontrollably for a 1/2 hour. Then went to a pizza place and ate nearly an entire pizza. Walked out to my car and puked it all back up. My body couldn't handle that amount of greasy food.

Took a week off from the gym and finished the Construction project, and spent time with my wife. At that point, I found a new gym and refocused on enjoying my time there.

And it was quite good.

Here's where I'm at now. My 1 Rep Max on my squat is 365lbs, and my deadlift is up around 500lbs. I say around, because I pulled a 495lb max a few weeks ago, then attempted a 515lb last Sunday. Keep in mind, I'm weigh 203lbs when I attempted it.

To help with my lockout, I've been doing rack pulls with 585lbs.

I recently bench 275lbs for a max, and in the process, developed a minor tear in my left deltoid. Now, I can't bench 185 without pain.

Currently, I'm 200+ lbs and about 13% body fat.
Der Alta it is really good to hear from you again. I have heard from many people that when you are cutting like you were, working out twice a day, 6 days a week that its just physically and psychologically exhausting. Especially with that much caffeine and such a low amount of calories per day. While I am sorry to hear about the breakdown and some of the problems you encountered, I am very happy to hear you made it through and you are still working out. Also congrats on the 2 recent videos you posted. Sounds like great gains for sure!

I am not sure if you remember but I was saying for a long time since last year 2010 that I was having Vertigo issues. Well not sure if you read the thread I posted in February but the Vertigo ended up being a very serious sinus blockage and I had to get surgery. My peak was around July ish 2010. Thats when I was squatting 300lbs, deadlifting 300lbs and benching over 200lbs.

Well from that point on, I had nothing but problems with the vertigo. So all my workout weight went much lower. It got to the point where I would go weeks not able to workout at all. With that said I finally had surgery in February which required breaking my nose, splints, and a lot of weight loss. Recovery took me several weeks and I didnt even start lifting again for about a month. So that was about 2 months straight without lifting. Plus I still have to watch my back because of when I slipped a disk a couple years ago. My back is still VERY iffy.

So its been a slow road for me trying to get back up to the weight I was lifting. Thats been very depressing in many ways but I try not to give up. Its pretty much like I had to start over from my gains last year but the great news is I have made a pretty dang good recovery from the Vertigo. The surgery was well worth it. The other good news is that Heather and I still workout almost every week. Even if I have to lift lighter weight and do more reps, thats what I do. With summer right around the corner I am just focusing on maintaining around 190lbs. This winter I will focus on bulking again and then cut next summer. I just want to stay around 190lbs and lower my bf.
anyoen seen any super good deals on protein powder? i am almost out. I got 5lbs of ON protein for like $25 a few months ago and I cant find any deals like that atm :(
Day 1 is completed. I can't believe how weak my hamstrings are. They can move a lot of weight but they give up so easily. I couldn't even do my Tumminello complex at the end of the workout.

But, anyway, I can't believe how great my back feels. I was popping all over the place in there. First I hang in the stretch cage (that's a strong-ass stretch cage!) and my back goes crrrrk. Feels damn good. Then I do a couple squats with a bar on my neck and it goes crrrrk. No pain or anything, just popping. I can't wait to be light/strong enough to hold my weight on a pull up bar. I think between the lower back muscles activating and the hamstrings being worked and stretched it gives me some serious alleviation. As a full time student and internet nerdo, I tend to have sit-itis. Sitting for a long time sucks. Sometimes my lower back is just totally locked up man. My chiropractor can't even do anything to it, but I guess 300 pounds of hanging weight is enough to decompress it.

Also, there's this totally hot babe that's still there. I saw a few of the regulars there, and she's one of them. She usually worked out with this jacked asian guy. I think he's like Pho Diesel on or something. The guy is short but totally massive. So I thought he and she were a couple. Perhaps they are, but maybe not. She was working with her own trainer, this older not-so-jacked guy. I was in the stretching room doing some self-myofascial release and she came in with the dude and started doing sumo squats with a kettlebell. It was funny as hell because she was squatting that weight and I'm like holy crap I have to look-- wait, don't stare! Then she starts getting higher up in the reps and her legs start failing and the guy is like "come on, you can do it!" &c. So she's there sweating and moaning and at that point I had to excuse myself because I didn't want to risk a nosebleed and I'm pretty sure I was about to have a release of another kind. Woo lawd, I do likes them womerns who can rep out with them strong legs.

Oh and there was also the other older jacked guy that's usually there. He's not jacked like other guy but he's pretty muscular.
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Done with day 2. As I was walking over to start flat dumbell pressing, some guy in a hat was benching. I walked in front of his bench and he goes, "Hey, man!" Turns out it was my uncle's neighbor. Didn't even recognize him with the hat on lol. So we talked for a bit and then helped eachother bench. It's so awesome to work out when you have a partner. I can never do anything with barbells because I don't have a spotter and I'm afraid to push myself enough to get a good workout.

Well anyway I have a huge pump in my chest now and my triceps are done. My triceps were kinda like my hamstrings-- they can move weight but they give up mighty fast. Even with super light weight they were giving up quickly. Tomorrow is my rest day. I think I need it lol. I'll see if the gym has some kind of stretching/yoga class or something like that. When I woke up this morning my hamstrings were like WOAH. I didn't really have potty-flop this morning, but I do now. :lol: DOMS ftw.

Also, "hot babe" is a trainer there. So is "jacked older guy". Jacked older guy's name is Edgar and he used to be a bodybuilder in the 90s.
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Without any equipment or gym and probably just the use of dumbells. What is the best just to get toned? How many reps of situp and push ups or should I just look into the gym?
Without any equipment or gym and probably just the use of dumbells. What is the best just to get toned? How many reps of situp and push ups or should I just look into the gym?
I'd say first choice is a gym. However, depends how heavy your DBs are, and do you have a DB bench?

Normal press-ups until exhaustion every time, I don't see any point in doing any less (though if you say B-E-E-R in my house it's a 10 press-up fine). Press up variations can be fun, but I've always got bored of them quite quick.
It is just hard to get to right now because of the limited space. I have small weights going from 5 pounds to 10 but the weights in total is around 300lbs. I tried carrying the weight tree when we had to move, my brother called me stupid.
It is just hard to get to right now because of the limited space. I have small weights going from 5 pounds to 10 but the weights in total is around 300lbs. I tried carrying the weight tree when we had to move, my brother called me stupid.
That's an excellent amount of weight to have. When I first started lifting I had a space barely bigger than 2 x 1 metres to use in the utility room.

I'd start off maybe floor presses as you don't have a bench, standing shoulder press, standing rows, curls, french press, bent over rear-flyes, bent over rows, and possibly DB squats and lunges if you can fit decent weight on the DBs.

Just go to and check out the DB exercises.
Has anyone heard from Pako? I would imagine he is beyond weight lifting and using small vehicles now. lol

Next week I am going to attempt close grip bench again in my tricep routine. Probably do that every other week in place of skull crushers just to mix it up. I have always had shoulder problems with close grip bench. So now I am going to try and only go down about half way insted of lowering the weight all the way onto my chest. That should help a lot because I really really want to do close grip bench but havent tried it in MANY months. Its an excellent tricep building exercise. But not everyone can do it because of the shoulder pain it causes in most people. So I will see how that goes on Tuesday which is chest/ tricep day.
Well guys my DOMS is in full effect. I have gnarly potty-flop and I can barely walk normal. My gait is hilarious. My hamstrings are so sore that I'm walking like one of those toy soldiers.
On May 1 a couple of my friends and I have started "The Biggest Winner Work Out" with a buy in of $100 each. The one(s) that reach their goal will get the cash of those that did not. The competition is for 3 months, after the first month I'm in the lead with 14.9 lbs lost so far. 2nd place is @ 10 lbs in one month.
I have changed my diet to veggies and smaller portions, also no carbs eaten after 5pm. Most of my carbs are only consumed during breakfast when I have cereal (Cheerios or Fiber One) any ways so no big deal about those.
My workout consists of cardio mostly with a warm up of 4 miles (walking and running) for an hour with the dogs. Then I come back and hit the treadmill for another 3 miles set @ 5 with an incline of 2%.
I have now raised the speed to 6 @ 3% incline and to 4 miles.
Other workouts that have been incorporated are lounges, abs and sometimes jump rope. I also play soccer once a week for two hours soon to be boosted to 2 days a week for a month before the competition ends.
We'll see if I win or if someone steps up to the plate.
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^Thats a great idea to get a group of people motivated to reach their goal. Good luck with it and keep us updated on your progress. :)
The good thing about the group effort is that even if you lose the cash, you will have lost the weight/gained health, so either way it's a win. 👍
I agree.

Does anyone else out there have problems with close grip bench? I simply CANT do this exercise without my shoulder sockets instantly hurting. So after some research I am going to try JM Press on Tuesday. I dont have problems with skull crushers, dips, or tricep extensions but dang close grip bench just does not work for me. So if the JM press does not work then I will just stick to the other tricep exercises I do.
I think I have done a similar one to what you are describing with the close grip bench.

Its basically a bench press but the grips are super close to one another to put the stress on the triceps? I had found that it was easier to do the excerise by having it slightly further down the body, around the lower chest area. It may work. You may need to vary the placing of it. Are you tucking in your elbows or having the elbows right out? And is the weight actually light enough?
I think I have done a similar one to what you are describing with the close grip bench.

Its basically a bench press but the grips are super close to one another to put the stress on the triceps? I had found that it was easier to do the excerise by having it slightly further down the body, around the lower chest area. It may work. You may need to vary the placing of it. Are you tucking in your elbows or having the elbows right out? And is the weight actually light enough?
I tried EVERYTHING and my shoulder sockets simply cant handle close grip bench. Now for the good news..

I decided to try the JM Press and wow they worked killer!! Its basically like doing a skull crusher but instead of bringing the weight behind your head, you bring it under your chin. You can look it up on youtube. One heck of an awesome tricep exercise and the best news......NO SHOULDER PAIN!! 👍 So if any of you have pain with close grip bench then try the JM press. We used the easy curl bar and it worked very well.

We had a killer workout last night. Started with 4 sets of bench then went to 4 sets of flyes. Chest was done. Now went to 3 sets of JM Press, followed by 3 sets of 2 handed Tricep Extensions, and followed it all up with dips. The most trashed my chest and triceps have been in a long time. :dopey:

This is how we did the JM Press last night using the ez curl bar. I had a little bit wider grip than he did.
Just benched 3x10 of 180lbs this morning :).

Probably not a ton for some of you guys but keep in mind I don't use a spotter and therefore don't go for max lifts. That and I weigh in between 145-150 these days.

Either way, I'm proud.

I added creatine into the mix last week, anybody have any experience with it?
Congrats on the bench. Thats something to be proud of for sure since its quite a bit more than your body weight. I actually hit 2 new personal bests this week.

I benched 175 x 11 and I deadlifted 315 x 1. Last week I also did upright rows 85 x 15 for several sets. Keep in mind I had surgery in February because of vertigo and sinus problems. They had to break my nose for the surgery which resulted in me not lifting for almost 2 months. Which also resulted in me losing a lot of weight which is not good considering I have been trying so hard to gain weight. I havent been able to lift this much in almost exactly a year. So I am very happy with this weeks gains for sure. The surgery helped almost all my vertigo. :)
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I hear you there, I was well on my way to where I am now last summer until I cracked a few ribs playing hockey. It only really put me out of commission for a month, but I got lazy after a month off and it took me about 9 months to start working out seriously again lol.
I added creatine into the mix last week, anybody have any experience with it?

I started using it a couple of weeks ago. Didn't notice anything in my workouts. There was no significant change in weight. But one of the protein powders I have been using already has creatine, so maybe that has something to do with it. I didn't think there was enough in there to make a difference.

That's an awesome bench press for your weight. I hit 7/7/6x120 yesterday on the dumbbell bench. I don't do barbell since the lack of spotter.

I hit 200x5 in the squat and almost 5x250 in the deadlift. I think my form on the deadlift was getting poor and my grip slipped right before lockout on the 5th.
Thats my problem with deadlift too. Getting over 300lbs and holding it with bare hands can be tough. My hands were numb for about an hour after that last night. I thought about getting some straps but I dont lift 300lbs very often. Plus I think I only have about maybe 350lbs worth of weight in my house so getting straps doesnt seem worth it. Doing over 300lbs makes me very nervous since I slipped a disk in my back 2 years ago (had a thread about it too). So its rare I go that heavy. As I said above, I havent went that heavy since last year at this time.

Been having a major issue with my legs since last year. They just seem so weak. I was squatting 300lbs last year now I am lucky if I can even get 200lbs. Squatting hurts my back more than anything so I always end up going light and then just end up doing leg lifts. Just so scared to slip a disk again because squats hurt my back.
I would use chalk but the gym doesn't allow it. I'll try the hook grip next time. Hopefully it fixes the problem for a while.
I would use chalk but the gym doesn't allow it. I'll try the hook grip next time. Hopefully it fixes the problem for a while.
I forgot the name of the grip names but have you tried grabbing the bar with one palm facing you, and the other one facing away? That makes a HUGE difference.
"Mixed grip" is what you want to try. I can add at least another #50lbs just by changing to mixed grip. I also dont use gloves at all either.