General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Quite the opposite, I prefer to jog for as long a time as possible and adapt the pace to that rather than distance.

So then you think I should be able to jog further? I'm really not very fit, a couple of years ago I never would have thought I could jog that far.:ouch: Every time I go out to jog I try to push as far as I can, improvement is incentive to keep at it.
I pushed a little further today, for 1 750m. Woot woot!

I played basketball for the first time since high school, so over 3 years, and I think I sprained my ankle.

Sprained ankles, jarred fingers, hits to the face, they're all par for the course when playing basketball!:lol:
Basketball is dangerous... I jumped up for a rebound, landed and my ankle just folded. Was out of tennis for 3 weeks and it still hurts about 5 months later. :(
I pushed a little further today, for 1 750m. Woot woot!
Sprained ankles, jarred fingers, hits to the face, they're all par for the course when playing basketball!:lol:

By means for measuring distance to a target for my brother's compound bow, I found out this arvo one of my laps is more like 34-35m, rather than 31-33m, so I actually jogged more like 1850m yesterday.:D

Basketball is dangerous... I jumped up for a rebound, landed and my ankle just folded. Was out of tennis for 3 weeks and it still hurts about 5 months later. :(

The thing about a sprained ankle too is, that even when they're feeling normal again that ankle is still quite vulnerable to more injury for quite a while afterwards.
The thing about a sprained ankle too is, that even when they're feeling normal again that ankle is still quite vulnerable to more injury for quite a while afterwards.

Yup, my ankle still feels pretty weak. I'm doing some physio exercises to try and strengthen it. Now when I play tennis I always wear a brace on that ankle though just in case I roll it again. :indiff:
I have an issue now with exercising, it would appear I have Shin Splints.
Invest in some arch supports for your shoes, if possible. Often an unsupported arch can be the cause of shin splints.

Also don't run on concrete, stick to grass or asphalt as both surfaces provide much more cushioning to your feet. Concrete is notorious for causing shin splints.

Besides that, ice it to prevent inflammation and make sure you stretch your calf muscles really well, and you should be able to power through them.
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I've been running on grass only, in the back yard. How does jogging and stretching work, you go for a short jog, stretch, then continue jogging?
Always stretch before and after, before being most important.

Look for stretches that target your calf muscles as they are the cause of the shin splints. Also, if your feet have high arches, get some arch supports!
I always thought I had really flat feet. There is a shoe store (Foot Locker?) in Australia that uses a treadmill thing that scans your pressure points or what ever in order to get you a shoe that matches your foot.
Always stretch before and after, before being most important.

I'm sorry but I have always been told that this is incorrect. If you stretch while cool you are going to end up snapping something. :scared:
What you are supposed to do is go for a short warm up jog, then stretch, then do your proper run.
It doesn't need to be a long run, even 100/200m is fine for the warmup.
Also, dynamic stretches are pretty good. Rather than doing all static stretches.
It's all about bloood and warmth and stuff.
+1, I never stretch without warming up on a short jog first.
Paulie you might want to consider cycling. It has good cardio as well as leg muscle strengthening but the best part is, there's no impact. Running is notoriously hard on the joints. Cycling, not so.
I can't jog or run for no purpose. I can run a whole game of soccer chasing down a ball fine, or run drunk with a mate 5km in the rain. But as soon as I'm doing it to try and get fitter I last about 500m before I'm bored.

I actually find the rowing machine works really well for me. No impact, which is good cause my knees a stuffed, and I did my ACL at the start of the year. Have an hour stint on it a few times a week and watch the weight shred off. Kinda fun too as you can challenge yourself with the strokes per minute display. I think people recommend around 25 strokes per minute, but I try to keep it about 32 strokes cause I'm a tank.
Paulie you might want to consider cycling. It has good cardio as well as leg muscle strengthening but the best part is, there's no impact. Running is notoriously hard on the joints. Cycling, not so.

My bike is knackered, it can't get out of 3rd gear which gives me a top speed of, oh, say about 20km/hr? Maybe less? I'd buy a new bike or have this one repaired, but, well, you know....$$$.:lol: I also get pretty bored riding a bike, and the time consumption factor is something I'm not fond of. I wish I had a rowing machine, because I don't want to spend big $$$ on a gym.
Set another personal best on Friday. My heel has been a little sore from the 305 lb deadlifts so I am just waiting for that to heal and then I will try to squat 300lbs. I will have to start wearing shoes when I get over the 300lb mark from now on.

Military press
100 x 10
110 x 8
120 x 4
125 x 2
Quick Question from my friend. How does he gain mass? He has tried changing the way he eats to taking supplements. In 3 years, he has probably gained like 20 pounds of muscle. Every time he goes to a nutritionist they tell him that its what he eats but others says that it is his form. He tells me that he has perfected everything in his diet and nothing is shown after a few weeks.
Perhaps his regime needs mixing up. Switching from a mass-building to a strength based work-out may give us muscles the change in circumstance they need to continue growing.

Also, if he's gained 20lbs lean muscle then he needs to greatly increase his base calorie intake. Maybe he's neglected to increase it, and what was a surplus of calories is now only enough to maintain size.
I broke my jogging distance record this arvo, I went 2.1km, on pre-fatigued muscles from the game last night.:D

Edit: Broken again 2 days later at 2.45km. This time I had muscles in a much better state and did it practically in the dark, so it was cool when I did it.
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Ran a small race today, 7km, finished in 32m20s, which gives me an avarage of 13km/h (= 8mph) Knowing that I just started running in march, I'm quite pleased with the that :sly::)
I've been using the elliptical machine consistently for the last few weeks, going back and forth between the two 45 minute programs it has - Weight Loss 5 and Aerobic 5. Aerobic 5 slowly steps up resistance 3,4,5,6,7,5 but does it 3 times. You'd think that Aerobic would be more difficult than Weight Loss (the programs go from Weight Loss 1-5 to Aerobic 1-5 to Performance 1-5), but both my wife and I dislike the WL5 as in the last 15 minutes it alternates resistance levels 5 and 6 (tops out at 10) for 10 minutes straight, which about kills you.

Or so I thought until I was reminded of Performance 1 today. While only being 30 minutes, the programs resistance ends with 5,7,5,8,5,9,5,10,5,9,5,8,5,7,5. Weight Loss 5 doesn't look so bad anymore. :crazy:

Change is good. It hurts, but it's good.
So I started working out at the school gym a month and a bit ago.

Right now I can do (estimates on the reps):

Squats 140x3
Deadlift 180x1
Overhead Press 70x3
DB Bench 100x1 (1RM)
Barbell Bench 115xsomething (this was a week or two ago though)
Bent over rows 110x4
I tried tricep extensions and bench presses, I'm skinny but defined so i feel like it's not worth it at times :lol: skinny and working out to me seems to fail because when people look at you they think 'what a push-over'...
Hey what do you guys do with your gym sessions if you're not feeling too well?

I recently signed up for a gym membership and had a consultation last week Thursday; wasn't feeling well so they pushed my assessment forward 5 days to Teusday and I was meant to start the plan I was given today.

The problem is yesterday I forgot to turn the heater in my room on (winter here in New Zealand) and woke up feeling sick again!

I've been taking some of the usual fever/cold/aches/pains medications today (paracetamol with some other thing in them to supposedly make you feel better) and I do feel a bit better.

Would you guys recommend that I go to the gym tomorrow (in the afternoon even) to keep up with the workout plan I was told to do? (Gonna be doing mainly treadmill and interval training on those flywheel bikes - my plan says I should do the weights the day after then rest on day three).
All depends what level of ill you're feeling. I've just been to the gym with abit of a sniffle, didn't feel too great this morning but was okay after my first lecture.

If you're doing cardio in the gym a quick test I would try is a quick sprint up your staircase. If you don't feel great after that then you should probably avoid the gym tonite.

In my own news, been to the gym for a proper sesh for the first time in nearly 3 months. Feels good man!
I'm almost back down to my weight when I started in May. :(

Two very slowly healing, and pretty painful fractured ribs from hockey will do that to you.
Hey what do you guys do with your gym sessions if you're not feeling too well?

The problem is yesterday I forgot to turn the heater in my room on (winter here in New Zealand) and woke up feeling sick again!
If I dont feel well I dont workout. If you are sick not only is it bad for yourself to workout but you could also get others sick in the gym. So when your sick, stay home.

I am curious to see how Der Alta is doing with his cut process. Also havent heard from Pako in a while.

I slacked off for about a month or so but I am back at it. Getting stronger and my body weight has been fluctuating between 189-192 lbs. My goal is 190lbs by July 2011. This is pretty much already my goal weight but I am going to keep at it and probably continue to bulk the entire winter. I have already gained over 4 inches on my chest since I started this 2nd bulk 7 months ago. If I can at least stay 190lbs I will be happy. So any weight gained after that is just an added bonus. Pun intended. :sly:
I'm going in the opposite direction of you guys. To put it quite simply, I'm a fatass.

I started this school year with a period 5 gym class, and then football practice/game right after. I started with a weight of 217 pounds (I'm 5'10"), and now I've brought that down to 207. I'm trying to eat better, drink less pop, do anything I can to speed up the weight loss without damaging myself. It feels good to be able to wear a pair of jeans comfortably that I would have to squeeze into a month ago. I'm considering starting a weight training program to help with my football, and to help me with getting to a higher fitness level.

PS: Hockey's starting again so I'll have 2 games and a practice every week for that too! :D
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