Genesis Teases New Supercar Concept for Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
I write all that and you focus on on little bit in brackets? Fine, forget the fictional race cars, it still has 11% VGT and concepts, a big increase over older games. There is nothing "wacky" about those numbers.

How did I count them? Very simple, I did Ctrl+F for the word concept and vision/VGT on the car lists. It's pretty accurate, but feel free to do it yourself if you believe it's wrong. Or are you another person who just claims someone's numbers are wrong without actually doing any work to check yourself?

Resources/people are finite. If they're working on a VGT that's one less real car they're working on, it's pretty obvious. It doesn't matter what real car, anything would be better to many people even if it was something they didn't personally desire.

There is nothing contrived about it, I explained quite clearly why many people don't like them, I never claimed everyone dislikes them or that you aren't allowed to.

Oh and yes, they DO keep coming, some 9 years after what was supposed to be a year long project in one game.

As I said in the first post, I really don't get what is so hard to understand why a lot of people don't like them. You don't have to agree, but you should be able to understand.


Again, I've already shown that VGT cars are not influencing real cars. The VGTs almost always came after the car they're supposedly influencing.
You seem to not want to acquire a understanding how concept cars work, and you also seem to not care that there’s people who do like VGTs. Why don’t we talk about any other car Category in GT7, I never played the old GTs so I don’t have a connection to the fan favorites like the Castrol Supra or the Escudo, the Silhoutte etc. and don’t really care that much about them. But you know what, I’m still happy when I read that one of those fan favorites gets added to the game, because I know there’s people in the GT Community who are looking really forward to those.
So is it so hard to step out of your position and maybe try to grasp the fact that your preferences don’t transfer to everyone.
And before you say „but they not real“ (most of them), that is a criterion that you made for yourself and maybe doesn’t have that much of a weight to others.
You seem to not want to acquire a understanding how concept cars work, and you also seem to not care that there’s people who do like VGTs. Why don’t we talk about any other car Category in GT7, I never played the old GTs so I don’t have a connection to the fan favorites like the Castrol Supra or the Escudo, the Silhoutte etc. and don’t really care that much about them. But you know what, I’m still happy when I read that one of those fan favorites gets added to the game, because I know there’s people in the GT Community who are looking really forward to those.
So is it so hard to step out of your position and maybe try to grasp the fact that your preferences don’t transfer to everyone.
And before you say „but they not real“ (most of them), that is a criterion that you made for yourself and maybe doesn’t have that much of a weight to others.

How many more times? I'm simply explaining why many people don't like them. How many more times must I summarise before you understand?

  • They take away resources making production cars/real race cars.
  • Most people desire production cars over concept & fictional cars.
  • They've greatly increased in percentage over the years, making the games more and more full of these cars as AI and used as race events.
  • Some of them specifically are completely unrealistic/unfeasible, not even possible in real life even if someone wanted to build them. That isn't what the 'real driving simulator' was about.

I don't care if you like them, you're free to do so, I'm not trying to change your mind and I never claimed everyone disliked them. I'm merely telling you why other people don't like them and discounting some of the claims people use to defend them. Namely, giving you evidence that they are NOT influencing real production cars and they are NOT in the same numbers as old Gran Turismo games.

Enjoy them all you want, nobody is stopping you, but if you're going to defend their inclusion and try to turn people around you'll have to come up with something else.
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Comparing FTO LMs is to VGT is like comparing apples and oranges.

Fto lm is a what if car using at least some real data same with many LM cars which have become fan favourites.

Real cars except they have a fictional racecar counterpart.

Fto did actually race in JGTC so its not far off.
Indeed, but its still a fictional car they made up. The way people act on here I can just decide its the same as a VGT because its not real and I don't like cars that aren't real. That's why I say it doesn't matter. Only I get to decide what I like or not to my convenience so I don't get why they argue back and forth all day about this when its just preferences in cars. My issue is that people act like what cars they add are a detriment to the game somehow when all cars are fundamentally equal value to anybody who cares about them, and that they know better than you on what is good or not about cars. This to me is simply an extension of internet car culture and the race to prove you're the bigger car enthusiast than the other guy, which to me is a foolish game that just puts people off of the hobby.

This isn't what GT is about to me atleast, its about the joy and fantasy of cars but it always sours me seeing threads devolve into the same thing we've been hearing for 9 years about Vision Gran Turismo because the same 5 people complain about it every time no matter what form they take, or when they appear. Its fine to give up on the game if you don't like the direction but stop trying to convince everybody you're right about something you just don't prefer.

I don't particularly care for open wheel cars but I'm not crying about it when they add one. the MP4/4 is useless to me but I don't really feel the need to show up in threads to complain about its addition and that they add other F1 cars because I understand that people enjoy this car somewhere and that its a waste of time to complain about cars. There's really no guarantee that they would've added something I like instead so there's no point in wasting my energy on that, there's plenty more cars to enjoy.
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Enjoy them all you want, nobody is stopping you, but if you're going to defend their inclusion and try to turn people around you'll have to come up with something else.
Dude seems to take personal offense to see that people aren't celebrating fake sci-fi cars.

Wonder if the Genesis will get a cockpit view or if PD just won't bother modelling it.
How many more times? I'm simply explaining why many people don't like them. How many more times must I summarise before you understand?

  • They take away resources making production cars/real race cars.
  • Most people desire production cars over concept & fictional cars.
  • They've greatly increased in percentage over the years, making the games more and more full of these cars as AI and used as race events.
  • Some of them specifically are completely unrealistic/unfeasible, not even possible in real life even if someone wanted to build them. That isn't what the 'real driving simulator' was about.

I don't care if you like them, you're free to do so, I'm not trying to change your mind and I never claimed everyone disliked them. I'm merely telling you why other people don't like them and discounting some of the claims people use to defend them. Namely, giving you evidence that they are NOT influencing real production cars and they are NOT in the same numbers as old Gran Turismo games.

Enjoy them all you want, nobody is stopping you, but if you're going to defend their inclusion and try to turn people around you'll have to come up with something else.
Yeah they take resources, like other cars too, great discovery.
PD really has the nerves to put in resources to bring cars to the game that not the majority of players likes, but a smaller group, what’s going on with them??
The problem on all of this is, that you think this is an argument. How about complaining about any other group of cars that he or she don’t like? Why do they take resources for professionaly tuned cars or classic cars? Or the VW Sambabus, who races these things?
Another „argument“ of yours is they ain’t real ain’t a small amount isn’t even possible to built in reality. Again, before you start a discussion about concept cars, better get some knowledge ahead of it. You and other people here on the forum seem to use it as an argument that would disqualify them as one, what is absolutely wrong. It is in fact totally in the tradition of concept cars.
And yes, they have increased in percentage, again, great observation👍👍👍
There is nothing to defend here, this is a freaking game and the makers of this game decided to put some cars in this they thought would be fun, get people in touch with something they wouldn’t otherwise, have a even more active role as a part of automobile culture and also create a better relationship to those manufacturers, as these cars are also some kind of marketing.
So why are you thinking that I need to come up with some arguments to defend these against your arrogant nonsense?
Dude seems to take personal offense to see that people aren't celebrating fake sci-fi cars.

Wonder if the Genesis will get a cockpit view or if PD just won't bother modelling it.
Why does it seem it’s personal to me, can you enlighten me?
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How about complaining about any other group of cars that he or she don’t like? Why do they take resources for professionaly tuned cars or classic cars? Or the VW Sambabus, who races these things?
Genuinely good question.

Why are there no worthwhile events that make use of "professionally tuned" or classic 50s/60s road and race cars?
Today I entered GTPlanet to look at what seems to be people fuming over inclusion of fantasy cars in a god damn video game.

A lot of people are mad over the VGT program for the wrong reasons.

The VGT program is a cool concept. I genuinely think it's fun to see car makers let go of all limits and go bat**** for a change. Who the hell cares these things aren't ReALiStiC and will NevER maKE iT inTo PrOdUCtIOn? It's a video game. It's cars designed specifically, exclusively for Gran Turismo, what's not to like here?

However, VGTs should absolutely not be a priority to Polyphony anymore and I really don't like how some of them are available in many versions. I don't think the Porsche VGT not being available without a roof was going to cost me sleep. I'm almost of the opinion that there's too many of them by now. VGTs are nice to have but I think it's time to slow this program down a little, to maybe one car every three, maybe six months. And I sure as hell don't like it when a roofless version of an already existing car takes up update space that could otherwise be taken by an actual new car. Give me my fun BMW M2 already, come on!

VGTs should only be allowed to race real cars in Custom Events. Or in Driving Missions, which are supposed to be a bit of a challenge different to the rest of the game.
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Why does it seem it’s personal to me, can you enlighten me?


So why are you thinking that I need to come up with some arguments to defend these against your arrogant nonsense?
You're belittling tone throughout yet continuing to miss the point @Samus is making suggests so also.

Keep the personal digs out of it too, no one is arrogant for suggesting some people would prefer production cars over VGT's, it is likely to be factually correct that most people would prefer that, I'm not sure if there is already poll data on the matter.

At the same time, no one, including @Samus is suggesting everyone should dislike VGT cars. There is merely a discussion point over if time would be better served including non-concept cars instead.

Including X car instead of Y car has been a topic of disussion since the PS1 days, everyone is entitled to their own opinion including you and including @Samus.
The problem on all of this is, that you think this is an argument. How about complaining about any other group of cars that he or she don’t like? Why do they take resources for professionaly tuned cars or classic cars? Or the VW Sambabus, who races these things?
They're still production vehicles that have their fans before they were added.
Another „argument“ of yours is they ain’t real ain’t a small amount isn’t even possible to built in reality. Again, before you start a discussion about concept cars, better get some knowledge ahead of it.
I'm fully aware of how concept cars work. I know that some of them never go beyond sketches, others are produced into low-performance test mules, others are created as fully functioning cars. There is one thing they all have in common though, they're not production vehicles. They may be the base for one in future years, but the concepts themselves are just that, concepts. Clue is in the name.

Concepts, by their very nature, are not going to have millions of fans. They're one-offs that nobody can buy, very few can even see in person, and for the real ones, a tiny number of people will drive them. They're almost always soon forgotten, because nobody has any attachment to them. Nobody owns them.

A VW Bus however? Millions of owners, fans clubs, drivers, history, etc. Might not be my cup of tea, but I'd far rather see that than another concept.
And yes, they have increased in percentage, again, great observation👍👍👍
Thank you, now you're perhaps starting to understand people's issue with them. Then again, probably not.
There is nothing to defend here, this is a freaking game and the makers of this game decided to put some cars in this they thought would be fun, get people in touch with something they wouldn’t otherwise, have a even more active role as a part of automobile culture and also create a better relationship to those manufacturers, as these cars are also some kind of marketing.
..and many people don't like them for the reasons mentioned, so they get frustrated when they keep getting added in the updates instead of ANY real production cars and race cars that have been raced for real. It's not a hard concept to grasp. Or at least I thought not.
So why are you thinking that I need to come up with some arguments to defend these against your arrogant nonsense?
You don't have to. But you keep trying in any of these VGT topics. You can't refute the majority of what I've said is why people don't like them because it's factually correct.

Who the hell cares these things aren't ReALiStiC and will NevER maKE iT inTo PrOdUCtIOn? It's a video game. It's cars designed specifically, exclusively for Gran Turismo, what's not to like here?
People who bought Gran Turismo in the first place because it was the first game to offer hundreds of real world cars to drive in a fairly realistic manner. It offered cars that people might own in real life, or that they desire to drive and own. Family cars, Kei cars, saloons, sports cars, all these real world cars were available to drive and it's one huge reason the game became so popular. Before then you had games full of fictional cars, or if they had real cars, they were in tiny numbers, 10-20 at most.

Look around you, how many focused racing games (ie not GTA, Wreckfest etc) are still out there with entirely fictional cars? Very few, because the developers know having real production cars is what most people want.

So what's not to like? That people have no affection, no connection to these concept cars. As above, they can't own them, they can't see them on the streets, they can't see them at all. The connection people have with cars can be very special, but they need to exist in the real world for that to form.
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Is there coming anything else or is that it?
Believe it or not, I have better things to do with my time than talking to a GT7 subforum regular about something where every previous time the topic has come up no matter how many people have attempted to discuss their issues with the program it has bounced off you like hitting a wall. I spent most of my weekend working on my actual car, in fact.

And about lecturing, if I know something somebody seem to get wrong, I correct it, simple as that.
And yet you refuse the same consideration to be applied to yourself.

And as it seems that here some loud people who are just interested in having a opinion, but don’t want to go the way of acquiring the needed knowledge for it, I will, again, correct them. You have a problem with this?
Yes, when the person doing the correcting is both heavily biased against the argument they are correcting and also sorely lacking when it comes to the knowledge required to do the correcting in the first place.

Or is this not the VinylRichie who blindly insisted that the VGT program cars have all had extensive real life development work from the car manufacturers before they even got to PD:
You do know that these cars get developed by the manufacturer, by actual designers, engineers etc. and not by PD? That is the biggest amount of work put into it, actually developing the car. Implementing it into the game won't be that of a problem considering these cars get developed fully digital and with the game in mind from the beginning on.
Even the ones "made" by companies that haven't existed for decades, the ones "made" by shoe manufacturers, the ones with impossible propulsion systems, and the ones that were never designed with the idea that they would ever actually be sat in by a human being (nevermind driven), apparently. You don't seem to know anything about the automotive industry beyond the marketing press releases PD force feeds you about how great the program they made is; and coattail riding off of Famine's posts in the thread won't hide that from anyone.

Why does it seem it’s personal to me, can you enlighten me?
This has also already been explained to you many times. You throw a hissy fit literally every time the topic is raised. You ignore people's reasoning for not liking the program. You mock people for trying to explain their points. You dismiss people attempting to respond to you in good faith as arrogant, as ignorant, as selfish, as infantile. The tone of every one of your posts on the topic whenever it comes up makes your intention as clear as day that someone taking a stance against VGT cars, even when it's as minor as "I wish they only included ones that were more realistic," is some sort of drooling invalid who you are only humoring by talking to.

If you want people to stop noting that you're taking a discussion about a marketing stunt in a videogame super personally, your best bet is to stop getting really angry at everyone who doesn't immediately and unilaterally acquiesce to your viewpoint on the matter every time someone tries to talk about it. Responding to them like they have a third arm coming out of their ass also doesn't help your case in that regard.

You act like this despite making assertions about the program and its implementation that are, quite frankly, staggering to understand with even minor critical thinking applied (like, "hmm, should the car that we are selling for millions of dollars per example be designed around a marketing tie-in for a videogame, or should we make something with the goal of selling it to the people who bought the Veyron"); but have so little self-reflection that you still insist that you are juiced-in to the automotive world and how cars come to be made. Even after an entire thread of discussion about the literal exact topic of Vision GT influence on real cars in response to a car that was alleged to be based off a Vision GT car, you still say stuff like this:
its about that the cars that come to the game trough VGT have influence, and that these cars are exclusive to the GT series. You don’t have to overestimate it, but there’s also no reason to underestimate it.
When there's possible influence in one car in the entirety of the program and that's questionable based on interviews from the company in question. When stuff like the Chiron would have had their designs locked in years before it was shown off as a production car. With basic knowledge of how the industry works in all but the most extreme circumstances you would have known that, even if you want to ignore the link that Samus provided in this thread that talks about how the design work was done in 2013. It's not nothing for the first view the public had of the car to be Gran Turismo, but it's not influence on the actual sold product.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you were asked several times for more than a single example of this supposed influence that you repeatedly insist across multiple threads that we should recognize as fact and you refused to provide any:
You said you are waiting for me to give you an additional example of a influential car from the VGT series. I never made an announcement to name another one or said that there’s more to it
I know you think that the people trying to disagree with the topic are morons, but I'm kind of shocked that you think some of those same people are so stupid that they'd completely forget a thread you wandered out of your GT7 echo chamber to post in from barely a month ago where you said all these same easily disprovable talking points with the same condescending attitude.

You can’t be that naive to ignore the influence it’s had on the cars being released
Yes, I too love the VW Golf VGT cars that are exaggerated versions of the contemporary Golf VII with none of the new design elements of the Golf VIII (which instead had a dedicated teaser concept shown off a couple months afterward).
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Who the hell cares these things aren't ReALiStiC and will NevER maKE iT inTo PrOdUCtIOn? It's a video game. It's cars designed specifically, exclusively for Gran Turismo, what's not to like here?
People who bought Gran Turismo in the first place because it was the first game to offer hundreds of real world cars to drive in a fairly realistic manner. It offered cars that people might own in real life, or that they desire to drive and own. Family cars, Kei cars, saloons, sports cars, all these real world cars were available to drive and it's one huge reason the game became so popular. Before then you had games full of fictional cars, or if they had real cars, they were in tiny numbers, 10-20 at most.

Look around you, how many focused racing games (ie not GTA, Wreckfest etc) are still out there with entirely fictional cars? Very few, because the developers know having real production cars is what most people want.

So what's not to like? That people have no affection, no connection to these concept cars. As above, they can't own them, they can't see them on the streets, they can't see them at all. The connection people have with cars can be very special, but they need to exist in the real world for that to form.
Thank you, I appreciate the explanation. I didn't realize but to an extent I share this attitude. I also wasn't aware it's this important to some fans, so I apologize for my ignorance.
Thank you, I appreciate the explanation. I didn't realize but to an extent I share this attitude. I also wasn't aware it's this important to some fans, so I apologize for my ignorance.
No need to apologise, nothing wrong with asking questions. Personally it's not exactly near the top of my list for issues, but it's something that has been going for 9 years now, so you can understand why people who never liked them aren't happy they still keep coming.

Also not something you asked but again for me personally, there are certainly VGTs I don't mind, more than others. Some are OK to drive and are believeable enough but I still hold the opinion that some of them have no place in Gran Turismo at all, primarily because they are completely impossible in the real world even as a concept. Namely the Chaparral and Tomahawk. They're both absurd.
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You're belittling tone throughout yet continuing to miss the point @Samus is making suggests so also.

Keep the personal digs out of it too, no one is arrogant for suggesting some people would prefer production cars over VGT's, it is likely to be factually correct that most people would prefer that, I'm not sure if there is already poll data on the matter.

At the same time, no one, including @Samus is suggesting everyone should dislike VGT cars. There is merely a discussion point over if time would be better served including non-concept cars instead.

Including X car instead of Y car has been a topic of disussion since the PS1 days, everyone is entitled to their own opinion including you and including @Samus.
Again, why does it have to be personal for me?
Your comment gives no good explanation unfortunately. If you hear a „tone“ out of it, than maybe this is just you interpret it into what I’m writing, ever thought of that.
Trust me, there’s no hate nor any other hard emotions. But if you need to believe that, then go on, I can’t stop you, right?
Believe it or not, I have better things to do with my time than talking to a GT7 subforum regular about something where every previous time the topic has come up no matter how many people have attempted to discuss their issues with the program it has bounced off you like hitting a wall. I spent most of my weekend working on my actual car, in fact.

And yet you refuse the same consideration to be applied to yourself.

Yes, when the person doing the correcting is both heavily biased against the argument they are correcting and also sorely lacking when it comes to the knowledge required to do the correcting in the first place.

Or is this not the VinylRichie who blindly insisted that the VGT program cars have all had extensive real life development work from the car manufacturers before they even got to PD:

Even the ones "made" by companies that haven't existed for decades, the ones "made" by shoe manufacturers, the ones with impossible propulsion systems, and the ones that were never designed with the idea that they would ever actually be sat in by a human being (nevermind driven), apparently. You don't seem to know anything about the automotive industry beyond the marketing press releases PD force feeds you about how great the program they made is; and coattail riding off of Famine's posts in the thread won't hide that from anyone.

This has also already been explained to you many times. You throw a hissy fit literally every time the topic is raised. You ignore people's reasoning for not liking the program. You mock people for trying to explain their points. You dismiss people attempting to respond to you in good faith as arrogant, as ignorant, as selfish, as infantile. The tone of every one of your posts on the topic whenever it comes up makes your intention as clear as day that someone taking a stance against VGT cars, even when it's as minor as "I wish they only included ones that were more realistic," is some sort of drooling invalid who you are only humoring by talking to.

If you want people to stop noting that you're taking a discussion about a marketing stunt in a videogame super personally, your best bet is to stop getting really angry at everyone who doesn't immediately and unilaterally acquiesce to your viewpoint on the matter every time someone tries to talk about it. Responding to them like they have a third arm coming out of their ass also doesn't help your case in that regard.

You act like this despite making assertions about the program and its implementation that are, quite frankly, staggering to understand with even minor critical thinking applied (like, "hmm, should the car that we are selling for millions of dollars per example be designed around a marketing tie-in for a videogame, or should we make something with the goal of selling it to the people who bought the Veyron"); but have so little self-reflection that you still insist that you are juiced-in to the automotive world and how cars come to be made. Even after an entire thread of discussion about the literal exact topic of Vision GT influence on real cars in response to a car that was alleged to be based off a Vision GT car, you still say stuff like this:

When there's possible influence in one car in the entirety of the program and that's questionable based on interviews from the company in question. When stuff like the Chiron would have had their designs locked in years before it was shown off as a production car. With basic knowledge of how the industry works in all but the most extreme circumstances you would have known that, even if you want to ignore the link that Samus provided in this thread that talks about how the design work was done in 2013. It's not nothing for the first view the public had of the car to be Gran Turismo, but it's not influence on the actual sold product.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you were asked several times for more than a single example of this supposed influence that you repeatedly insist across multiple threads that we should recognize as fact and you refused to provide any:

I know you think that the people trying to disagree with the topic are morons, but I'm kind of shocked that you think some of those same people are so stupid that they'd completely forget a thread you wandered out of your GT7 echo chamber to post in from barely a month ago where you said all these same easily disprovable talking points with the same condescending attitude.

Yes, I too love the VW Golf VGT cars that are exaggerated versions of the contemporary Golf VII with none of the new design elements of the Golf VIII (which instead had a dedicated teaser concept shown off a couple months afterward).
Funny guy.
But for next time, you can tell others with much less words that you don’t understand what this is about👍
Try again if you want.
Again, why does it have to be personal for me?
Your comment gives no good explanation unfortunately. If you hear a „tone“ out of it, than maybe this is just you interpret it into what I’m writing, ever thought of that.
Trust me, there’s no hate nor any other hard emotions. But if you need to believe that, then go on, I can’t stop you, right?
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Oh, so you want to talk about getting personal or what? Man grow up please
No personal insult in what I posted, none whatsoever. Unlike your calling other users arrogant, implying they are stupid or telling them to grow up.
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No personal insult in what I posted, none whatsoever. Unlike you calling other users arrogant, implying they are stupid or telling them to grow up.
And because you don’t sympathize with me, I must be lying regarding my sincereness?
Btw where’s the problem calling people arrogant who actually act arrogant?
And because you don’t sympathize with me, I must be lying regarding my sincereness?
Btw where’s the problem calling people arrogant who actually act arrogant?
All you're doing is attacking the person not the argument, and for all of your protesting that all the posters calling you out just aren't interpreting what you are writing, you aren't giving the same consideration to anyone else whom doesn't share your view. You're instead labeling them arrogant, saying they don't understand or telling them to grow up. And that's only in your last few posts.
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Dude seems to take personal offense to see that people aren't celebrating fake sci-fi cars.

Wonder if the Genesis will get a cockpit view or if PD just won't bother modelling it.
My main issue with VGT, is most of them are not cars. But concept race car.

And this is a big difference, like it or not.

I play GT to test drive, just changing the tires to Sport medium. Being doing this since GT1...

When I start test driving the VGT... it make non-sense.

I'm wrong on my previous comment, for sure, But it doesn't change the fact that a Ford GT90 concept cars, remains a car, a supercar

The Chapparal or the Tomahawk are not concept cars. By definition...

Cars are street legal, even as "concept car", There's not much difference between a Ford GT90 and a Ferrari F50 in terms of : it could be on the road.

As you have guessed, I'm from Switzerland and from Geneva. I actually saw most of the concept cars at the Geneva Car show.

I was really excited for VGT until the Chapparal, the Tomahawk and the Mazda LM55 who are all concept racing cars, not supercars.

BMW comes with a 500ps car and Dodge with a 1000ps car... doesn't make sense. Because there's no "here's a spec, you must build something around that" it's more, let's be creative and invent something that will not exist, ever.

VGT are like the fake cars of Ridge Racers. The "real driving simulator" is not about fantasy cars in my opinion. Especially for cars like the Chapparal, the Tomahawk etc...

Gran Turismo has made a lot of japanese cars become popular. Toyota Supra, Nissan Skyline. Even brands like TVR got more fame because of Gran Turismo.

The issue today, is marketing, like always. Just ask the general public about VGT... you'll see how they ignored.

Ask general public about Japanese 90's car and you'll see the difference.

There's no Lotus, 1 Jaguar regular car, 1 TVR... 3 Alfa Romeo. No Golf R, no Audi R8 V10 (old or new version), absolutely no swede cars. Not even a Lexus LFA

There's more cars in Forza Motorsport 4, then on GT7... One is from 10years ago.

So when we are getting 14 version of the Silvia and absolutely no Lotus. 5 version of the same VGT... 15 VGT from the same manufacturer... (doing the Marseille scale)

Yeah it's normal that ppl aren't happy. And I'm really sure some are happy, great for them.

I mean, I didn't even knew the Genesis brand before GT7... for what ? 3versions of the same car

A brand that will surely disappear and not be remembered in 10years. When today, the general public still remember Lotus

Having 3 cars per free DL creates these frustration. I used to pay 8eur for 10cars on Forza 4... and I was happy about it.

Anyway, I can conceive that ppl don't like my opinion and I'm sorry in advance for your quote and replying correcting me. But it wouldn't change anything about my opinion.

I would pay to have Lotus in GT7 but I wouldn't give a dime for a VGT
They can package this up in any way they want by calling it a "concept supercar" but fact is, it's a VGT. If it looks like a VGT, sounds like a VGT, etc.
They can package this up in any way they want by calling it a "concept supercar" but fact is, it's a VGT. If it looks like a VGT, sounds like a VGT, etc.
"They" haven't called it anything. In fact "they" won't even talk about talking about it, and I've had contact with Genesis UK, Genesis Europe, and Genesis USA on the subject. I only know enough right now to know an announcement will be coming, but I don't know when.

In the meantime, here's a car that looks like, sounds like, and is even called "Vision GT"...

... but isn't one.

And for reference, I also think that this Genesis will be a Vision GT, but in the absence of any official information I won't start telling people that it definitely is one in the corresponding news article. So "I" called it a supercar concept.
Fair enough, Famine 👍 But it's interesting how they won't even talk about it. Almost as if they're embarrassed about it. Don't blame them lol.
Regardless of whether the car wears the Vision GT badge or not, I'll be looking forward to trying it out. I still remember those days in November 2014 when the Chevrolet-Chaparral 2X was revealed and going absolutely off the walls hyped because Chaparral is a brand that I absolutely adore. It was very in-character for what Jim Hall set out to do to begin with, too.
Fair enough, Famine 👍 But it's interesting how they won't even talk about it. Almost as if they're embarrassed about it. Don't blame them lol.
Or they're just being quiet ahead of an official reveal.