Getting back IN jail, on purpose

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I think jail needs to be more unpleasent(I'm sure it's already very NOT fun) But look at this story.

Come on, he was looking to get arrested on purpose. Either he was starving or he just loved jail.
That's quite funny and also quite sad... there is such a thing as institutionalisation (Shawshank Redemption anyone? or a postdoctoral research position :sly: ) - almost like that scene in 'An Officer And A Gentleman' - "I got nowhere else to go!" It's a damning indictment of the support ex-convicts get when they leave jail that they'd prefer to go back in than put up with what they can hope to achieve outside jail... :ill:
Touring Mars
That's quite funny and also quite sad... there is such a thing as institutionalisation (Shawshank Redemption anyone? or a postdoctoral research position :sly: ) - almost like that scene in 'An Officer And A Gentleman' - "I got nowhere else to go!" It's a damning indictment of the support ex-convicts get when they leave jail that they'd prefer to go back in than put up with what they can hope to achieve outside jail... :ill:
Depending on how long he had been in or what his crime was I would say institutionalization is probably right. If he got used to that life or if he committed a crime that made people avoid him to a degree that it prevented him from returning to a "normal" life than he probably would rather be back in.

Of course, he could just be lazy and not want to work to pay for cable, a free gym, and food.
I know a guy who deliberately wen't back into jail, he lost his job and his flat and in the last 2 years he'd moved up 2 spaces on the council housing list, so he figured if he goes to jail as a homeless person he'll get food and a bed, and then when he's let out he'll get given a couple of hundered quid and his place on the housing list will be moved up more. He was right.
I know a guy who deliberately wen't back into jail, he lost his job and his flat and in the last 2 years he'd moved up 2 spaces on the council housing list, so he figured if he goes to jail as a homeless person he'll get food and a bed, and then when he's let out he'll get given a couple of hundered quid and his place on the housing list will be moved up more. He was right.

Dang, that's such incredible weakness. No personal responsibility, just leaching of the community. And what's worse, is that we encourage them to do it by the policies that we have.
I know a guy who deliberately wen't back into jail, he lost his job and his flat and in the last 2 years he'd moved up 2 spaces on the council housing list, so he figured if he goes to jail as a homeless person he'll get food and a bed, and then when he's let out he'll get given a couple of hundered quid and his place on the housing list will be moved up more. He was right.
Bloody hell. That's a bad one.

I suppose if you have nothing to look forward to it's not too bad an idea.