Give us better sounds - PLEASE !!

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Even if they radically change their audio content model, IMO it's still going to sound weird if it uses the same wonky physics to drive the content. I'm sorry but a car from 1966 should not have instantaneous shifts, and no amount of sampling or synthesizing will correctly address what is ultimately a physics problem. And all the really cool, interesting bits of sound that people find so interesting is what happens in the middle of a gear change. Take an awesome-sounding car like this:

and remove all the throttle blipping and offload gurgles and you're left with a cool tone, but no where near as engaging as with all the bits that happen in the shift. Same with this clip:

Listening to all that cool offload gargle... you get nothing like that with the way GT's audio physics work.
How do you explain that new cars in GT6 and updates later on have bad sounds, if they use a new and much better recording method?

Because they don't. 💡
The new recordings have not been processed into samples. Let that sink in for a second.

The new method we have yet to see the results of again? :rolleyes:
No offense :)
There is a highly exaggerated version of the new exhaust working on the Red Bull and Senna cars in GT6. But no, we've not seen the results of the full system working within "normal parameters" yet.
So, it's all iRacings fault for making a game that is actually some what good?

The opposite. It's their virtue as a game, that had and will continue to have a positive impact on the whole industry. That is good for us players, firstly because we can play iRacing and secondly it will benefit even GT-only players too, on the long run when that improvement makes it to the GT series, as the new industry standard set by iRacing.

The same goes for other games that have better sounds: that improvement ends up in all the industry striving to get better sounds -including GT- and we can play other games too that already have it, which is good.

And even though I have repeated this many times here, we are not forced to only play the GT series. Lets play what's best, whether in general or in a particular car series. Also if a game maker doesn't keep up with the times then tough luck for them, not for us players.
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I believe that the sound of the Audi A4 DTM would be suitable for the TS030 (edited a bit though)
The recent VGT trailers have had some interesting V8 sounds in them.

Obviously, these can't be in-game; superficially, they're too detailed. There's also gobs of intake sound, which is vital for this engine configuration's animalistic impression.

On the other hand, the gear changes are so very GT. The way the engine holds rpm perfectly, no fluttering or faltering, and what sounds like GT's rev-limiter (in a high gear), additionally, absolutely scream in-game. (All of this can be best heard towards the end of the Aston video).

My guess is this is the new sound method. Whether we hear that on PS3 remains to be seen, but signs are good for the future.
I think you would lose that wager with most racing drivers. They love the sound of the cars they drive just as much as anyone.
Certainly. I'm even one of them. But considering how they were driving those cars in the video, don't you think they may have been more than just a little preoccupied? I love the sound when I'm tooling around the paddock or other off-track areas, and listening can even be a preliminary diagnostic tool, but the point that I'm trying to make is that there's a point for me (and I can't believe for nobody else) that listening takes a backseat to seeing and feeling, and even then, listening to the engine and exhaust sounds themselves is only a very small part.
Now would I appreciate cars that sounded more (and in some cases, at all) like their real counterparts? I wouldn't just appreciate it, I actually want it like anyone else requesting it. However, I feel it's passable as is and would rather attention be focused on other things just as I am when driving.
Lastly, I never said anyone was wrong for clamoring for improvement in this area. I only said that I don't get it. I'm even willing to consider arguments contrary to my own as long as they are genuine arguments and not just 'gimme gimmes' or 'if you don't agree you shouldn't say anything' comments (cough cough @Vegard cough cough).
@Griffith500 - Occam's razor; placeholder recordings.

They're dubbings. In no way was I implying that those sounds were synced to the video and were recorded at the same time. Neither are they the "placeholders", since it sounds nothing like the game in its current state.

What I'm suggesting is that those sounds were recorded from the new method being driven by the in-game controls (rpm and throttle position, mainly). Try listening for the specific things I mention.

For you to just wade in wielding Occam's Razor like a kid who just found his Dad's gun is a little bit irritating when you ignore the points I'm actually making in favour of inventing an agenda for me.

Humorous, as we have a v6 and a v12

It's like pd think "oh let's just go somewhere in the middle for sound dub"

Humourous, yes, but actually irrelevant if this is supposed to be a hidden tease. Notice that the Nissan video linked to on the news page doesn't have the engine sounds at all.

This "sounds" promising, as "sound" as it is to have correct "sounds" it is a PS3 problem. The best sound ever will be when we hear GT7 start for the first time. Untill then, sounds are irrelevant to me because they are now finally obsolete even for PD. So question finally answered.
Now would I appreciate cars that sounded more (and in some cases, at all) like their real counterparts? I wouldn't just appreciate it, I actually want it like anyone else requesting it. However, I feel it's passable as is and would rather attention be focused on other things just as I am when driving.
If it were the case that working on sounds would take away the focus from other things, you might be right. The game has many areas that need reworking. However, sound guys work on sound, that's their specialty. They can work independently on sounds while the rest of the team does their stuff. There's no reason whatsoever to think that working on sounds would somehow detract from the rest of the game. If you know differently please share, from a logic standpoint I just don't see it.
If it were the case that working on sounds would take away the focus from other things, you might be right. The game has many areas that need reworking. However, sound guys work on sound, that's their specialty. They can work independently on sounds while the rest of the team does their stuff. There's no reason whatsoever to think that working on sounds would somehow detract from the rest of the game. If you know differently please share, from a logic standpoint I just don't see it.
I don't know different and I'll readily admit it, but I suspect sound guys get paid to work on sound just as guys who work on making driving dynamics more realistic get paid to make driving dynamics more realistic. If someone higher up the food chain decides that only one of those groups can or should get paid at any given time, I would prefer it be the latter. Of course it's also very possible that both groups are hard at work on GT7.
I don't know different and I'll readily admit it, but I suspect sound guys get paid to work on sound just as guys who work on making driving dynamics more realistic get paid to make driving dynamics more realistic. If someone higher up the food chain decides that only one of those groups can or should get paid at any given time, I would prefer it be the latter. Of course it's also very possible that both groups are hard at work on GT7.
That's a good point, budget could be an issue. Seeing as how GT is the most well funded driving/racing game in history with the smallest dev team of any AAA racing game, one would tend to think that having the funds necessary wouldn't be an issue.
That's a good point, budget could be an issue. Seeing as how GT is the most well funded driving/racing game in history with the smallest dev team of any AAA racing game, one would tend to think that having the funds necessary wouldn't be an issue.
Then it seems to be the funding goes to something else, goes to fixing things such as this but we haven't been told so all that can be done is speculate and/or complain about it (I've said it before; communication trumps speculation), or there simply is no desire to do anything about it.
They're dubbings. In no way was I implying that those sounds were synced to the video and were recorded at the same time. Neither are they the "placeholders", since it sounds nothing like the game in its current state.

What I'm suggesting is that those sounds were recorded from the new method being driven by the in-game controls (rpm and throttle position, mainly). Try listening for the specific things I mention.

For you to just wade in wielding Occam's Razor like a kid who just found his Dad's gun is a little bit irritating when you ignore the points I'm actually making in favour of inventing an agenda for me.
I'm sorry if you took that as a dig at you, that was not my intention.
I meant dubbed recordings.

After listening closer to both videos in their entirety, on a proper system, I'm starting to see, or rather hear your point.

As for inventing an agenda for you, I can't really see how I would manage that with my comment :confused:
I'm sorry if you took that as a dig at you, that was not my intention.
I meant dubbed recordings.

After listening closer to both videos in their entirety, on a proper system, I'm starting to see, or rather hear your point.

As for inventing an agenda for you, I can't really see how I would manage that with my comment :confused:
The whole Occam's Razor thing was just a bit flippant, implying you were venting fatigue at superficial "optimism". I suppose I shouldn't expect people to be aware of my own previous comments aimed at curbing such "optimism" in others, specifically in regard to dubbed trailers, but I hoped that people would do more than just gloss over my post, as I didn't take it lightly myself.

I'm thankful you took the time to listen again, though. :)👍

I fully respect that it's not conclusive of anything, and Kaz's comments today probably mean that PD will remain in tease-mode with the new sounds until GT7 is announced. Eurogamer have reported that improvements will come for GT6, but I can't see where Kaz actually said that.

I was just really surprised to hear a proper V8 sound, with intake, that also sounded like GT's (engine / drivetrain etc.) physics.
Just finding the audio in itself was difficult, then trying to fit the upshifts and downshifts took a lot of time (along with the fact that I didn't have my recording equipment working until now)
Whoa. I can't imagine how long that must have took. :scared: But it's great you've pull through. :D:tup:
I only just got around to watching it--I don't know if I was preoccupied with a conversation or I just didn't get what it actually was, but it's absolutely incredible. My hat's off to you for not only wanting to do that but accomplishing it.
I find it sad that some cars in GT3 sound better than they do now. For example

It's a different sound for GT6 but it's also richer sound with more going on than what's belting out of the tailpipe. I'd also like to note that different views were used and the gearbox isn't quite so noisy (to the point of drowning out even more engine noise) when the car is viewed from behind. Oh, and...I want that track!
It's a different sound for GT6 but it's also richer sound with more going on than what's belting out of the tailpipe. I'd also like to note that different views were used and the gearbox isn't quite so noisy (to the point of drowning out even more engine noise) when the car is viewed from behind. Oh, and...I want that track!

Yeah, I know it was different views, but you could still tell the difference in sound. GT3 didn't have that view and I couldn't find a good GT6 video with the same view as the GT3 video. If they had kept the sound from GT3 and just beefed it up some, the GT-One would be one of the better sounding cars in the game. And me too, I want all of the old tracks :(
Yeah, I know it was different views, but you could still tell the difference in sound. If they had kept the sound from GT3 and just beefed it up some, the GT-One would be one of the better sounding cars in the game. And me too, I want all of the old tracks :(
I absolutely could tell there was a difference regardless of the difference in view (which is why I said that before mentioning the view ;)) and while I don't know that I personally would consider it one of the best sounding in the game, I do feel it would be improved tremendously if the aforementioned combination were implemented.